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Showing posts with label Police Body Cam’s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Body Cam’s. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

President Biden Strengthening Freedom & Safety By Requiring Federal Law Enforcement Officers to Wear Body Cameras

President Joe Biden 

Although we wrote in a vote for president in 2020, and we have criticized President Biden on occasion, he has done something’s well. Examples include passing infrastructure, standing up to Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin, and helping to rebuild and expand NATO. Today Biden adds another positive accomplishment to his list. 

All federal law enforcement will soon have to wear body cameras under an executive order President Biden is set to sign on Wednesday, which has won the support of the group representing those personnel. 

The order will also require the creation of a database of officer misconduct to which every federal law enforcement agency will contribute and that agencies must then use as part of their screening process for vetting personnel. State and local entities will also be able to use and contribute to the database, which will also include federal officers’ commendations and awards. The Justice Department will maintain the database and make aggregate data available to the public. 

We think that having a database to log federal law enforcement misconduct, and to strengthen screening of officers is a good idea and is long overdue. We are in desperate need of tamping down on police misconduct. We do favor strengthening background checks for gun purchases, as well as laws barring violent offenders from being able to legally purchase firearms. Hopefully those issues will be addressed soon. Take care of yourselves, and do what you can to defuse rather than escalate tension.