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Showing posts with label In Living Color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Living Color. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Now here’s how a Super Bowl Halftime Show should be done

Considering how disappointing most of our friends are n tonight’s Super Bowl Halftime Show. It made us all nostalgic for an amazing Halftime show from the early 1990’s. The very talented Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier’s “Men On Football” skit from “In Living Color”, is a true classic. We loved Blaine and Antoines reviews of books, art and movies. We really wish they had done a “Men On Video Games”. We can just imagine there review of that pc game classic “The Oregon Trail”. Seriously this is a game about men, prancing through the wilderness. Back when our country was open to exploration. But enough about that here’s Blaine and Antoines “Men On Football”: