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Showing posts with label Heroism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget September 11th! UPDATE

IR and Company are old enough to remember the tragedy of September 11th, 2001. That morning seventeen years ago is forever etched in our memories. The loss of so many lives that day still weighs heavily on our hearts. It is one of the key reasons we have this blog. Like our late great benefactor and fellow patriot Gary Welsh, and our fellow patriots Charlie White, Paul Ogden, Ben Sasse, and many others. We have dedicated ourselves to “the great task remaining” to bind up the nations wounds as the great Lincoln said. We owe it to our fellow Americans both living and dead to speak truth to power. We candidly confess to speak out  on some subjects can often be dangerous. But the fact that it is so dangerous is why We The People of the United States must speak out and confront evil in all it’s forms. We must continue to work at being “a shining city on a hill”. Our Fellow Americans we leave you now with this beautiful rendition of “The Battle Hymn of The Republic”:

UPDATE: Earlier today President Trump gave a speech in Pennsylvania honoring the victims on Flight 93. Here is President Trump’s speech: