If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Live Blogging President Trump’s Address on Border Issues w/Update

9:05 PM Trump says that their is a crisis on the southern border of the United States of illegal immigrants. Says that the Trump Administration has proposed to congress funding for extra immigration judges, processing of immigrants, and $5.7 Billion for a physical barrier at the border.

9:08 PM Trump states the border wall would pay for itself due to preventing the flow of illegal drugs and illegal immigrants entering the country. Trump claims that the wall will be a steel rather than a concrete wall as a concession to democrats. Trump has said nothing about how higher steel tariffs will effect the cost of building a steel wall. 

9:12 PM So far Trump has just been recycling the same old rhetoric of trying to pressure congress into building a border wall. Hasn’t worked so far. 

9:13 PM To our great surprise Trump only spoke for less than 10 minutes. But as IR expected the speech amounted to less than nothing. Democrats will not feel particularly interested in helping Trump, and wavering Republicans will not be reassured by Trumps ranting and raving.

UPDATE: As sour as it sits on IR’s tongue Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer D-NY & House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-CA both came off a little better in their response to Trump than Trump came off in his speech. Schumer clearly was attempting to rile President Trump by saying “the country cannot be run by twitter tantrums”. Wouldn’t be surprised if soon the Twitterer-In-Chief loses his cool and goes insane and lashes out again on Twitter. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

So Wrong But So Funny Thursday

In what might or might not become a new regular feature on the blog. We found something that is so wrong and yet so funny at the same time. President Donald Trump has been complaining that the new House Democratic majority launching investigations of him could amount to “Presidential Harassment”. Well we found this tweet which sums up our views of the House and Presidential Harassment:

If this is true given what is known of Trump’s private life he may stop complaining about what the House Democrats will do!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Rand Paul Betrays Liberty Republicans and Backs Trump

Senator Rand Paul RINO-Sellout KY

As much of a broken record as we are at this point. Truth compels is to once again admit that we are being put into a position that we never thought we would be in. Being that we find ourselves defending Senator-Elect Mitt Romney against our former ally Senator Rand “Traitor” Paul. We are referring to Senator Paul’s response to Senator Romney’s Washington Post Op-Ed  n which Romney said: "On balance, his (President Trump) conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions this month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office,".  We will delve into Mitt Romney’s Op-Ed in more detail in this and some other posts. For the moment we will keep discussing Senator Paul. We are goin on record here saying this is not a post that INDY REPUBLICAN writes lightly, nor are we in anyway permanently closing the door to the possibility our old friend Senator Paul can find his way back into our good graces. But we at IR are big believers in facing reality. And bottom line is since our Conservative/Libertarian principles are incompatible with supporting the Eastern Liberal Elitist President Donald Trump as the head of what to us should be the party of the individual, the party that promotes equality of opportunity, and the return to a coequal balance of power between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. By extension Rand Paul’s equating of Donald Trump’s governance with Reagan/Goldwater Republicanism. Shows that the good Doctor Paul has way wandered off the reservation. Our readers may recall a previous post in which we praised Senator Paul for his criticism of President Trump for wanting to continue the war in Afghanistan. We are proud of that post and stand by each and every word. That being said as long as Rand Paul continues to defend Trump we are forced to hold his feet to the fire.

Now let’s get to the heart of what has all of us at IR steaming at Rand Paul. According to TheHill in an article written today by John Bowden:

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took aim at his incoming Senate colleague Mitt Romney on Wednesday after the Utah senator-elect targeted President Trump in an op-ed criticizing the president's character.

In a tweet, the Kentucky senator accused Romney of attempting to display "how virtuous he is in comparison to the President," while calling him a "big government Republican" opposed to former President Reagan's ideals of limited federal power.

Below are Senator Paul and President Trump’s Twitter responses to Senator-Elect Romney’s article:

Senator Mitt Romney (R?-UT)

As much as we have criticized Romney in the past and wished he would just fade into the sunset. As he was right to oppose Roy Moore when Moore ran for the US Senate in Alabama. Romney is absolutely correct in calling out Trump as being ill-suited to being president. He is also correct in pointing out that Trump is right to push for lower taxes, and to oppose burdensome regulations. That the President’s alienating of long standing American allies, his pandering to communists dictators such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-Un, and his advocacy of higher and higher tariffs have only served to make America respected less, not admired more. We still have a healthy amount of skepticism towards Romney and are not saying we would grant him sainthood. We will say that he would make a far superior president than Trump. A low bar to clear yes, but much better than any socialist democrat that’s for sure. It will be interesting to see what other reactions there will be to Romney’s Op-Ed. We are especially curious to see how his niece the shrewish RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel will react to it. Something tells us we are glad we aren’t going to be going to the Romney house for the holidays!

