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Showing posts with label Johnny Fever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johnny Fever. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2022

Goodbye, Doctor Johnny Fever

Howard Hessman, AKA Doctor Johnny Fever 1940-2022

Good Morning, fellow babies! This is your lovable gadfly blogger Indy Republican coming at you with some sad news today.  We received word yesterday that Howard Hessman, the actor best known for playing Johnny Fever on “WKRP In Cincinnati”, passed away at age 81 after a battle with cancer.

All of us here grew up watching “WKRP In Cincinnati”, and we were always very entertained by Mister Hessman’s humor and talent. In some ways we have tried to borrow a little bit from his portrayal of Johnny Fever, hence us sometimes opening with the line fellow babies. We will all miss Howard’s humor. We felt there is no better way to pay tribute to this good man than to show a video of his first performance as Johnny Fever.

So sit back, and let Howard Hessman soothe your soul: