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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

House GOP’s Stupid and Failed Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas

We wrote on this blog last year that some House Republicans were stupidly considering impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. We figured that they would try this and if they did it would blow up in their faces. House Speaker Mike Johnson proceeded with like Captain Ahab to continue his mad quest to try and impeach Secretary Mayorkas. So Johnson brought the bill up for a vote and as predicted the motion to impeach failed.

The Hill reported that:

A House GOP effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas failed in an embarrassing fashion Tuesday as three Republicans joined Democrats in voting against what would have been the second-ever impeachment of a Cabinet official.

The 214-216 vote is a stunning loss for a GOP that has faced continual pressure from its right flank to impeach a Biden official, even as the party has waffled over which one to focus on.

To their credit three republican congressmen voted against impeachment: Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher, and Tom McClintock. At this rate the GOP should prepare itself for possible epic level losses in the House and possibly may even lose their chance at holding the Senate. We can speak with absolute certainty that many republican voters like ourselves will vote against most of our party nominees because of stupid and irresponsible stuns like the one pulled today. On this the 113th birthday of Ronald Reagan we can’t help but hear his ghost looking at the current Republicans in congress and shouting in disgust at how they have betrayed his legacy.

Here’s to moronic politicians get there asses kicked! 

UPDATE: Our old nemesis Utah Senator Mike Lee just went on Laura Ingraham’s show and said that they should impeach both President Biden and Mayorkas. Apparently proving the old adage of being unable to learn from the first or in this case the five hundredth kick of a mule, Lee and his gang of useless idiots has decided to completely destroy their credibility. Also we heard that Speaker Johnson wants to bring the Mayorkas impeachment up for another vote. Brilliant move Mikey! You’ll be the first House Speaker to have two failed impeachment votes on their record!

Watch here:

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