Update: Guy Benson has his take over at Townhall on Mitt Romney’s opening salvo against Trump and also points out just how unpopular Trump is in Utah.

Monday, December 24, 2018

INDY REPUBLICAN Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas

We at IR have thoroughly enjoyed blogging these past two and a half years. We want all of you to enjoy yourselves and Have a very Merry Christmas. Here is Burl Ives to help us celebrate Christmas:

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Brett Baier Sings Rapper’s Delight w/The Sugarhill Gang

We are all looking forward to Christmas Eve tomorrow and we wanted to remind you that Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. So in that vein we wanted to share with you Bret Baier the host of Fox News Special Report’s rendition of that indelible ditty “Rapper’s Delight”. He not only sings it well and with a Christmas themed jacket. He also sings it on stage with The Sugarhill Gang themselves!

Here it is Brett Baier singing “Rapper’s Delight”:

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Green Acres Theme As Sung By Donald Trump

With all the serious news out today: Mattis’s resignation as Defense Secretary, and the New Hampshire And South Carolina GOP Bosses scheming to cancel the 2020 Presidential Primaries in their states, and a possible pullout of troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Before we comment on those topics after the holidays. We all felt that you all deserved to see something entertaining. Yes it’s true that INDY REPUBLICAN has been rough on President Trump. But he does have a great, great singing voice, it’s tremendous!!

One of our readers sent us this video of President Trump singing the theme to that great television classic “Green Acres”.

Now for your listening and viewing pleasure, the stable musical genius of President Donald J Trump!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Martha McSally Appointed To Fill John McCain’s Senate Seat

Senator Martha McSally R-Arizona 

We are pleased to report that Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has picked outgoing Congresswoman Martha McSally to fill the Senate seat of the late John McCain. Last month McSally narrowly lost her bid for the US Senate to the Uber-Liberal Kyrsten Sinema. We  have written about McSally before when she prevailed over the alt-right fringe in the Arizona Senate Primary.

The Hill reports that McSally’s will be up for re-election in 2020.

IR gives our congratulations to Arizona’s newest Senator. And kudos to Governor Ducey on a fine selection.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Welfare Queen's Scott Walker and Wisconsin GOP Ensuring Badger State Has A Blue Christmas

We know we promised some posts for last month on certain topics. But all of our schedules have been insane and it's taking longer than we thought. Thank you for your patience. Outgoing Wisconsin Governor RINO Scott Walker instead of exiting his office gracefully. Has decided that he and the rest of the "Trumpservatives" that makeup the Wisconsin GOP. Will instead decide to do everything they can to help the Democrats rebuild their "Blue Wall" in Wisconsin. They are doing so by attempting to undercut Governor-Elect Tony Evers before he takes office by having a lame-duck state legislative session pass laws to strip some power away from Evers.

The Atlantic's Russell Berman has the story:

The Wisconsin legislature could vote as soon as Tuesday (December 4th, 2018) to limit the ability of Tony Evers, the incoming Democratic governor, to run state agencies and intervene in litigation without approval from the Republican-controlled legislature. Evers defeated two-term incumbent Governor Scott Walker in a closely fought election last month, ending years of one-party rule in Wisconsin. The proposals under consideration would also strip power from the incoming Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul.

Evers vowed to fight the proposals, and Democrats were already raising the possibility of lawsuits challenging the legislation if it became law. “It clearly invalidates what the people of Wisconsin expected,” Evers, the state superintendent of schools, told reporters on Friday. “It is an embarrassment.”

Among the GOP proposals in Wisconsin is an attempt to slice early voting to just two weeks from as many as six. And Republicans would change the date of Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential primary in what Democrats said was an obvious attempt to lower turnout for a separate state-supreme-court election scheduled for the same day.

Robin Vos, the Republican speaker of the Assembly, defended the moves on a local radio show as ensuring “that each of the branches [of government has] an opportunity to negotiate at the table equally.” But he did not explain why GOP legislators did not feel a need to beef up their authority while Walker was in office, and he made clear that lawmakers wanted to prevent Evers from undermining state laws implementing voter-ID rules and work requirements for Medicaid. Vos acknowledged that the legislature should have acted earlier to move the presidential primary, but he said the change was not aimed at securing a conservative seat on the Supreme Court but rather at separating nonpartisan local elections from the all-consuming White House contest.

IR has heard only that if any of the lame duck bills become law that there will undoubtedly be legal challenges. There are several points that we would like to address regarding the issues in Wisconsin. We would like to start off by saying that there can and undoubtedly are good and sound reasons to limit some of the authority of the Governor's office in Wisconsin. IR, Paul Ogden and the late Gary Welsh have often argued that one of the biggest issues in Indiana is the fact that the Governor's Office here has far too much authority and it's power should be severely reduced. That being said if it is the correct course of action to limit Governor Elect Tony Evers authority in some areas. Than their is no reason that Scott Walker should have been given those powers that the Republican Legislators now seek to take away from the man who defeated him for re-election. As to why State Assembly Speaker Vos did not say why they allowed Walker to have this much power for so long. The answer is simply put Speaker Vos and his colleagues really do not give a damn about how much power the Governor of Wisconsin has unless it is someone they dislike.

We have discussed Walker's lack of loyalty to conservatism and limited government before.

This is just more partisan hackery that has become all too frequent in the age of Donald Trump. All we can say is that we hope being endless shills for Trumpism and Scott Walker pays well. Because these people's credibility along with their employment opportunities will be long gone in a few years!
Fortunately the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal reports there are some Wisconsin Republican's who do not share Scott Walker's stupidity.

Sheldon Lubar 

Meg Jones reporting on republican dissent in Wisconsin had this to say:

Sheldon Lubar has been a powerful and influential Republican in Wisconsin for decades, and a strong supporter of Gov. Scott Walker.
Until now.
In a sharply worded email sent to Walker over the lunch hour Tuesday, Lubar pointedly criticized the governor and asked him to consider what the governor's recently deceased father and Jesus Christ would say about his actions regarding legislative efforts to limit the powers of Gov.-elect Tony Evers and Attorney General-elect Josh Kaul.
With a subject line that said simply "Proposed Legislation Change," Lubar asked Walker to do the right thing and refuse to follow and support Republican legislative leaders.
"I am not proud to read in the Milwaukee newspapers and learn the conniving that Wisconsin Republicans, led by you and certain others, are planning," Lubar wrote.
Lubar, a prominent Milwaukee businessman and philanthropist, reminded Walker that he voted for him when Walker ran for Milwaukee County executive and three times for governor, including the recall attempt. But Lubar said he didn't vote for Walker in November.
"If you are asking why I changed, I must say I didn't, you did. You let your presidential political ambitions supersede your duties and obligations to the people of Wisconsin. This was too much for me."
Lubar pleaded with Walker not to destroy his reputation by siding with Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.
'What they are planning for the Republican Party of Wisconsin will malign its integrity and lead to its downfall. Worse, it will damage Wisconsin as it ignores the will of the majority of Wisconsin voters."
Lubar joined the Young Republicans his second year at the University of Wisconsin Law School and held appointed positions under Republican governors Warren Knowles, Lee Dreyfus, Tommy Thompson and Scott McCallum.
The founder and chairman of Lubar & Co., a private investment company in Milwaukee, Lubar was president of the University of Wisconsin System's Board of Regents, president of the Milwaukee Art Museum, trustee and acting chairman of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board and in 1991 served as co-chairman of the Governor's Conference on Small Business.
He also served as an appointee in Washington, D.C., under three presidents. Under President Richard Nixon, Lubar served as assistant secretary, housing production and mortgage credit in the Department of Housing and Urban Development; commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration; and director of the Federal National Mortgage Association, completing his service under President Gerald Ford.
President Jimmy Carter appointed him commissioner of the White House Conference on Small Business.
We are glad to hear that some Wisconsin republicans like Mister Lubar see reason and are willing to call out people like Scott Walker. Fortunately Mr. Lubar is not alone in calling out Walker.
Here are some other republicans takes on Scott Walker's nonsense:

Here is an interview of Wisconsin former conservative talk radio host, political pundit, and author of "How The Right Lost It's Mind" giving his views on the situation. Sykes is well worth listening to please try to ignore the slimeball Chris Matthews.

UPDATE: Indy Republican just found out some more information on the Wisconsin GOP's "power grab". Yesterday the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on what bills passed and in what form:

The updated bill (passed by the legislature) would until September give the Legislature control of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. board and allow the board to choose the leader of the agency, instead of the governor as is the case now. Republicans would initially have a majority of the board but after September control would be split evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

Evers has said he wants to dismantle the agency and Republicans said they hoped he would come to see its value over the next nine months, when Republicans have control of the board.

The original bill would have permanently eliminated Evers' ability to pick the CEO of the jobs agency.

Lawmakers also removed a measure that would have allowed the Legislature to replace incoming Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul with private attorneys picked by lawmakers at taxpayer expense. Other provisions remained that would allow lawmakers to intervene in lawsuits when state statutes are challenged and hire private attorneys when they are sued.

Sheldon Lubar, a Milwaukee businessman and philanthropist who has long backed Walker, released an email Tuesday he sent to Walker telling him he’d voted against him in the November election and believed the lame-duck legislation “will damage Wisconsin as it ignores the will of the majority of Wisconsin voters."

What is of interest to us is that the article also reports that the lame-duck session also may have cost the GOP passage of some of their most sought after legislation:

Casualties of the extraordinary session included a proposal to move the 2020 presidential primary election to benefit the election bid of a conservative Supreme Court justice.

The reason lawmakers were returning to Madison before January in the first place also didn't make it to the floor: a tax incentive package for Fox Valley paper maker Kimberly-Clark.

So after all this idiocy the GOP actually wound up losing more than if they had just simply waited for Evers to take office next month. Lets just hope for the sake of the nation and for all real republicans that this permanently ends Scott Walker's chances to become President.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

President Trump’s Unpopularity Sinking The Republican Party

Three weeks have now passed since the congressional midterms were held. We are going to give it to you straight we Republicans are in big trouble! It’s YUGE! We have lost 7 governorships, 393 state legislative seats and 7 state legislative chambers since 2017. Not to mention 40 U.S. House seats. Orange County, California once the bedrock of Republicanism on the West Coast is now trending Democratic. The GOP went from having all 4 congressional seats that were part of Orange County to having none after this election. Orange County voted for the Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2016. The first time in 80 years the GOP’s Presidential nominee lost Orange County. Here in Indiana we lost our first state senate seat in 20 years as well as 3 state house seats. Our friend Paul Ogden has more on the results here in Indiana over at his blog today. 

Gallup has President Trump’s disapproval rating at 60%. The President has yet to have his approval rating climb into the 50 percentage range or higher even once in his almost two years in office. All over the country the GOP has lost ground in the suburbs. Not just in the suburbs of Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. But we lost seats in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Kansas and we even lost a congressional seats in Oklahoma and Mia Love’s seat in Utah. Utah by the way is so hostile to Democrats that Hillary Clinton almost came in third to Evan McMullin in 2016. To assert as many of our fellow Republicans do that Trump was not a factor in this is at best willful blindness and at worst being delusional. 

The President did nothing to discourage misconceptions about why so many House Republicans lost. 

Morning after the midterms Trump proceeded to chide by name republicans who lost by saying they didn’t embrace him enough.  Basically Trump was in essence saying: “Those idiots, If only they had listened to ME! They didn’t build the wall fast enough!” This should lay to rest any doubts as to whether or not Trump can learn from his mistakes. If there is to be any chance of us avoiding a long stay in the political wilderness the party must run someone other than Donald Trump in 2020. There is no chance at all that Trump will become more Presidential or that Mike Pence will get a spine. Trump and Pence cannot and are not worthy of being saved. The only thing to be down is to go tell Donald Trump and his toady Mike Pence to go f__k themselves. It’s time to return to the ideals of the greatest republicans past and present, current and former, living and dead, Pro and Anti-Trump. Men and women like: Abe Lincoln, Chester Arthur, Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Margret Chase Smith, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Charles Percy, Susan B. Anthony, Mia Love, Gary Welsh, Paul Ogden, Charlie White, Rex Early, Christine Scales, Susan Wright, Fredrick Douglas, Charlie Sykes, Sarah Rumpf, Nikki Haley and many others.

For a more in depth look at Donald Trump’s approval rating and the impact on republicans checkout the video below:

UPDATE: Just found this discussion on the midterms and the 2020 elections: