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Showing posts with label Ukraine Scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine Scandal. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Continued Dive Into Madness

We can remember how not long ago we once were great admirers of former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. His leadership during September 11th, 2001 and his refusal to be railroaded by others was admirable. But due either to hitting the bottle too often, or having an unknown head injury for which he refused to seek treatment for. Rudy Giuliani has forever tarnished his name and will be remembered among the ranks of the dishonored. His role in the whole Ukraine incident and his being a slavish follower of the Democrat plant Donald Trump are beneath contempt. Chris Cillizza has a little video that breaks down Giuliani’s decline: