If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

You do not have to leave your name. We appreciate greatly your support.

Monday, March 11, 2019

A Word to Our Sources

IR apologizes for the scarcity of posts the past three weeks. But we have been deluged with so many tips and story suggestions that we are backlogged at the moment. We will respond to all of you that have reached out to us ASAP. We haven’t forgotten anyone. There are simply only so many hours in the day. We appreciate your trust. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Court Partially Gags Roger Stone

A lot has been happening at both the state and national levels that we will blog about soon. The information will take sometime to process. Until then we thought we would share with you the news about Trump campaign aide/conspiracy theorist Roger Stone.
Politico reported on Stone earlier today:
Roger Stone remains free to talk about Robert Mueller and the Russia investigation, just not in and around the Washington, D.C., courthouse where the longtime Donald Trump associate is fighting the special counsel’s charges he lied to Congress and obstructed its Russia investigation.

That’s the end result from a four-page order issued Friday from a federal judge who had been considering a complete gag order on Stone in the wake of his full-on media blitz since his arrest last month in south Florida.
Also Friday, Mueller’s team released a filing in the case that included a tantalizing nugget suggesting federal prosecutors might have obtained "Stone’s communications" with WikiLeaks, the website that dumped stolen Democratic emails during the election. While the language was somewhat vague, legal watchers quickly noted that it might represent a jarring new revelation, as previously Stone had only conceded to trying to connect with WikiLeaks via intermediaries.

The double-barrel developments in Stone’s case came amid a flurry of activity late on Friday, marking the busiest day yet in a court battle that still remains in a preliminary stage.

First, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that attorneys for Stone, Mueller and any witnesses in the case "must refrain from making statements to the media or in public settings that pose a substantial likelihood of material prejudice to this case."
For now it seems that the judge is keeping Stone on a very short leash verbally. Since Stone is a bit of a useless motormouth we can understand why the judge would want to keep him from speaking.
If Republican strategist Rick Wilson is correct the judge may have done Stone a favor:

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Happy Birthday President Reagan

Today would have been President Ronald Reagan’s 108th birthday. The Reagan Battalion one of the few remaining bastions of Reagan republicanism left, had this very touching birthday video to the late President.

God Bless You Mister President!

Indiana Department of Insurance Continues to Mistreat Their Employees 

In a sign that "High Tax" Holcomb is determined to continue the denigration of Indiana’s state employees started by his master "Godfather Governor" Mitch Daniels.
Kara Kenney over at RTV 6 reports the case of a former state employee who alleged sexual harassment she experienced and how nothing was done about her complaints.
Click here to watch Kenney’s report:

Kenney reported the following on January 31st, 2019:
Former state employees say workplace harassment is widespread in Indiana state government, and that the state does not follow its own written policy regarding misconduct.
Shandi Donald, a former clerical assistant at the Indiana Department of Insurance, said the problem got so bad she resigned, while her accused harasser kept his job.
"I believe this is a very big problem," Donald said.
Much like other workplaces, Indiana state government has a workplace harassment prevention policy in place to protect workers.
"The State will not tolerate workplace harassment, whether engaged in by fellow employees, supervisors, officers, or by outside clients or other non-employees who conduct business with the State," read the state’s policy. "The State encourages reporting of all incidences of alleged harassment, regardless of who the offender may be or the offender’s status."
The state’s policy also prohibits retaliating against employees who report harassment.
Kenney however says she has spoken to many state workers who say that the state does not enforce it’s policy against harassment. She goes on to cite a particular former state employees story:

Shandi Donald, of Indianapolis, is married with a young daughter, which is one of the main reasons she decided to speak out about workplace harassment.
"People will continue to experience this, and I for one don’t want my child to experience this as she gets into the workforce," Donald said.
Donald resigned from the Indiana Department of Insurance in June 2018 after what she called repeated sexual harassment from then-Chief of Staff Doug Webber.

Donald said the issues started in December 2017, a few months after she started working in the licensing division.
Donald provided several examples of what she called inappropriate comments made by Webber.
"He said ‘it’s really cold outside, let me put my hands on your butt’ and reached for my hind end," Donald said. "I backed away and I said ‘excuse me?’"
Donald said Webber made another remark among a group of employees.

"We were talking about sports in high school, and he came down and chimed into the conversation and I had talked about being a cheerleader and he asked if I did cartwheels in skirts," said Donald. "I looked at everyone else. They all had the same face like ‘did he really just say that’?

Donald described another example that she said also happened in a group setting.
"He was referencing a Christmas party at his home for the Department of Insurance and asked if people were going to be wearing an ugly sweater," Donald said. "He made the comment that he was going to get one that says #MeToo. At that point, a couple people walked away."

Donald said at the time, employees did not feel comfortable speaking out against Webber.
"You can’t say anything to the Chief of Staff," Donald said. "You’ll lose your job."
Donald said she and her co-workers trusted and looked up to Webber.

Kenney reports that Donald reported Webber’s conduct to State Personnel in January of 2018. As if Webber’s alleged misconduct was not bad enough what Kara Kenney reports next is perhaps more disturbing:
Donald provided copies of the emails sent to state personnel to Call 6 Investigates.
"I told (state personnel) I fear for retaliation," Donald said. "It's not a very good work environment as far as the people who are in charge, and I’m afraid my life is going to be made hell."

Donald said state personnel assured her the state does not tolerate retaliation.
But Donald said when she went on vacation, several co-workers told her another supervisor went through her desk and recycling bins.
"I believe they were looking for anything they possibly could," Donald said.
Webber denied any involvement in the desk incident.

Following Donald’s workplace harassment complaint in January 2018, Webber remained in his role as Chief of Staff at the Indiana Department of Insurance for 11 months until he retired on Dec. 1.
State personnel did investigate Donald’s workplace harassment complaint, however, the findings of that investigation are not public record.
"INSPD investigates all workplace harassment complaints we receive," Carlo Bertollini, spokesperson for state personnel, said.
According to personnel records obtained by Call 6 Investigates, Webber did not face disciplinary suspension, demotion or termination.
He earned $123,231 at the Department of Insurance as Chief of Staff, overseeing the regulation of insurance in Indiana, records show.

A licensed attorney, Webber also served as general counsel for the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission and IDOI, as well as numerous roles at the Indiana Attorney General’s office dating back to 1976.
Donald provided emails to RTV6 that showed state personnel encouraged her to apply for different jobs within state government.
The fact that state personnel encouraged Mrs. Donald to file for other jobs with the state makes us inclined to believe that SPD as is there SOP simply wants to cover up wrong doing by the states political appointees. The fact that Webber used to work with Jim Atterholt at the IURC leads us to believe that the allegations against Webber are credible. Our readers may remember that then IDOI Commissioner Jim Atterholt fired Paul Ogden back in 2007 for whistleblowing. So needless to say that IDOI doesn’t exactly have a great reputation as far as treating their employees goes. As for what our correspondents at the state tell us. Sexual and other harassment is far too widespread at state agencies.

For further information on Paul Ogden’s time at the IDOI please checkout the following:

Paul Ogden's time at the Department of Insurance:



Court of Appeals boneheaded decision on Ogden's lawsuit against the DOI:


Of further interest is Kara Kenney’s November 2018 report about the termination of former DCS spokesmen James Wide. Wide had alleged retaliation, racial discrimination and other issues at DCS. Mr. Wide has since reached a confidential settlement with the state. Kudos to Kara Kenney for her diligent reporting on the harassment of state employees. Keep up the good work Kara!

You go girl!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Riding Out the Artic Blast

Hello fellow freedom fighters! It’s IR and the gang saying we hope all of you are staying safe and warm during all this cold. We will be back soon with some more posts. We have been busy working and trying not to get frostbite! Again sorry for the delay in posting. Will be back to writing ASAP. Have a good day all!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ann Coulter for President?

Ann Coulter 

Okay fellow renegade’s! Hope you are all having a pleasant Thursday. Today’s news we are not sure whether to file this one under comedy, tragedy or both. In another sign that politics in the U S of A has jumped the shark. Word is that some want faux conservative, bottom feeder and female impersonator Ann Coulter to challenge Donald Trump for President in 2020.

The Washington Times Stephen Dinan reports:

A political action committee that pushes for stricter immigration controls said Thursday it is launching a campaign to draft conservative writer Ann Coulter to challenge President Trump.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has been among those most critical of Mr. Trump’s latest immigration proposal that includes temporary legal status for some 700,000 illegal immigrant “Dreamers” now protected by the Obama-era DACA program.

