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Showing posts with label General Assembly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Assembly. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Holcomb to Call Special Session

Around noon today Governor Eric Holcomb stated that he will call the Indiana General Assembly into a special session sometime in May.

Holcomb listed the following five areas he would like lawmakers to focus on:

  1. Increase funding for the Indiana Secured School Fund by $5 million in 2018 and 2019.
  2. Allow school corps to obtain funding advances for school security equipment and capital purchases.
  3. Provide Muncie Community School Corporation with one-time $12 million loan from Common School Fund.
  4. Conform with federal tax reform changes.
  5. Comply with IRS rules to protect federal taxpayer information and assure access to federal tax data.
According to our sources the session can last as little as one day but no longer than 40 days. Rob Kendall over at WIBC had this to say about the whole situation:

Spot on again Rob! No mention of DCS at all. Perhaps Governor Holcomb doesn’t feel that’s important. We will watch and see what happens.