If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

You do not have to leave your name. We appreciate greatly your support.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Stormiest Comic Book In History Is On It’s Way

Good Evening Our Children! Craziness is on the rise in the political world as you all know! IR & Co. were just pursuing the Internet and we have found something that stirs our political world up even more than we thought possible. It appears that President Donald Trump’s former paramour Porn Star and a former potential candidate for Louisiana Governor in 2010 Stephanie Clifford AKA Stormy Daniels will now have her own comic book. Daniels comic will be published by the appropriately named Tidal Wave Comics  Brandon Morse over at RedState has the story.

Morse reports:

Tidal Wave is a company known for creating biographical comics about real life people. According to the press release, Daniels’ story is the latest in the “Political Power” series, which makes her out to sound like a feminist superhero:

Stephanie Clifford (stage name Stormy Daniels) rose from the strip clubs of Baton Rouge to the top of the adult film industry. Today, however, she is best known as the woman at the center of a hush money scandal involving the president of the United States. Through threats, lawsuits, and politically motivated arrests Clifford has refused to back down in her demand that the president be held responsible for his actions.  Witness her journey from scrappy opportunist to unlikely feminist icon in the newest issue of Political Power!

Indy Republican will reserve judgment on this comic book for now. If you look at the screenshot below of the Stormy Daniels Comics. Make note of Stormy holding an issue of Forbes and in another shot she is spanking the President with a copy of Forbes. Regardless of the quality of the comics at least Forbes will be pleased with some unique product placement to say the least!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bob Kravitz Laid Off From WTHR

Bob Kravitz

We are shocked to hear that veteran sports reporter/columnist Bob Kravitz is being laid off from his job at WTHR. Holly Hays over at INDYSTAR has the story here is some of what she wrote:

WTHR-13 has laid off sports columnist Bob Kravitz, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.  Kravitz spent 14 years as a columnist at IndyStar. He left IndyStar in 2014 to join the station.

Miss Hays says the story is a developing one and that WTHR has not commented on the situation. Kravitz also has declined to comment on the matter.

If we here anything else we will let you all know.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Indy Republican Ask All Our Readers to Pray for House, Ways & Means Chairman Tim Brown

We implore everyone out there to please pray for House, Ways & Means Chairman Tim Brown. Mister Brown is in critical condition after a motorcycle accident. Indystar’s Tony Cook, Kaitlin Lange and Chris Sikich have this information on what happened to Brown:

Indiana House Ways and Means Chairman Tim Brown was hospitalized in critical condition after a motorcycle accident in northern Michigan Wednesday morning, Michigan State Police reported.

The Crawfordsville Republican was riding motorcycles with Rep. Mike Speedy, R- Indianapolis, near Mackinac Island when an SUV pulled into their path and struck Brown's motorcycle on U.S. 2.

Brown, 62, was initially transported to the Mackinac Straight Health System in St. Ignance. He was later transferred to a downstate medical center for further treatment, police said. Brown was wearing a helmet at the time of accident.

Please keep Representative Brown and his family in your thoughts and prayers. IR gives it’s best to the Brown family at this difficult time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Never Forget September 11th! UPDATE

IR and Company are old enough to remember the tragedy of September 11th, 2001. That morning seventeen years ago is forever etched in our memories. The loss of so many lives that day still weighs heavily on our hearts. It is one of the key reasons we have this blog. Like our late great benefactor and fellow patriot Gary Welsh, and our fellow patriots Charlie White, Paul Ogden, Ben Sasse, and many others. We have dedicated ourselves to “the great task remaining” to bind up the nations wounds as the great Lincoln said. We owe it to our fellow Americans both living and dead to speak truth to power. We candidly confess to speak out  on some subjects can often be dangerous. But the fact that it is so dangerous is why We The People of the United States must speak out and confront evil in all it’s forms. We must continue to work at being “a shining city on a hill”. Our Fellow Americans we leave you now with this beautiful rendition of “The Battle Hymn of The Republic”:

UPDATE: Earlier today President Trump gave a speech in Pennsylvania honoring the victims on Flight 93. Here is President Trump’s speech:

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Society of Professional Journalists Offering Free Election Coverage Workshop September 5th

Indy Republican was just contacted by the Society of Professional Journalists about a free workshop about covering the election races this year. We are going to share the message sent to us:

Hi there,

I wanted to make sure you knew about the training program that SPJ is  
launching in 12 cities, including Indianapolis, in connection with Google.   
The free program, which will be held at WFYI, teaches journalists,  
journalism students and educators how to detect misinformation, use data in  
coverage and connect with voters.
Signups are open now. https://www.spj.org/election18.asp

I hope that you will be able to attend but also spread the word widely.

Thanks so much,


Martha McSally Crushes Alt-Right Kooks Kelli Ward & Joe Arpaio

Representative Martha McSally R-AZ

The news of Congresswoman and Air Force Colonel Martha McSally’s decisive win in tonight’s GOP Senate Primary in Arizona is a much needed shot in the arm to us at IR. Try as they might the histrionics of Kelli Ward and former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio were no match for the calm, cool, and classy demeanor of Colonel McSally. Kelli Ward in a classic display of narcissism that rivals that of her master the orange Buffon Trump. Had stated that shortly after Senator McCain’s family announced last Friday that he was discontinuing cancer treatment said she thought that was being done only to hurt her campaign. To make matters worse Kelli Ward whom IR also calls “bitch” said just the day after Senator McCain’s passing that “political correctness is like cancer”. We long ago thought that Ward had no chance in hell of winning the Primary. But her denigrating a dead man who also kicked her ass two years ago in his bid for renomination was a bridge to far for most Arizona Republicans to cross. 

Martha McSally 

Also Ward’s close ties to former Harvey Weinstein’s one time business partner Steve Bannon and INDY REPUBLICAN’S old bete noire Neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen whom Ward endorsed for congress in 2016  Alone disqualified Ward from serving in any office.
Here’s an old tweet by Ward endorsing Nehlen in 2016:

We have written about Bannon’s sleazy dealings with Weinstein here  We also crossed swords with Paul Nehlen awhile back in which we suggested that Nehlen take a flying leap off of a cliff. Unfortunately Nehlen has yet to take our suggestion. Nehlen grew so toxic that even Steve Bannon and Breitbart News cut him lose which we also covered

Here is our message we sent to Paul Nehlen on Twitter right before Twitter banned his fool ass:

As for Sheriff Joe Arpaio fellow blogger and friend of the IR Posse Paul Ogden has detailed Arpaio’s shortcomings here. Also Arpaio’s rather bizarre interview in which he suggested that he would be open to engaging in oral sex with Donald Trump just added to Arpaio’s perceived creepiness, but also led some to speculate on whether that had anything to do with Arpaio’s having been pardoned by President Trump late last year. Arpaio’s unusual pardon reminds us of former Governor Mitch Daniels questionable pardon of Indianapolis Union thug Boss Steven Quick several years ago reported by Gary Welsh

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Well at least now the GOP has a fighting chance to hold the Senate seat in Arizona. If Ward or Arpaio had won the race would be over. Here are some sampling’s of reactions to McSally’s win tonight:

Monday, August 27, 2018

Conservatibbs Calls Out Trey Hollingsworth Over Campaign Mailings W/Update

Last week Scott Tibbs that lovable Monroe County Rabble Rouser and properitor of the blog Conservatibbs wrote an open letter to Congressman Trey Hollingsworth. In his letter Mister Tibbs questions Congressman Hollingsworth’s use of tax money to send out campaign mailers. We urge all our readers to click here and read Scott’s post. It is well worth a read.

UPDATE: Mr. Tibbs informed is yesterday that Congressman Hollingsworth had been in touch with him regarding his article. Here is what Mr. Tibbs had to say:

We are extremely grateful to Scott Tibbs for letting us know of this recent development we are just sorry we couldn’t update this post earlier.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

RIP John McCain

Senator John McCain R-AZ 1936-2018

We have just received word that Senator John McCain of Arizona died today at 81 of brain cancer. He was far from a perfect Republican. But he was a true hero, a statesman and IR is proud to have backed him in 2008. Had he won in 2008 we would have been spared 8 years of Barrack Obama. Rest In Peace Senator you have earned it. Click here for more on the untimely passing of Senator McCain. Here is a little sending song for the good Senator. A hymn for all navy men and women:

UPDATE: Here is a very touching tribute to John McCain by Greg Gutfeld:

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Good God! Even Google starts lashing out at the BMV!

This has to be one of the weirdest stories to come out of the BMV to date. According to a story by IndyStar’s Ethan May and Amy Hameline if you tried searching for mybmv on Google you came up with some interesting results:

Google searches for "MyBMV" or "My BMV" Thursday afternoon resulted in a profanity-laced link to a website for Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

"We are aware of the result that appears when our site is searched on Google. We are working to get it fixed as quickly as possible," said Christine Meyer, the director of communications and public affairs for the BMV.

We highly recommend that you read the rest of the story over at INDYSTAR. It’s quite interesting. The story did cite this tweet by Elise Shrock over at the SouthSide Indianapolis Democratic Club:

Kara Kenney tweeted a reply to Miss Shrock we also found some other tweets about this:

Here is a screenshot of the google search results for mybmv:

Either someone has committed a booboo or Eric “High Tax” Holcomb has some explaining to do about what he is allowing to go on at the BMV. We aren’t saying that change isn’t needed at the BMV but if the Google results are any indication at least have some law changes made to avoid this kind of issue.