If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Reclaim The GOP From Trumpism

We hope you all had a great Easter weekend. We hope that just as Christ overcame death for all humanity. That also in the cause of helping to exorcise the demons that trouble us and the cause of human liberty and freedom. We invite you all to join us in removing the dark stain of Trumpism from our Grand Old Party and the nation. Please consider going to https://www.reclaim.gop/ and help ensure that we have a say in the affairs of the party of Lincoln, Reagan, Goldwater, Buckley and Paul Ogden!

Here is something for you all to read:

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Resurrection Day/Easter To All

INDY REPUBLICAN would just like to wish you all a Blessed Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ the savior of all! Here’s the late great Ray Charles singing “I Can See Clearly Now”. Enjoy and have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Butthurt Snowflake Roy Moore Blocks Indy Republican on Twitter

Roy Moore Blocking Criticism 

Words has been going around on cyberspace that everybody’s favorite nut job and perpetual loser Roy Moore has possibly decided to run for office one more time in Alabama. Our readers might remember all the slings, arrows and insults we through at old Roy when he tried to slither into the Senate and failed. Just like Jason Voorhies in the old Friday the 13th movies who just doesn’t have the sense to stay dead. Roy has decided to come back for more punishment. His honor showing just how thin his skin is decided to block one of our correspondents on twitter. We were surprised because last time we did everything we could to get him to block us and failed. Regardless of what one thinks of Judge Moore his eagerness to block critics on twitter shows him to be a man with  no spine or balls. 

Here’s the tweet we sent to the Judge which got us blocked. Yes it’s a little childish and in poor taste. In our defense that’s why we thought Roy Moore would like it.

Information on How to Help Rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral

We have found this story on the CBS website that has a list of charities that you can contribute to in order to rebuild the Cathedral. Please give as you are able. Thank you all for your support and we will resume our regularly scheduled posting soon.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

We have just heard the sad news that the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has just collapsed as the result of an as yet ongoing fire at the Cathedral. CNBC has the story so far:

The roof of Paris’ famed Notre Dame Cathedral collapsed Monday as a massive fire ripped through the structure.

The city’s mayor and firefighters warned people to stay away from the area. There have been no confirmed deaths, according to Paris police, while a French government official said no injuries had yet been reported.

It was not immediately clear what had caused the fire, while local media reported that police in the city were treating it as an accident.

Notre Dame Cathedral built in the 12th Century AD and one of the oldest and most venerated churches in Christendom has also been a focal point in “Les Misrable” and “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. We all here pray that nobody is injured or killed as the result of this fire. We also hope that the church is repaired and rebuilt to continue standing as an enduring symbol of Christianity. It has always been a dream of the IR posse to go to the cathedral and to worship and pay our respects to our savior. Let’s all pull together and hope this fire is stopped immediately.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Putin’s Love Child to Run Homeland Security?

Following what some have called a “purge” at the United States Department of Homeland Security. There has been speculation about who President Trump will nominate to replace outgoing DHS Director Kirstjen Nielsen. There has been some talk of the President appointing his longtime policy advisor and attack dog Stephen Miller. Miller is noteworthy for his classless exchanges with the equally annoying Jim Acosta. His childish and infantile exchange with the classy, level-headed Jake Tapper, and for his having stated that President Trumps “powers on immigration will not be questioned”. Ignoring the fact that according to the constitution it is congress, not the President that sets immigration policy. As insane as having Psycho Stephen Miller in charge of Homeland Security would be. A friend of the blog’s found something that maybe more frightening. If this photograph is any indication Miller maybe the offspring of Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin. Take a look and you be the judge:

Also checkout the following videos about Stephen Miller. The first is Miller’s meltdown on Jake Tapper’s “State of the Union”. The other videos include two hilarious take downs of Miller by Pauly Shore, as well as Tappers comments about Miller’s bizarre behavior. Enjoy!

Miller’s Meltdown:

Tappers Reaction to Miller:

Pauly Shores imitation of Miller with Jake Tapper:

Miller’s Exchange with Jim Acosta AKA When two idiots have a press conference:

Pauly Shores takedown of Miller and Jim Acosta:

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday Funnies

In another Thursday Funnies. There has been talk of having Robert Mullers report released. Of course there are some who don’t want the report released. We found the following excuse that could be offered to keep the report from being released:

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Sinking of the S.S. Hillary Clinton

Happy Monday everybody! We just found this excellent YouTube video that explains why Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in 2016. We hope you find it as great to watch as we did! Enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2019

County GOP in Missouri Engages In Trump Cult Worship

Christian County Defiles Christianity, Abe Lincoln & the Republican Party
What a way to start off a work week. In another sign of The SATANIC takeover of much of our Grand Old Party. Word has come to us that the Christian County Republican Party has chosen to go down the blasphemous road and has changed their fundraising dinners to the Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner. Instead of keeping the more honorable century old tradition of Lincoln Day Dinners. Named in honor of one of our greatest presidents and the first man to win the presidency on the GOP ticket. After all Lincoln only helped to end slavery and restore the United States. That’s nothing compared to President Trump surviving his own personal Vietnam of avoiding STD’s! This action by the Christian (And we use that word loosely) County GOP as bad as it is, is but one of two reprehensible actions taken by these big government, socialist creeeps masquerading as conservatives. The Hill reported today that a United States Senator’s adhering to their oath of office is secondary to worshiping at the altar of Trump. The Hill reported:

A Missouri county GOP committee disinvited Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) to a dinner event next month, citing his recent vote against President Trump’s emergency declaration to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. 

“I am so disappointed in you now that I can hardly speak,” Wanda Martens, the party committee’s events chairwoman, wrote in an email to Blunt’s office obtained by The Kansas City Star. “Why could you not support my president in the emergency declaration? President Trump tried every available means to work the Senate to resolve the border issue and build the much needed wall. He is well within his presidential powers to do this.”

Blunt, the fourth-ranking Republican in the Senate, was the only member of GOP leadership to vote for the resolution of disapproval that would block Trump's emergency declaration. The president vetoed the resolution Friday.

The Missouri Republican cited the separation of powers to justify his vote in a radio interview last week.

“The last power really left to Congress is the power to control appropriations, the power of the purse, which anybody’s ever looked at the constitution has heard that phrase over and over again," he told KCMO. “And I think it’s an important phrase.”

Blunt has also warned a future Democratic president could take advantage of the precedent set by the national emergency declaration and take action on issues such as gun control or environmental regulations.

We have not always been very big fans of Senator Blunt but on this issue he is right on the money. Kudos to Senator Blunt for doing his job. He should view it as a badge of honor that Wanda Martens and the rest of what David Leach AKA “The Strident Conservative” calls the Fellowship of the Pharisees dislike him so much. Keep up the good work Senator. History will judge you well. As for most of the GOP in this year of our lord two thousand and nineteen. Historians will record how too many who are supposed to carry the political torch of Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and William F Buckley. Decided to sell their souls to Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Jerry Falwell, Jr and Steve Miller. Let us fight on fellow #NeverTrumpers!!!!