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Showing posts with label Phil Scot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Scot. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2020

Vermont Governor Phil Scott and Indy Republican Endorse Trump Primary Challenger Bill Weld

Governor Bill Weld Republican Challenger to President Trump 

Hope you all had a good President’s Day Friends! IR heard over the weekend that Vermont Gov. Phil Scott (R), has endorsed Trump primary challenger former Massachusetts Governor and 2016 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee Bill Weld for President ahead of Vermont’s GOP Presidential Primary.

Tal Axelrod over at The Hill reported the story on February 15th, 2020. Axelrod reported the following:

"I've met with him (Bill Weld) before. I think a lot of him and his platform, so I would be supporting him," Scott said of Weld, a long-shot Republican presidential candidate, at a press conference Saturday.

The endorsement comes less than three weeks before the March 3 primary in Vermont, where 16 pledged delegates will be at stake.

Scott, a vocal moderate who has expressed concerns with Trump's rhetoric and conduct in office, signaled last year that he could endorse someone other than Trump.

Governor Scott’s endorsement did not go unnoticed by Governor Weld. Weld had this message for Scott on Twitter:

We earlier endorsed former Congressman Joe Walsh for President. We are proud of the effort that Congressman Walsh put forward and we are sad that he dropped out after Iowa. That being said yes we disagree with Weld on abortion. But on most of the important issues Weld is right on target. He is far better a choice than Trump or any other socialist democrat running for president. Weld is a long shot, but he is a shot worth taking. History will think highly of Weld, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes, Joe Walsh, Paul Ogden, Gary Welsh, Charlie White and hopefully the Indy Republican posse will get some recognition as well. We encourage all our readers to donate to, support and vote for Bill Weld for President. Here’s his website for more information: https://weld2020.org/

Also here’s a little something to show you what Weld is all about: 

Vote for a Real Republican! Vote for Bill Weld and reject the false gospel of Trumpism!