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Showing posts with label Paul Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Ryan. Show all posts

Friday, December 8, 2017

Paul Nehlen gets his panties in a bunch and tells a critic to commit suicide

Paul Nehlen curious to know what he defines as being nice to people

Last fall Paul Nehlen challenged sitting U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan R-WI in the republican congressional primary and lost by almost 70 points. A large part of the reason why Nehlen lost to a panty waist like Ryan. Might be because of his propensity to pull childish stunts like challenging his opponent to an arm-wrestling match.

Nehlen apparently cannot take criticism so he decided to engage in this useless tirade with journalist and real republican John Podhoretz on Twitter:

Here are Podhoretz's replies to Nehlen:

Even by the rather low opinion IR holds of politicians Paul Nehlen has managed to reach an all time low. I anybody out there would like to send a message to Mr. Nehlen he can be reached via Twitter at https://twitter.com/pnehlen.

INDY REPUBLICAN would like to send this song to Paul Nehlen and see if he wants to take it's advice: