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Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Surprise Reveal for 2024

     We are as always eternally grateful to all of our readers. Your support and encouragement these last seven years means the world to us and we look forward to many decades of writing and activism yet to come!

     You have known us mostly as Indy Republican or IR. And we love and will keep these designations. The time has come however to give our selves a more convenient name to be known by. We are now also known as Darius Kingsley. The time has come to tell you all more why we have taken it upon ourselves to be activists, agitators, and crusaders. We have shared some details of our general political and religious worldviews before and refer you to them herehere, and here. Now, we would like to share more about the people behind this blog. All of us here are proud, loyal and patriotic Americans. We all have family traditions stretching back many centuries of service to the ideals of these United States. Whether we have been in the USA since Jamestown, or if we are the first of our families to be born on American soil, we all have deep roots in promoting the ideals of America.

     Most of us currently writing for this blog came of age during the time of Reagan. And we have watched in disgust as today’s faux conservatives and republicans have gone from Reagan’s “Macho Men” to the weak willed wussies like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon. We also have had our stomachs turned at the Pro Sovietization of the historically anti-communist GOP. With its gushing over former KGB officer Vladimir Putin, and with Trump’s ass kissing of communist dictators Xi Jinping and North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Also the abandonment of strong opposition to terrorism has been replaced with Trumpian moral relativism and praising the Taliban as “Great Fighters”.

     Many of our ancestors fought and in many cases died to defend the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. We will not allow the great sacrifice of our noble ancestors. In short we are determined to restore more sanity, rationality and honesty to American life. The task is sometimes daunting but it is rewarding. Seeing the small sparks and holy light of freedom and reason come into people’s lives is truly a wonderful sight, and a gift from God. We, Darius Kingsley promise to elaborate more on the problems that face us traditional conservatives and also the process by which we will defeat extremism and restore more common sense to this great land. Also we seek to offer sanctuary to political and religious refugees in these upside down times. Think of us as “Motel 6 Christian’s and “Motel 6 Republicans”, we are here to leave the light on and to make it brighter.
     We hope that you will join us in our holy cause. If you wish to contact us there is a contact form on the desktop version of this blog, you can email us at 6vwts@notsharingmy.info, or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX. Have a Happy New Year, and God Bless You All!