ALIPAC, which had been a backer of Mr. Trump’s in the 2016 election, says it’s lost faith and is now seeking a new champion.

“I hope Ann Coulter will give serious consideration to running against Trump in the primary and run on a MAGA platform offering conservative voters a pledge to keep her promises … unlike Trump!” said William Gheen, president of ALIPAC.

He said he hoped such a bid would at least convince Mr. Trump to worry about his base voters as he prepared for re-election, and perhaps force him to abandon his latest immigration plans.

ALIPAC and Ann Coulter are not the only ones to call Trump out on his fraudulent stance on cracking down on illegal immigration. David Leach better now as the writer and host of the Anti-Trump conservative podcast “The Strident Conservative” has to his great credit refused to worship at the altar of the Orange One. Leach pointed out earlier this week about how his whole stupid promise of building a border wall was all smoke and mirror’s.

Leach wrote;

Throughout Trump’s first two years in office, I’ve been one of only a handful of conservative voices shouting from the rooftops that the New York liberal’s promise to fix America’s out-of-control illegal immigration problem was nothing but a lie.

As a candidate, Trump promised to build a “big beautiful powerful wall” on our southern border at Mexico’s expense, and he promised to overturn Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order that allowed illegals to stay in America indefinitely. Unfortunately, the “wall” has become an “artistically designed” barrier of some sort funded by the U.S. taxpayer, and DACA is not only still in effect, it’s on its way to becoming permanent.

While the reality of Trump’s broken promises dealing with illegal immigration have been crystal clear to those not drinking the orange Kool-Aid, his inevitable betrayal on the issue has been brought sharply into focus since last summer.

In May 2018, as Trump and the GOP were looking for ways to save their jobs ahead of the midterms, the House Freedom Caucus joined hands with Democrats to push for a “fix” to DACA.
In June 2018, Paul Ryan proposed a plan that would allow DREAMers to legally stay in the country and be put on the pathway to citizenship in exchange for $23 billion for building a border wall.
Following their September 2018 budget betraying funding everything from Planned Parenthood to DACA and sanctuary cities, rumors began spreading around Washington that Trump was ready to cut an immigration deal with Democrats in light of the reality that the Democrats were about to retake the House in the midterms.

The Democrats did retake the House, and in the days since their victory, Trump and the GOP have been laying the foundation for their inevitable immigration betrayal. With the help of Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner, trading DACA amnesty for a border wall is now the official position of the Trump administration and the GOP-controlled Senate.

So, it came as no surprise when Trump proposed a deal over the weekend to end to his manufactured government shutdown by offering Democrats a three-year extension of DACA in exchange for $5 billion for border security funding — an idea originally conceived by Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Three years? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but that’s just enough time to kick the can down the road until after his 2020 election … assuming there is one. And just in case there are any doubts about the motivation behind this three-year timeframe, consider this: Mitch McConnell, who has refused to let the Senate vote on the shutdown, has endorsed Trump’s offer and will hold vote on it this week.

Although none of us at IR support a border wall. We do share Leach’s justifiable frustration at how to many of our fellow republicans have gone from being “conservatives” and are now “Trumpservatives”. Looks like for now anyway we no longer have a two-party political system we only have the “Unibrow” system of Trump, Lindsey Graham and Nancy Pelosi. President Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Help Fight Scientology & Other Cults

Some time ago. We had posted an article about the unlikely alliance between the racist, anti-Semitic Nation of Islam and the bigoted, hated filled thuggish cult of Scientology. Since that time we have had more of a chance to look into the Church of Scientology and have become avid fans of Leah Remini's show "Scientology and the Aftermath" on A&E. In our studies of Scientology we all here have noticed some very scary similarities to how Scientology operates and the way that the Indiana political class operates. Especially the bullying tactics used by the head of Scientology David Miscavige and former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Both operate cult's of personality, both are extremely short men with inferiority complexes, and they are both bonkers. They also are not above ruining the lives and reputations of their opponents real or imagined. According to Tony Ortega a former writer for The Village Voice and now the operator of "The Underground Bunker" an anti-scientology website. Ortega claims that in the 1990's that private investigator's working for the Church of Scientology were sent to Indianapolis to spy on several executives at Eli Lilly. Among those is now former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Daniels has declined to comment on the matter. We first became aware of the Church of Scientology and it's activities in the mid-1990's when the Church filed an ultimately unsuccessful lawsuit against Eli Lilly and Co. to get them to stop making the anti-depressant Prozac. Although the cult at most has only about 25,000 to 40,000 members worldwide they still exercise far too much influence. So after much prayer, meditation and bible study we have decided to try to help in what way we can the fall of any and all destructive cults. From the Bipartisan Syndicate of Mitch Daniels, Bill Oesterle, Eric Holcomb, Ann & Ed Delaney, Evan Bayh and Andre Carson here in Indiana. To more national and international threats such as the alt-right, social justice warrior extremists, Keith Ellison, the Cult of 45, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many more.

On our webpage you will see a list of links on how to help aid the opposition to Scientology. We highly recommend Mike Rinder's blog "Something Can Be Done About It". Mike is the former International Spokesman for the Church of Scientology, he has been out since 2007. And at a high cost to him he has engaged in acts of atonement for his sins and has helped to save many from the pain of Scientology. Tony Ortega's "The Underground Bunker" is another great resource for news on all things Scientology. Tony is a great writer and his and Paulette Cooper's book "Battlefield Scientology" is a must read. Jeffrey Augustine has a wonderful website "The Scientology Money Website" along with the "Surviving Scientology" YouTube Channel & iTunes podcast. Also on Mr. Augustine's website is a look at what Scientology actually teaches about Jesus Christ. The Aftermath Foundation which was started a few years ago is a great organization to donate to in order to help those who are trying to escape from Scientology and get back on their feet. Also former Scientology superstar Aaron Smith-Levin's YouTube Channel "Growing Up In Scientology" is always worth a look. If you have any further information on these on any other destructive cults please contact us via email or the contact form on the webpage version of the blog. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

INDY REPUBLICAN Promises To Write More on Local Issues

We apologize for the dearth of posts on state and local issues lately. We have all been caught up with some personal business and with trying to reclaim the GOP for real conservatives. Please feel free to send us any news tips or story ideas. Also if you have anything you want us to publish send it our way and tell us how you want to be credited for your post.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Conservative Writer Charlie Sykes Exposes the Fraud Behind Trump’s Wall

In what has become an all to often occurrence since the election of President Donald Trump. We the people are on a roller coaster ride from one extreme display of human stupidity to another. The partial federal government shutdown which is about to enter its third week with no signs of abating. Resolution of the shutdown has continued to be held up by the insistent demand on the part of faux conservative President Trump’s demand to build a wall along almost 2,000 miles of our southern border. The President has even foolishly and dangerously toyed with the idea of declaring a national emergency to attempt to get his mythical wall built  Just like Captain Ahab refusing to give up His misguided quest to slay Moby Dick. Donald Trump must have his wall. 

Charlie Sykes Editor-In-Chief of The Bulwark 

Fortunately there are still SOME real conservatives like the Indy Republican Posse, Paul Ogden, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes and Congressman Justin Amash R-MI who are standing firm against the attempts of Trumpism and it’s attacks on the Constitution, rule of law and the conservative traditions of Buckley, Reagan and Goldwater. 

Conservative Podcaster, Writer, and Television Commentator Charlie Sykes stands among the forefront of we who are the guardians and true adherents of conservative republican principles. Mr. Sykes along with many others writes for The Bulwark website. The premier site for Trump Skeptic conservatives. Sykes has just released a video on The Bulwark’s YouTube channel outlining the conservative case against Trump’s wall and against declaring a national emergency. We encourage all of our readers pro, sometimes or never Trump to watch the video and to support The Bulwark which has as its motto the well deserved “Conservatism Conserved. Please watch the video and write, call, tweet, email the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet, and every Congressman and Senator and tell them to say “Hell No” to ANY idea of declaring a National Emergency to build a bad acid trip inspired wall. 

Here is the video enjoy:

UPDATE: It appears that President Trump’s plan to declare an emergency to seize land along the border is running into some stiff resistance. Nick Berman and Katie Zezima over at The Washington Post have an
article about many Texans who are opposing a border wall. Also the editors of the late great William F. Buckley’s magazine The National Review have come out in opposition to declaring a national emergency to attempt to build a border wall. Ben Shapiro has a brilliant article analyzing why Trump should not declare an emergency.