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Showing posts with label Capital Hill Insurrection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capital Hill Insurrection. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2021

Happy 2021! Listen to these great tunes to perk you up!

Good Morning Fellow Freedom Fighters! Sorry we have been on hiatus for a month, but it has been insane these past four weeks, what with the Sedition Caucus in the House and Senate attempting to steal the presidential election for Donald Trump, the crazy Qanon Shaman marching through the Congressional Chambers, the Democrats winning control of the US Senate, and the month is only half over! 

Before we start taking a deep dive into state, local and national issues again. We thought a little musics would be in order! We have picked some songs for you all to relax too and to help lift us all up! Enjoy my children!

For The Longest Time Quarantine Edition:

For The Longest Time by Billy Joel (Original Version):

If You Wanna be Happy for the Rest of Your Life:

Come on Vaccine (Parody of Come on Eileen):

Come on Eileen: