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Showing posts with label Nepotism Hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nepotism Hiring. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mike Pence Made a Deal with the Devil, and the Devil Won

Earlier today our good friend that lovable gadfly Paul Ogden wrote a great, great post about how Indianapolis gambled taxpayers money on the past and we all got hosed. By a remarkable coincidence this post spurned us on to right about another exercise in gambling stupidity. As our readers are well aware INDY REPUBLICAN like the late great Gary Welsh, loathes and despises the milquetoast, obsequious, toady that is Vice President Mike Pence. Unlike some in the Never Trump band of conservatives and republicans, we are as much Never Pence as we are Never Trump. Whether it’s old Mikey being less than honest on his voter registration, using his political pull to get his less than qualified nephew John Pence a cushy political job, or putting on his best imitation of a Christian. Vice President Mike Pence has never failed to exceed our already low expectations of his worthless butt.

Back on April 15th, 2020 Adam Wren a writer for Politico and Indianapolis Monthly wrote “Four Years Ago, Mike Pence Hated Presidential Overeach”. When recounts how Mike Pence looked uncomfortable at President Trump’s April 13th, 2020, when the President said that his authority was “total”. 

Wren reports Pence’s response to his master Trump’s proclamation of supreme power. According to Wren, Pence said: 

“Make no mistake about it,” a stone-faced Pence replied. “In the long history of this country, the authority of this country, the authority of the president of the United States during national emergencies is unquestionably plenary.”

There’s a governor who spent his time in office arguing exactly the opposite: that the states had the right to refuse Washington’s dictates, that state autonomy was a constitutional bulwark against overarching presidential power. His name was Mike Pence.

Wren makes reference to a 2011 Washington Times Op-Ed then Congressman Mike Pence wrote, defending states against the overeach of federal power. Here are a few excerpts from that op-ed, back when Pence still pretended to be a conservative:

 To ensure a lasting victory for limited government, it will not be enough simply to cut government spending. We must permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government by restoring to the states and the people those responsibilities and resources that are rightfully theirs under the Constitution of the United States.”

“In 1982, Mr. Reagan came to Indiana to address the issue of federalism before a joint session of our state General Assembly. He used that Hoosier setting as a backdrop to announce a new presidential commission on federalism, which he called the “new phase” of the “great American experiment.” As a start, he offered to return 40 federal programs and the revenues associated with them back to the states. The commission and its work fell flat, but Mr. Reagan was right 30 years ago, and he is more right today.

Sounds light years away from his role serving in and defending an administration that has worked to undermine Congress’s oversight of the federal governmentpushed for taxpayer bailout of private businesses, and has sought to bailout American farmers after his insane tariffs have damaged them. While we believe that it is true that Pence sold his soul to Trump in the hopes of becoming president. We happen to believe that his so called Christian faith, and belief in limited government have long been a fraud that Pence has peddled in his quest for significance. In congress Pence never passed anything of any importance. It’s true he now and then pretended to support government whistleblowers. But as a congressman, governor, and now Vice President he has done less than nothing to protect whistleblowers. 

Some have attempted to defend Pence by saying he has pushed behind the scenes to reign in Trump, or that he has no choice but to obey Trump. Our response to this is “Bullshit”! The belief that Pence has tried in ANY way at all to undermine Trump, is as flimsy as the evidence for Scientology’s belief in invisible space aliens infesting our bodies. Or in other words there is NO proof of either, because like Scientology’s body thetans, the legend of Pence having a spine is a complete fabrication. As to the argument that Pence has to do as he is told by Trump. Let’s quote from the Constitution that Pence swore on a Bible to uphold:

Article I, Section III, Clause I: The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

That is pretty much all the Constitution says about the Vice President. He cannot be fired by Trump. At the very least he could take stands against the President when he oversteps his bounds. Sure Trump would rage tweet at him, and he may not get elected to another office. But he will get a government pension, and any TRUE Christian would stand against the blasphemies uttered by the mouth of Donald Trump. 

For a more in depth view of Pence selling his soul, checkout yesterday’s episode of Joe Walsh’s podcast “Fuck Silence”:

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Did Mike Pence engage in Nepotism to give his Nephew a Cushy Political Job?

Mike Pence and Donald Trump

On Friday February 23rd, 2018 CNBC's Christina Wilkie reported that the Republican National Committee (RNC) had since September 2017 been paying tens of thousands of dollars in rent for office space in Trump Towers in New York. In addition several thousand dollars has been being paid to John Pence the nephew  of Vice President and former Indiana Governor Mike Pence. The money from the RNC is being used to pay for office space for use for President Trump's reelection campaign. Of which John Pence is the campaign's deputy executive director. 

Christian Willkie reports:

Campaign finance experts who spoke to CNBC said this type of spending by a party committee on behalf of a campaign is highly unusual but legal, and it appears the RNC disclosed it correctly.

"This is permissible and it's being reported properly, but why they are doing it is a mystery," said Brendan Fischer, senior counsel for the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center. "One would think the RNC could be spending their money more effectively right now on the 2018 campaign, rather than spending it to pay Trump's rent."

So far, the party has spent more than $290,000 to cover the Trump campaign's expenses since September, the first month it paid the Trump Tower rent or Pence's salary. Before then, both expenses had been paid directly by the Trump campaign.

John Pence had begun receiving a paycheck from the RNC on Sept. 15, 2017.

Pence's salary was $12,000 a month at the Trump campaign, and the RNC appears to be paying him the same or nearly the same amount, judging from the state and federal payroll taxes withheld.

Ms. Wilkie's article does go onto to question the wisdom of the RNC spending so much money on the next presidential race in 2020 rather than devoting resources to this years midterm races. We recommend that everyone out in cyberspace reads her article here. But our concern is mostly on why is John Pence so valuable to be paid a $12,000 a month salary? The only reason he seems to have been hired is because he is related to Milquetoast Mike Pence. 

John Pence

Ballotpedia gives the following background information on John Pence here:

John Pence graduated from the College of William and Mary in 2011. Attended Indiana University School of Law graduated in 2015. Worked as an extern at the U.S. Justice Department on Criminal and Civil Matters. Worked as an associate at Ice Miller in Indiana from 2015 to 2016. 

At only 28 years of age John Pence is a tad young and inexperienced to be given such a high level position on a presidential campaign.

We did find one other item of interest regarding John Pence. In a Washington Post article from February 7th, 2018 Emily Heil did report that John Pence is currently dating Giovanna Coia who is a cousin of Kellyanne Conway a senior advisor and spokesman spokeswoman for President Donald Trump. 

Ms. Coia might actually be a good match for John Pence seeing as they are both trading on their family connections to enhance their own standing. Not only does the swamp need to be drained in Washington, D.C. It looks like the political classes gene pools could use a filter.

John Pence and Giovanna Coia

Here is a money saving suggestion for the RNC from Bill Kristol: