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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Don Bacon for House Speaker!

Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE)

Last year we wrote with great enthusiasm about the triumph of Congressman Don Bacon’s primary victory over a Trump supported knucklehead. As you probably know recently former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was fired from his post and the House has been unable function. And with Hamas raising hell in Israel, and Ukraine fighting against Russia, not to mention a looming government shutdown in less than 40 days, it would seem this is the worst possible time for the U.S. House to be unable to function. Try as they might we don’t have a new speaker yet, and it’s anyone’s guess as to who will get the job.

This is a long shot we admit, but it’s worth trying. We urge the election of Don Bacon as House Speaker. It would only take 5 Republicans to side with enough Democrats to work. Granted there is political risks in this approach mostly for republicans, but Bacon has shown himself to have real principles, he has a history of working across the aisle, and as a retired Brigadier General he has the military experience to help meet the challenges we and our allies are currently facing! So let’s give it the old college try, let’s call, email, and deluge members of Congress to pick Don Bacon for Speaker. Don’t just call or email your congressmen, call and email them every 15 minutes! Post about on social media! #DonBaconForSpeaker let’s get it trending! 

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