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Showing posts with label Scientology and the Aftermath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientology and the Aftermath. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Former Scientology Top Executive Mike Rinder’s Memoir “A Billion Years” Slated for September Release

Mike Rinder, Cult Whistleblower, Author, Activist and Destroyer of Cults

Earlier this week we were extraordinarily pleased to find out that former Church of Scientology spokesman, podcaster and writer Mike Rinder’s book “A Billion Years” will be coming out in September. It will be available for Kindle, in Hardcover and in audiobook format, narrated by Mike himself. As survivors of dealing with the cultic world that is Hoosier politics we find a lot of creepy similarities to Scientology and the culture of the political elites in both parties here in Indiana. By that we are not saying that our experiences are anywhere as horrific as Mike’s, but the suppression of independent thought, the bureaucracy from hell mentality, and a belief that the group leaders are above the law, is much the same in both Scientology and the political class here in Indiana. 

For anyone wishing to understand the dynamics of high control groups please checkout Mike Rinder’s blog here, also checkout his and Leah Remini’s podcast “Scientology Fair Game Podcast”. Looking forward to the book Mike! And thanks again to you and Leah for picking one of our questions to answer on the podcast! Your reactions to it were priceless!