If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

President Trump To Meet with Whales and Dolphins

This edition of Thursday Funnies is brought to us once again by President Trump. As he is prone to doing the Twitterer-In-Chief forgot to spell check before he tweeted out a message on international diplomacy.

In bragging about his frequent visits with foreign dignitaries. The President said that he has met with the Queen of England and the Prince of Whales recently. Of course he should have said Prince of Wales. That is unless the president did indeed meet with an undersea monarch and just decided to reveal that aquatic life has adopted a feudal system of governance.

To break down for us in his own inimitable way here is Bill Kristol:

This is one instance in which we wish that President Trump had actually made some earth shattering discovery about other intelligent life on this planet. But alas we have to accept that Trump is just blowing off his mouth again.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Charlie Sykes And George Will Explain Why Conservatives Must Oppose Trumpism

A little while ago George Will and Charlie Sykes we’re interviewed by Chuck Todd on MSNBC. Messrs Sykes and Will both gave their reasons as to why conservatives MUST oppose Trumpism and the GOP AKA Gutless On Principle Party as David Leach has called them. We find the case as laid out by both men to be compelling. We also are impressed with George Will’s comparing much of the modern GOP as being on a similar level as the Communist Party USA of the 1930’s. We have discussed previously on this blog the Sovietization and growth of Communism in the Republican Party.

About the only difference between us and Will and Sykes is that we all here are republicans, and we will stay republicans until the last Trumpist saboteur is either drummed of the GOP, repents and embraces the limited government conservatism of Goldwater, Reagan and Buckley, or gives up. So to our detractors in the GOP. We are just getting started. We were here before many sellouts were gyrations in their dad’s pants, and we will be here in the GOP long after many of them have gone onto that “MAGA Palace in the Sky” as GOP Strategist and Hollywood Producer/Screenwriter Mike Murphy would say.

Below for your viewing pleasure George Will and Charlie Sykes going after Donald Trump:

Monday, May 27, 2019

Happy Memorial Day!

We just wanted to say Happy Memorial Day to you all. We hope you are all as thankful for the men and women who have given their lives to protect the freedoms we all hold dear. Both in our Armed Forces and in civilian life. To Gary Welsh and to all who have fought for our freedoms in the Hoosier State. We Salute You!

Here’s some music to get you all in a patriotic mood. Happy Memorial Day and God Bless You All!

And from Johnny Cash:

Sunday, May 5, 2019

WTTV Interview w/Fred Glynn

Sorry we haven’t covered the Carmel Mayoral Primary more in depth. But work and home life have had us a hoping. As they say “happy wife, happy life”. We just came across an interview that WTTV did with Fred Glynn as well as a story they have that discusses some of the complicated issues that have arisen during this campaign. Word is we may actually send old Jimmy Brainard packing! 

After an often bitter and contentious campaign full of scandals and accusations, Carmel voters will head to the polls Tuesday for the municipal primary.

Mayor Jim Brainard is seeking a seventh term in office, but has faced controversy in recent weeks after his Republican primary opponent Fred Glynn accused the Brainard campaign of bribery.

Brainard has also been accused of misconduct in recent weeks by the city's clerk-treasurer who is supporting Glynn in the primary. Brainard has denied the accusations, but would not agree to do an interview about the campaign and the controversies that have emerged in recent weeks.

Brainard was first elected mayor in 1995, and since then has led the suburban Indiana city through a period of unprecedented growth and development.

In the video above, we ask Glynn about the tone of this year's race and his hopes for Tuesday's primary.

We would like to encourage all our readers to go out and support Fred Glynn for Carmel Mayor. Let’s win this one for Gary Welsh!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Kara Kenney’s Reports On Fred Glynn’s Challenge to Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard

Fred Glynn talking to RTV6’s Kara Kenney

One of the best reporters in Indiana Kara Kenney has a story tonight covering Fred Glynn’s Carmel Mayoral Campaign. From Kara Kenney’s report:

A Hamilton County councilor is seeking to unseat longstanding Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard in Tuesday’s primary election.

Brainard was first elected mayor of the City of Carmel back in 1995.

The City of Carmel is consistently voted one of the best and safest places to live in the country . Fellow Republican and challenger Fred Glynn said it could be even better.

"We need new leadership,” Glynn said. “He's been in there for 24 years. We need some fresh thinking and new ideas.”

“We need to stop racking up debt and stop pushing for density,” Glynn said. “What is Carmel going to look like in 10 years? That’s the question.”

Glynn pointed to public private projects, such as hotels, that are paid for with city bonds.

“We’ve got to stop giving our money away to developers,” Glynn said.

Glynn shared a 2017 report from S&P Global that said Carmel’s long-term debt grew by over $300 million in just three years.

“The annual debt costs are already high, and are estimated to grow 71% by 2022,” read the report. “The city doesn’t have a high reserve cushion, relative to the size of annual debt services, to carry it through extended stressful periods.”

“My concern is we’re racking up the credit card and the credit card is maxed out,” Glynn said. “That debt has got to be paid.”

“Do you want to be surrounded by apartments and have development shoved down your throat or do you want someone who is going to work with the community and consider every stakeholder that's involved,” said Glynn. “That's what kind of leader I will be. "

Glynn said if elected, this is what he plans to accomplish in his first 100 days in office:

  • Host the first-ever small business advisory committee summit to advise the mayor’s office on the needs the city’s small business owners.
  • Implement a 180-day freeze on new downtown development to allow for a long-range traffic and population density study.
  • Send a priority-based, truly balanced budget to the Carmel City Council.
  • Sign an executive order to provide funding to hire additional police officers.
  • Send a debt-reduction plan to the city council that implements a plan to reduce the city’s long-term debt by 20 percent by the end of my first term.
  • Sign an executive order immediately halting future city government giveaways and subsidiaries to private development projects.
  • Send the city council a resolution to freeze the pay of all city-wide elected officials for the next four years.
  • Sign an executive order that strengthens sexual harassment policies for city workers and officials that includes harsher punishment for violators.
  • Have neighborhood liaisons in every neighborhood in this city and meet quarterly. We will once again put focus on our communities instead of focusing all resources and effort on a few square blocks downtown.
Mayor Jim Brainard was scheduled to do an interview with RTV6 on April 29. However, that day, RTV6 received an email from his office canceling the interview.

When RTV6 attempted to reschedule the interview, Brainard’s office said no.

IR has been hearing rumblings out of Carmel that Mayor Brainard is worried he might lose Tuesday’s Primary. We all would be so thrilled to see Brainard be giving the boot by the voters! We urge everyone out there who can to vote for Glynn on Tuesday and if you cannot please donate or volunteer for the Glynn campaign. Let’s win this one for Paul Ogden, Gary Welsh and every Hoosier patriot out there.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

INDY REPUBLICAN Endorses Fred Glynn for Mayor of Carmel

Fred Glynn for Carmel Mayor 

Our readers are familiar with our intense dislike of Carmel Mayor Jim “Crash” Brainard. We as have Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden chronicled the shenanigans of Mayor Brainard. After a quarter century as Mayor of Carmel it is long past time for Jim Brainard to be booted from office. Fortunately we true conservatives and republicans have a candidate that we can be proud to support in Tuesday’s upcoming primary in Carmel. That man is Hamilton County Councilor Fred Glynn. Mister Glynn has served Hamilton County well since 2014. He has fought for government transparency, balanced budgets, and will fight for the taxpayers and against the pay-to-play crowd. Please go over to Fred’s site and to show your support and for more information about Fred

Please also visit this site to get in touch with some real Hamilton County Patriots. Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County need your support.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Contrarian’s View of Senator Dick Lugar

Senator Richard Lugar

We are writing this post in the full knowledge that by doing so we may well come under extreme criticism and will be undoubtedly chastised for speaking ill of the dead. But the truth about who Dick Lugar was is true whether we say so or not. So we might as well say so. Notwithstanding we originally all of us here at IR had decided to say nothing regarding the now deceased Senator Richard Lugar. Given the degree to which the IR gang helped to defeat Lugar in the 2010 Primary. At first we all thought that we had said all we had to say on the man. Upon further reflection especially considering the uncritical and unwarranted adulation that has been bestowed upon the Senator. As well as the damage to our state, and our nation Lugar helped to inflict. We took the advice of George Orwell who said: “telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.  As well as John 8:32 states: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Also to do justice to the memory of the late great Gary Welsh, who like Paul Ogden helped to end Lugar’s 36 year reign in the Senate. And for the fact that Lugar was allowed to escape punishment for potentially 24 felonies, while Charlie White was crucified and convicted falsely on the bogus charge of one count of voter fraud. These facts notwithstanding the death of Senator Lugar MUST be aired. Paul Ogden has penned a good piece today on the Senator’s passing. Paul as always is candid, and honest. Paul has long been a valued friend and ally of all of us here. Paul Ogden and us are usually in agreement on the issues. In regards to Lugar we agree on many points. But we cannot offer nearly as much praise of Lugar as Paul can. 

Gary Welsh has throughly documented Lugar’s falsely claiming to have been an inhabitant of the state for 35 years while he was in the Senate. It is true that Lugar as we, Paul Ogden, grant Lugar did some good work on foreign policy. We strongly disagree that Lugar was a non tribal figure. Especially given his role in launching the political career of “Godfather” Governor Mitch Daniels who is the most tribalistic and cult like person to ever inhabit the Governors Office. Also no amount of good deeds will ever make up for Lugar’s corrupt conduct as Mayor of Indianapolis. Of particular interest is this account from the 1970’s of Mitch Daniels engaging in some questionable actions to shake down city employees to give money to Mayor Lugar’s campaign coffers. 

As lifelong conservatives and republicans we believe in the rule of law. Which has for too long been neglected by the bipartisan cabal that has control of much of the Hoosier state. And the fact that Dick Lugar escaped punishment for his misdeeds is a fact that will have to be acknowledged sooner or later. Seriously Lugar was allowed to cast votes from a house that he had not owned for 35 years, Mitch Daniels cast ballots using the address of the Governors mansion that he admitted he did not reside at. Mike Pence filed tax returns when he was running for Governor in 2012 stating that he lived in Virginia. Even though according to state law to run for Governor he had to have resided in Indiana for the five years preceding the 2012 election. Most laughable is Pence’s having voted from the Governor’s mansion in last years election even though he doesn’t live there. Sorry folks to bring up unpleasant facts. But until the Indiana press and federal prosecutors do their jobs and go after these creeps we are forced to air unpleasant facts.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Reclaim The GOP From Trumpism

We hope you all had a great Easter weekend. We hope that just as Christ overcame death for all humanity. That also in the cause of helping to exorcise the demons that trouble us and the cause of human liberty and freedom. We invite you all to join us in removing the dark stain of Trumpism from our Grand Old Party and the nation. Please consider going to https://www.reclaim.gop/ and help ensure that we have a say in the affairs of the party of Lincoln, Reagan, Goldwater, Buckley and Paul Ogden!

Here is something for you all to read:

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Resurrection Day/Easter To All

INDY REPUBLICAN would just like to wish you all a Blessed Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ the savior of all! Here’s the late great Ray Charles singing “I Can See Clearly Now”. Enjoy and have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!