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Showing posts with label New Hampshire Primary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Hampshire Primary. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Indy Republican’s New Hampshire Primary Preview

In less than forty five minutes the final polls will close in the Granite State. Tonight former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley squares off against former President Donald Trump. Trump is widely expected to win the primary tonight however in New Hampshire turnout has been reaching record highs, to the extent that the New Hampshire Secretary of State has had to issue extra paper ballots. 

MSNBC’s political reporter Steve Kornacki posted this map showing what numbers Nikki Haley would need to hit to make the primary competitive:

So far with only 2% in Haley is hitting her targets in several cities. Trump doing well in Laconia so far. The only prediction we feel comfortable making is that this primary will not be a blowout win for whoever winds up the winner tonight. We will try to post more tonight and hopefully have the results posted sometime tomorrow or the next few days. 
This is Darius saying we will be back later and we wish you all a good evening.