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Showing posts with label Popper King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Popper King. Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2017

InfoWars Head Alex Jones claims Hollywood Elites Grabbed him by the Pu$$y!

Alex Jones

By now it is fair to assume that most of our readers are aware of the sexual harassment scandal surrounding Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein. Click here for more background on Weinstein's fall from grace. Alex Jones everyone's favorite nut-job of InfoWars infamy has come forward claiming that he has been sexually harassed by Hollywood insiders.

Susan Wright over at Redstate.com has the story:

InfoWars host Alex Jones jumped the Weinstein bandwagon Friday:
“I’ve had Hollywood producers grab me by the genitals, twice, and I’ve had them pat me on the butt many other times, and that’s why, one reason, I don’t go out there,” Mr. Jones said near the start of Friday’s edition of his popular internet and radio program.
“I was just thinking about it — I had suppressed it, I had repressed it — one other Hollywood producer, three of them, grabbed my genitals,” Mr. Jones said several minutes later.

The Weinstein thing has been going on for over a week. Jones has been talking about it, without making a single reference to his own experiences, but suddenly, he’s got a vivid memory and exact detail.
“Going after the women is only secondary and only to humiliate them. It’s really about men dominating other men, and it’s not even for the gay sex. It’s an act of domination,” Mr. Jones said during Friday’s broadcast.
“I guess it’s just something they do – they really will grab you and really not kind of hurt you, but squeeze you. I guess just to see what you’re going to do,” Mr. Jones said. “It was like a weird handshake ritual of dominance to see what I’d do.”

So knowing all of this, what did you do? Who was responsible? Name names and put those scumbags on the ropes.
Jones didn’t name names.

IR has to share Susan Wright's skepticism of Alex Jones claim of having been molested by Hollywood moguls. His refusal to name the people he alleges to have harmed him diminishes his already non-existent credibility. The cowardly behavior exhibited by Alex Jones stands in stark contrast to the late great Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana fame. Indy Republican admits that yes Gary was an fan of InfoWars and believed in our opinions far more than he should have in conspiracy theories. Gary was only trying to get at the truth and help insure justice was done. Also Gary openly called out powerful people that he knew or thought he knew engaged in molesting others. The staff here recalls with great admiration. Gary Welsh's articles exposing Indiana Democratic fundraiser Joe "The Popper King" Miller for his role in contributing to the death of many members of his own gay community by his manufacturing of poppers. As well as calling out Miller on the fact that he had been charged in the late 1970's with molesting two teenage boys in Johnson County, Indiana.

It is one of the greatest sins of our time that a man like Gary Welsh who did fight against sexual violence against men and women felt compelled to end his life. While a, and we use the term loosely here a "man" like the vile creep Alex Jones is out there peddling his garbage. Alex Jones days are numbered though. More and more. His insanity is being called out by great men and women at publications like Redstate, National Review, Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, Brian Dunning's Skeptoid.com, and the Weekly Standard.

We will leave you with a video that we believe portrays what really runs through Alex Jones's brain: