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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Stormiest Comic Book In History Is On It’s Way

Good Evening Our Children! Craziness is on the rise in the political world as you all know! IR & Co. were just pursuing the Internet and we have found something that stirs our political world up even more than we thought possible. It appears that President Donald Trump’s former paramour Porn Star and a former potential candidate for Louisiana Governor in 2010 Stephanie Clifford AKA Stormy Daniels will now have her own comic book. Daniels comic will be published by the appropriately named Tidal Wave Comics  Brandon Morse over at RedState has the story.

Morse reports:

Tidal Wave is a company known for creating biographical comics about real life people. According to the press release, Daniels’ story is the latest in the “Political Power” series, which makes her out to sound like a feminist superhero:

Stephanie Clifford (stage name Stormy Daniels) rose from the strip clubs of Baton Rouge to the top of the adult film industry. Today, however, she is best known as the woman at the center of a hush money scandal involving the president of the United States. Through threats, lawsuits, and politically motivated arrests Clifford has refused to back down in her demand that the president be held responsible for his actions.  Witness her journey from scrappy opportunist to unlikely feminist icon in the newest issue of Political Power!

Indy Republican will reserve judgment on this comic book for now. If you look at the screenshot below of the Stormy Daniels Comics. Make note of Stormy holding an issue of Forbes and in another shot she is spanking the President with a copy of Forbes. Regardless of the quality of the comics at least Forbes will be pleased with some unique product placement to say the least!

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