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Showing posts with label Ed Sullivan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Sullivan. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

It’s Not Unusual, Tom Jones turns 81

Good Morning Fellow Babies!

Sir Tom Jones

IR and the gang hope you are all doing well today, and remember if you overslept for work, don’t go in! Because you are already late! 

A few days ago one of our favorite singers Sir Tom Jones turned 81 years old. Tom is well known for his television show from the 1960’s and for appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show. He will always be known for some of his greatest hits “She’s a Lady”, “Green, Green Grass of Home”, the theme to the classics James Bond film “Thunderball” and the unforgettable “It’s Not Unusual”. He has also appeared in films including the criminally underrated 1996 comedy “Mars Attacks”. We thought we would share with all of you some sampling’s of Tom’s to help brighten your day!

Take it away Sir Tom!

It’s Not Unusual:

Tom Jones cover of Kung Fu Fighting:

Tom in Mars Attacks:

Green Green Grass of Home:

She’s a Lady:

Theme to James Bond “Thunderball”: