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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Missing Audio from Carmel Mayor Brainard's April Crash

Some of our readers up in Carmel told us about some more interesting facts involving Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard's April 2017 car crash. Our friends directed us to a follow up story done by WRTV's Paris Lewbel. Mr. Lewbel reported that only 1 of the 3 officers who responded to the April crash had their audio recording during at the scene.

Lewbel reporting on November 19th, 2017 said:

After Carmel Mayor James Brainard crashed his city vehicle in April, Call 6 Investigates uncovered that some of the dash camera video recordings from the scene are missing their audio.
Two Carmel Police officers arrived at scene minutes after Mayor Brainard crashed his city Ford Fusion along Third Avenue SW on April 20. Their two dash camera systems were recording, but for a period of almost 10 minutes, you can't hear any of the conversations between the two officers or their conversation with the mayor.
Instead, those two officer's dash camera systems only record audio from inside the car. In the first car on the scene, you can faintly hear the radio. In the second police car to arrive, just the sound of wipers.

It’s because the first two officers never turned on their wireless microphones, Call 6 Investigates’ learned after spending hours reviewing the police dash camera video from the scene of the crash. The only audio recorded on those systems was from an in-car microphone connected to the system.

It wasn’t until Carmel Police Lt. Adam Miller arrived almost 10 minutes after police initially responded, that you can actually hear conversations.
You can hear the other officers interacting with each other over Lt. Miller's microphone, but what could be key parts of the conversation between officers is impossible to hear.
Excerpts from a conversation Lt. Adam Miller and another office at the scene:
Lt. Miller: "He's walking back to City Hall to talk to Barb, so he can go get his pee test."         
Officer 2: "OK good. (unintelligible)"      
Lt. Miller: "I know, he's going to have to go get tested."
Officer: (unintelligible)   
Lt. Miller: "That's between me and you though."

We reached out to Carmel Police for an on-camera interview, they declined, but Chief James Barlow sent us an email. He says, "We currently do not require all officers to activate their in-car video system while at a traffic accident."  

Barlow cites the police department's policy, "The in-car audio/video system may be deactivated during non-enforcement activities such as when protecting accident scenes."  
"While investigating the accident you are referring to, the reporting officer had his audio/video recording,” Barlow said. “The two other officers did not have their audio system on and are not required to by policy."

Call 6 Investigates confronted Mayor Brainard about the incident. When asked if Brainard believed he was "above city policy" since there is no record of a drug or alcohol test following the crash. He responded, "I'm not talking about this today" before walking away. 

Carmel's employee handbook states the mayor and other elected officials aren't required to follow rules in the city handbook. 
Call 6 Investigates also emailed each member of the city council to learn if they were aware of the exemption. RTV6 is still awaiting a response from each member.

Indy Republican has not heard any word on when or if the Carmel Police Department, Mayor Brainard, or any members of the Carmel City Council have spoken further about whether the Mayor and other elected officials are exempt from the rules that are binding on Carmel City employees. We have heard rumors that Brainard may decide not to run for another term. We will let you know more when we hear something. It would not surprise us if Mayor Brainard decides to retire. He certainly is acting like a man with something to hide. Here is a video of him dodging Paris Lebel's questions about his April car accident:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Whore RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel reverses course to back Pedophile Roy Moore

RNC Chairwoman/Traitor Ronna Romney McDaniel 

It’s official my friends! Hell has frozen over! For the second time in about 8 hours INDY REPUBLICAN finds themselves on the same page as Mitt Romney! But we must stay true to ourselves and "Seek the truth; come whence it may, cost what it will." Sarah Rumpf over at Redstate reports that Ronna McDaniel has flushed all of her integrity down the toilet and told the RNC to start backing Roy Moore once again:

Turns out principles have an expiration date when there’s an election to win. Just weeks after the Republican National Committee (RNC) pulled out of a joint fundraising agreement with Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, they’ve changed their mind and will be involved after all.

An RNC official confirmed the news to The Daily Beast late Monday. From the report by Sam Stein:

The decision by the committee to put money and staff behind the Moore campaign comes hours after President Donald Trump formally endorsed the Senate candidate, who has been accused by multiple women of having sexually preyed on them when they were teenagers. A party committee normally follows the directives of its leader. But the RNC’s decision signals a remarkable reversal for the committee. The RNC has been hyper-critical of Democrats for any ties they have to men facing sexual harassment allegations, having pressed lawmakers to return campaign contributions from, among others, Harvey Weinstein.

The reversal by the RNC has another interesting wrinkle to it, in that RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel had previously called the allegations against Moore “deeply troubling” and had called on him to “step aside if there is any truth to them at all.” Now, the committee she chairs is back supporting Moore, on the same day her uncle, former Massachusetts Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, was continuing to unequivocally denounce Moore.

As we reported in our last post her Uncle Mitt Romney unlike the RNC actually has the courage and integrity to not back a pervert to be in the Senate. But after the RNC was grabbed by its  PUSSY some of McDaniels and the RNC’s donors threatened to stop leaving money on the nightstand unless the RNC went back to whoring itself out to Roy Moore like the harlot it is.  This is why IR and most of our fellow republicans no longer donate to the RNC or any political party committee. For donating to the RNC we have discovered is almost as bad as hiring a prostitute. The only difference is the prostitute does not pretend to be a saint. 

IR once again implores all people of goodwill to back Colonel Lee Busby for Senate in Alabama. Go to http://electleebusby.com/ and tell the RNC and DNC they can take their candidates and shove them up their asses! 

Mitt Romney is Right about Roy Moore

For as flawed and ideologically inconsistent as former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney is. He is absolutely right about how electing Roy Moore to the U.S. Senate would be the dumbest and most amoral move Republicans could make. Back in September we blogged about how we felt that Governor Romney should just fade into the sunset  IR stands by that post. However our principles and values demand that we give credit where credit is due. Brett Samuels of The Hill has the story:

Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney said Monday a victory for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore would be “a stain on the GOP and on the nation,” hours after President Trump endorsed Moore.

"Roy Moore in the US Senate would be a stain on the GOP and on the nation. Leigh Corfman and other victims are courageous heroes. No vote, no majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity," Romney tweeted.

Romney, who is also a former governor of Massachusetts, had previously criticizedMoore, calling him unfit for office. 
Romney's latest comments, however, came hours after President Trump endorsed Moore, despite multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against the candidate.
Fake Christian/Conservative Roy Moore 

Governor Romney is right. Nothing is worth electing Roy Moore to the Senate. Fortunately Alabama voters have a wonderful candidate they can write in. Colonel Lee Busby is a man who Alabama and the nation would be blessed to have serving in the Senate. Unlike Roy Moore who is nothing but hot air and no action. Colonel Busby served for 31 years as a Marine Infantry Officer. He has fought to defend our freedoms overseas, he has raised four children, and has run his own business. Roy Moore talks, but Lee Busby actually delivers on his commitments. 

Colonel Lee Busby for U.S. Senate 

Go to http://electleebusby.com/ and help elect a real American and Alabama’s true native son Lee Busby to the Senate. Give them Hell Colonel!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The False Christian that is Mike Pence

False Prophet Mike Pence

It is a nonstop source of both frustration and sorrow that too many of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Fall for the lie that Vice President Mike Pence is a fellow Christian. To the best of IR's knowledge he only adopts the pose of being Christian as he does being a conservative to further his own ends! As Charlie White is fond of pointing out: "Pence is a medical miracle he is the only man to be born with literally no spine!" But slowly but surely other genuine believers, republicans, conservatives, what have you have begun to discern just how much of Mike Pence's image is a fraud.
Today over at Redstate Susan Wright has made the case against Mike Pence better than we could hope to do. So we are quoting from her article "VP Pence Weaves a Tale of Trump the Believer":

Lying is a sin.

In the wake of news that Trump is rolling on another campaign promise (moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem), comes news of a Vice President Mike Pence interview, aimed at [American] Christians.

This was another one of those stomach-churning propaganda interviews, meant to check the mortar holding Trump’s evangelical base in place.
“Let me be clear: President Trump is a believer and so am I,” Pence told Christian Broadcast Networking correspondent David Brody in an interview excerpt published Sunday.

“And we understand the role of faith in the life of this nation and the American people I think can be encouraged to know that in President Donald Trump, they have a leader who embraces and respects and appreciates the role of faith and the importance of religion in the lives of our families, in communities in our nation and he always will,” he continued.

Titus 1:16 AMP – “They profess to know God [to recognize and be acquainted with Him], but by their actions they deny and disown Him. They are detestable and disobedient and worthless for good work of any kind.”

I believe Mike Pence has lived the life of an actual believer, but like so many who try to blend faith and politics, he has had to compromise, and compromise is the death of faith.
You don’t call someone a brother who actively and often works to disgrace the reputation of the Body of Christ.
I don’t mean somebody who stumbles. I mean somebody who has built his reputation on being hateful, adulterous, and abusive, and who routinely flaunts arrogance, attacking anyone who doesn’t cater to his whims, showing absolutely no grace or self-control.
I’m talking about someone who works in profanity and disrespect for others. This is not the fruit of a believer, and Mike Pence should know this.
He should know it, but it appears he’s willing to finesse his words and work around the details of reality, in order to continue on with the fantasy of Trump as a godly man.
The VP further spoke of Trump’s thankfulness towards the [American] Christians who, when faced with the choice of standing firm in their faith, remembering God’s Word on corrupt leadership, or putting their faith on hold, declaring we weren’t electing a pastor, and putting the world first, did the worldly thing and crowned Trump their new king.
“I think he’s always very humbled and grateful by the support of believers,” he said, adding that Trump “has a heart of gratitude for evangelical Christians in this country.”

Yes. I’m sure he does.
Pence also pointed out that if somebody wants to pray around Trump, he doesn’t immediately burst into flames, so that’s a plus.

“I’ve been with this president in the Oval Office with religious leaders when people have asked to pause for a moment of prayer, and the president readily embraces that,” he said.
1 Timothy 6:3-5 AMP – If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine and teaching which is in agreement with godliness (personal integrity, upright behavior), he is conceited and woefully ignorant [understanding nothing]. He has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, which produces envy, quarrels, verbal abuse, evil suspicions, and perpetual friction between men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, who think that godliness is a source of profit [a lucrative, money-making business—withdraw from them].”
Trump boasted during the presidential election that “the evangelicals love me.”
Absolutely, because the [American] church now sees pulling our faith down to be equal with politics is better than demanding politics be raised up to a standard that meets our faith.
I have to wonder if Mike Pence actually has a conscience that can feel shame for his part in all of this?

The answer Ms. Wright is "no" Mike Pence has no conscience, nor does he ever feel shame. As much as we like Susan Wright and this piece she has written is good. Unlike Wright IR does not believe that Old Mikey has ever at anytime in his life really lived as a believer. We have chronicled here and here and many other posts to numerous to mention, Mike Pence's shortcomings as a man.

Here is what some others have said about Mike Pence as well:


Evidence of Mike Pence's questionable ethics:

So Mr. Vice President what say you? Are you ready to answer the call of all true Christians? Or will you refuse to give a defense? We are waiting.

1 Peter 3:14-16Amplified Bible (AMP)

14 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness [though it is not certain that you will], you are still blessed [happy, to be admired and favored by God]. Do not be afraid of their intimidating threats, nor be troubled or disturbed [by their opposition]. 15 But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect. 16 And see to it that your conscience is entirely clear, so that every time you are slandered or falsely accused, those who attack or disparage your good behavior in Christ will be shamed [by their own words].

Is House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady really Nikita Khrushchev?

Just looking through the old Indy Republican mailbag and we have found something that caught our eye. One of our readers thinks there is a chance that Texas Congressman Kevin Bray the current chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee could have some relation to the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. We view this as unlikely. But we will share this tweet from Jonah Goldberg and let you decide:

The resemblance between the two is creepy. We will need to keep an eye on Mr. Brady and see if he is actually Nikita Khrushchev.

Friday, December 1, 2017

INDY REPUBLICAN endorses Lee Busby in Alabama Senate Contest

Colonel Lee Busby

We have like many our fellow conservatives and republicans have watched with dismay as it appears Fake Christian/Conservative/Republican Roy Moore seems to be on his way to winning his race for the Senate in Alabama. But earlier this week a man has entered the Senate race as a write-in candidate against pedophile Judge Roy Moore and Pro-Abortion Extremist Doug Jones. This man is worthy of being in the United States Senate. Indy Republican is proud to endorse Colonel Lee Busby for the Senate seat in Alabama.

When retired Marine Col. Lee Busby read it was too late for a write-in candidate for the Alabama Senate race, he said, “Hold my beer, we will just see about that.” 
Busby told The Daily Beast on Monday he is launching his long-shot bid to stop Republican nominee Roy Moore from reaching the Senate. 
“I have no idea if the allegations against him true or not, but I don’t see anything within his experience as a judge that qualifies him for the job.”
Busby said his state needs a choice other than Moore or Democrat Doug Jones.
“Alabama is not happy with the two choices we have down here. They are not appealing.”
Laporta also points out that Busby was at one time Vice Chief of Staff to then General now White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Laporta goes onto say since his retirement from the Marine Corps “Busby has been the CEO of his own business and worked as a defense consultant and investment banker. At the same time, Busby has been honoring fallen Marines with sculptures like the one he was working on in his garage prior to his Senate announcement.”
Here is a photograph of a sculpture  done by Colonel Busby:

Michael Scherer of the Washington Post provided some additional background information on Lee Busby
Lee Busby, 60, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., said he thinks that the allegations of sexual impropriety against Republican nominee Roy Moore have created an opportunity for a centrist candidate to win more than a third of the state’s votes in the Dec. 12 special election. 
 “I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded,” Busby said. “I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”
“I just don’t believe that either one of them are qualified to be in the U.S. Senate,” Busby said of Moore and Democratic candidate Doug Jones, noting that both men’s professional experience was in the law.
As for the allegations of Moore having inappropriate contact with teenage girls, which Moore has denied, Busby said he was not certain of the truth. 
“It has created enough distaste in my mind,” he said. “As a voter, I don’t need to get to the bottom of it.”
Busby said he voted for Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the 2016 Republican presidential primary and Donald Trump in the general election. He said he supports Republican efforts to lower taxes, though he has not examined the House and Senate tax reform proposals. He said that he wants to repeal Obamacare and that life begins at conception, though there should be exceptions in antiabortion laws for cases of rape, incest or threats to the life of the mother. 
 “At some point, it becomes a human life,” he said of an unborn fetus. “And you have to protect those who can’t protect themselves.” 
Busby said he had not spoken to Kelly about his plans, but he foresees talking with him if his last-minute campaign gains traction. 
“It may make an interesting phone call,” he said.
Senator Richard Shelby R-AL

The last minute entrance of Busby into the race is all the more interesting. Because Alabama Republican Senator Richard Shelby told The Hill he didn’t vote for Roy Moore:
"No, no, no, I voted absentee. I didn't vote for him. I voted for a distinguished Republican write-in," Shelby told reporters when asked if he would vote for Moore, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. 
Is it possible that Shelby voted for Busby? Who knows? But the timing is certainly intriguing.
Please help support Colonel Busby’s campaign by visiting his website: http://electleebusby.com/
Good luck Colonel!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Indiana Court of Appeals allows Carmel to Annex Home Place

Sorry to just be getting to this story now. Work has been hectic. A very good and dear friend of INDY REPUBLICAN asked us to give our take on a story out of Carmel. Back on October 31st, 2017. Lindsey Erdody wrote a piece about Carmel's annexation of an unincorporated community in Clay Township called Home Place. Erdody reports:

The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court’s decision to allow Carmel’s annexation of a small community in Clay Township known as Home Place to move forward.
The lengthy battle between the city and residents of the 1,017-acre unincorporated area of Clay Township centered at 106th Street and College Avenue started in 2004 when Carmel voted to include the community in the city's boundaries.
A majority of the 2,200 households of Home Place objected to the annexation and filed a lawsuit to prevent it. In 2005, Hamilton County Superior Judge William Hughes ruled in favor of the property owners, saying Carmel didn’t prove it could financially afford to annex the area.
But, in 2007, the Indiana Court of Appeals reversed that decision. The Indiana Supreme Court declined to hear the case and sent it back to the trial court for further review.
Both parties agreed to postpone proceedings until the end of 2015, and the case returned to court in April 2016.
In June 2016, Special Judge Matthew Kincaid ruled that Home Place residents did not prove all the elements necessary to prevent the annexation. The residents needed to prove that they received certain services, such as police and fire protection and street maintenance, without the help of the municipality trying to annex the land.
They also are required by state law to show that the annexation would have “a significant financial impact” on residents and that it is opposed by at least 65 percent of the property owners.

Kincaid sided with Home Place residents on most of the elements, but agreed with Carmel when it came to who provides fire protection services. Clay Township technically provides the service, but does so by contracting with the Carmel Fire Department.
The residents argued that it’s still the township’s responsibility, but the city refuted that argument by saying Carmel firefighters are the ones responding to incidents in Home Place.
Because the residents did not prove all of the necessary elements, Kincaid ruled in favor of Carmel. Home Place residents appealed the decision, but the appellate court affirmed the ruling in an opinion issued Tuesday.
“The trial court did not err in using a straightforward factual analysis in making its determination, and it correctly found that landowners failed to prove that fire protection was being adequately furnished by a provider other than Carmel,” the opinion stated.
Matt Milam, who has been leading the residential group opposed to the annexation, said neighbors will have a meeting in November to determine whether to appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court.
“From working with these people for about 15 years, my gut feeling is they will want to appeal to the Supreme Court,” Milam said.

Interestingly enough one of our readers pointed out that the attorney for Clay Township is none other than Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma. And that Steve Buschmann is the attorney representing Home Place and that he is also the attorney for the Indiana Township Association. It seems to IR that it would be fair to say that many of the lawyers who represent townships are just trying to pad their legal bills. Bosma has a conflict or should because as Speaker of the State House he is in a position to help get legislation enacted that could possibly benefit him. It will be interesting to see if this case is taken to the Indiana State Supreme Court how they will rule.