If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

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Friday, October 12, 2018

This Months Upcoming Posts

Just wanted to say that we here at IR appreciate and value all of our readers. We wanted to give you an idea of some upcoming columns this month. We have received some information from some of our sources and we are hoping to follow up on them. And if there is enough meat on the bone to publish it. INDY REPUBLICAN looks into what we all can. But we are not paid for blogging, we don’t have suponea powers, and we all work full time jobs. So we do what we can. Anyway as promised some upcoming stories for this month:

Brian Bosma’s woman troubles

Mitch Daniels attempts to stay relevant 

State Employee Whistleblowing and hopefully much more.

Once again thanks for your continued support and we will be posting more soon.

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