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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Jeff Miller Cops a Plea Resigns from Indianapolis City Council

Indianapolis City Councilor Jeff Miller-R

Back in November of last year. We had written about how Indianapolis City-County Councilor Jeff Miller had been charged with child molestation. Marisa Kwiatkowski and James Briggs over at INDYSTAR reported yesterday that Miller has pleaded guilty to several felony charges and resigned his council seat

Kwiatkowski, Briggs and Ryan Martin who contributed to yesterday’s story wrote:

Miller, 51, pleaded guilty Wednesday to four felony counts of battery on a person less than 14 years old, ending a case that began in November when Marion County prosecutors charged him with three counts of child molestation.

Hamilton County Prosecutor D. Lee Buckingham II, who took over the case in January as special prosecutor, reached a deal with Miller's attorneys that downgraded the charges while still resulting in felony convictions.

Miller was sentenced to four years of probation, with some conditions. Hendricks Superior Court Judge Mark A. Smith ordered Miller not to interact with children under 16 without permission from the court. Miller will not serve jail time and does not have to register as a sex offender, according to the terms of his plea agreement. The convictions could be reduced to misdemeanors once Miller completes probation.

Now that Miller has resigned our guess is that the Council Republican’s will have a caucus to appoint Miller’s replacement. Let’s pray that another sexual predator is not put in Miller’s place. Prayers for Miller’s victims and their families.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Thrill is Gone! Bernie Sanders Revolution Goes Kaput

Bernie Sanders 

Based off of the results going back to late last year in special election’s. One could reasonably say that Vermont Senator Bernie “Crypt Keeper” Sanders no longer has the magic touch many in the Democratic Party claimed he did. David Siders over at Politico in his article “Bernie and his army are losing 2018”. Siders recounts a litany of defeats for the Sanders Socialist Squad:

Bernie Sanders is sputtering.

Two years after his defeat in the 2016 presidential primary, the Vermont senator has amassed a growing string of losses in races in which he has intervened. Beginning last year, Sanders-backed candidates faltered in an Omaha mayoral race and a nationally watched House race in Montana.

Then came Rep. Tom Perriello’s loss in Virginia’s gubernatorial primary, and in June, the drubbing in Iowa of Pete D’Alessandro, a top adviser to Sanders during his 2016 Iowa caucus campaign. Cathy Glasson, endorsed by Sanders’ successor group, Our Revolution, fell short in Iowa’s gubernatorial primary, as did Peter Jacob and Jim Keady in two New Jersey House races. Dennis Kucinich lost in Ohio.

Siders points out that even with the help of other ultra liberal politicians and activists. Sanders backed candidates still mostly went down to defeat in primaries held earlier this week:

In a crowded Democratic primary in Kansas, former Sanders campaign staffer Brent Welder said before results were finalized on Tuesday night that his “message of bold progressive values and running an uncorrupted campaign that does not take corporate PAC money is resonating with people across Kansas, across the district and across the country.”

But hours later, the race was called for Welder’s opponent Sharice Davids, an attorney who will take on Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) in November.

Sanders did even worse in Michigan, where he and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaigned aggressively for Abdul El-Sayed, who was trampled by more than 20 percentage points in the Democratic primary for governor. Sanders rallied supporters in Detroit over the weekend. El-Sayed, a 33-year-old physician, was seeking to become the first Muslim governor in the nation.

For those of you who may not be aware Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a 28 year old Socialist Democrat who defeated 10 term veteran Democratic Congressman Joe  Crowley in June. Her victory garnered even more attention since Crowley was considered as a strong contender to become Speaker of the House if the Democrats take back the House this November. Since than Ocasio-Cortez has become a rock star to many on the extreme left of the Democratic Party. Bob Fredricks over at the New York Post has a good article about Ocasio-Cortez’s terrible track record at getting candidates elected here

So how did Bernie Sanders go from almost beating Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination to a has been? IR’s theory is after having spoken to some of our most left leaning friends that the biggest reason that Bernie caught fire the way he did for so long is because he was running against Hillary and was a good outlet for anti Hillary democrats. But Hillary despite whatever her ambitions are is gone and will not be back. So a major motivation for anyone to take Bernie Sanders seriously now is no longer around. Also it could be that many Democratic voters could be tired of the identity politics of Fake Republican President Donald Trump. And with there being such an enormous Anti-Trump wave building among Democrats, Independents, and a small minority of Republicans. This wave is a great, great, great Anti-Trump wave! It’s Yuge!! So  the last thing many people want is to vote for candidates that are going to go to Washington just to blow up our political system.
Preaching income redistribution over growth, timidity in asserting America’s values on the world stage, and adopting a slightly redressed version of Trumpisim may play well in New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. But farmers in Kansas, line workers in Michigan, and blue collar workers in Virginia will and have so far rejected candidates who just preach Sanders silliness. This is by no means to say we think that any significant number of Democrats who have beaten Bernie’s people will wind up being less extreme than Sanders. If the House changes hands as we believe it will. We predict that most newly elected Democrats will turn into Nancy Pelosi clones. The only difference is that the Democrats will lie about their extremist views. We thought we would end this post with a little meme making its way around cyberspace showing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being out of her depth:

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Great Scott! New Polls in Wisconsin Show Governor Walker Losing Bid for Third Term in November

Governor Scott Walker RINO-Wisconsin

If recent polling coming out of the Badger State is reliable. Than Fake Conservative/Republican Governor Scott Walker maybe looking for another job after November. Yesterday over at The Hill Justin Wise reported on a new poll that put's Walker behind his probable Democratic opponent Tony Evers the Wisconsin State School Superintendent. Wise reported:

The survey, which was released on Monday, found that Evers leads Walker 48 percent to 41 percent, with 7 percent of voters still undecided. Emerson College notes that a deciding factor in this race could be Walker's waning approval among independents in the state. Walker has an approval rating of 34 percent among independents, according to the poll. 
Meanwhile, Evers, who is the state schools superintendent, has a 47 percent approval among independents. 
Wise mentions that this is the second poll in the last week to show Walker falling behind Evers: 
The Emerson poll is the second one in less than a week that has Walker trailing in his bid for a third term as governor. A NBC News/Marist poll last Thursday found that Walker was trailing his likely Democratic challenger by 13 points, or 54 percent to 41 percent. Earlier this year Walker warned that a “blue wave” could hit the state in the midterm elections. In his warning he claimed that “big government special interests” will “target me and work to undo our bold reforms.”
IR will of course be keeping an eye on Walker's race and we are interested to see if he will win another term. Like Paul Ogden and the late, great Gary Welsh our readers can count all of the IR posse among the group of conservative republicans who are not fans of Scott Walker's. Lest our readers were to remain unaware back in 2015 Governor Walker signed into law a $500 Million tax increase to subsidize the NBA Milwaukee Bucks so that the team could build a new sports arena. Paul Ogden and Gary Welsh wrote about Walker's fleecing of Wisconsin taxpayers and betrayal of conservative principles here, here, and here. Let's see if Scotty can weasel his way into another term so that he can live off the taxpayers for another four years.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Jim Bopp Setting Up Curtis Hill Legal Defense Fund

The IR team apologizes for the delay in posting. But the team has been sifting through information and handling some personal matters. Last Tuesday we reported on Kevin Betz’s planned press conference the next day about embattled Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill.

In our post we had postulated that:

Given Betz & Hill’s past history together. It seems doubtful that Betz is antagonistic towards Hill. Given Hill’s digging in his heels regarding allegations of groping various women. Indy Republican highly doubts that Hill is going to announce that he is resigning tomorrow. Our best guess is that Betz might be holding the conference to defend Hill and fight back against calls for Hill to resign.

Our prediction was more than born out when on Wednesday IndyStar reporters Tony Cook, Ryan Martin and Kaitlin Lange reported the following:

Indianapolis attorneys Kevin Betz and Sandra Blevins said Wednesday morning that Hill is considering a defamation lawsuit, but has not yet filed one. While noting inconsistencies between a confidential legislative memo and the public accounts of two women, they are targeting whoever is responsible for supplying the incorrect information contained in the memo — as well as whoever leaked the memo's contents to reporters.

In a press conference at his law firm, Betz pushed top lawmakers — whose legislative investigation's findings were contained in the memo — to do three things: 

  • Correct any incorrect information contained in the memo
  • Identify any unnamed individuals who provided the incorrect information
  • Identify who leaked the contents of the memo to the media
"The governor has already tried, convicted and is marching Curtis to the gallows," Betz said in an interview with IndyStar after the news conference.

Earlier today Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette reporter Nikki Kelly brought up questions about whether Hoosiers are paying Hill’s legal costs

Kelly writes:

Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill is fighting for his job and his political career. But who is footing the bill?

State employees have sent out releases via his official account denouncing calls for his resignation, and he held a defiant press conference in his Statehouse digs.

Things are getting more complicated now that Hill has hired both civil and criminal attorneys to handle different facets of the incident.

Indianapolis lawyer Kevin Betz said he has a contract with “the attorney general as an individual as well as with the attorney general in his capacity as an elected official.” When asked if state taxpayers could be on the hook he said, “I'll make sure that doesn't occur.”

Kelly also points out that Curtis Hill is not the only public official that has questionable use of taxpayer resources in the Hill incident:

But Hill isn't the only one using state resources. Holcomb, Bosma and Long have all responded via official channels as well. Bosma and Long were initially approached as employers of the women –who all work for the Indiana General Assembly.

Niki Kelly and others on tweeted the following which sheds some light on a way Curtis Hill could handle his legal defense/public relations battle without using taxpayer dollars:

If the above tweets are accurate as they appear to be. Than former Indiana Republican National Committeeman and Attorney Jim Bopp will be heading the “Fairness for Curtis Hill” group. As to why such a distinguished Indiana GOP Operative and Attorney Jim Bopp would be helping out Curtis Hill is a good question. At this point it should be readily apparent that there is no love lost between Curtis Hill and Governor Eric Holcomb. There is also animosity between many Indiana Republicans against Holcomb for the fact that to put it delicately Eric Holcomb is well Eric Holcomb. Previously we reported that Jim Bopp was involved in a lawsuit against the Holcomb administration. The lawsuit alleges that the Holcomb administration has illegally collected $1 Billion in trucking fees.

And helping out Curtis Hill is just another way to cause trouble for “Mad Little Eric” Holcomb. Indy Republican doesn’t see how this whole Curtis Hill-Eric Holcomb shit show does anything other than damage the Indiana GOP. We hope that justice prevails for the victims of Curtis Hill. We also hope that for their bungling of this very serious matter that Brian Bosma and Eric Holcomb take a very big fall. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Betz & Blevins Mystery Curtis Hill Announcement

The IR gang was surfing around in cyberspace when we came across a tweet by Associated Press Reporter Brian Slodysko. Slodysko’s tweet mentions that tomorrow at 10 AM that the Indianapolis law firm Betz & Blevins will be holding a press conference about embattled Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill.

Here is the tweet in question:

Interestingly Kevin Betz the Managing Partner of Betz & Blevins is not only a former Indiana University Law School classmate of Hill’s. According to Betz’s LinkdIn page he served on Hill’s transition team.

Kevin Betz, Managing Partner at Betz & Blevins 

We are naturally curious as to what exactly Betz & Blevins are going to announce in regards to Hill tomorrow. Given Betz & Hill’s past history together. It seems doubtful that Betz is antagonistic towards Hill. Given Hill’s digging in his heels regarding allegations of groping various women. Indy Republican highly doubts that Hill is going to announce that he is resigning tomorrow. Our best guess is that Betz might be holding the conference to defend Hill and fight back against calls for Hill to resign. Indy Republican has been hearing rumors for sometime now of an ongoing feud between Curtis Hill and Governor Eric Holcomb. According to the scuttlebutt going around the Statehouse some Republicans (possibly including Curtis Hill) want Hill to challenge Holcomb in the 2020 GOP Gubernatorial Primary. So far we have gotten contradictory reports at best about Hill running for Governor in 2020. Our contacts tell us that many political junkies (IR and the Gang included) did not expect Eric Holcomb to beat John Gregg in 2016. Originally so we are told is that Hill didn’t anticipate Holcomb winning. So Hill decided that he would serve his term as Attorney General and then run for Governor against John Gregg in 2020. When that did not happen rumors began circulating that Hill was being talked about as a challenger to Holcomb in 2020.  
We believe that Hill has always wanted to run for Governor. Despite rumors from some of the political rags down town we cannot say if there is a groundswell for Hill to challenge Holcomb or not. As to what Holcomb and Hill’s issues are with each other. IR’s view is that Hill and Holcomb are just two party hacks who are competing to see which one can be the biggest asshole. Could tomorrow’s announcement be a shot across Holcomb’s bow by Hill? Only time will tell. 

We would recommend that our readers listen to last Sunday’s broadcast of “The Rob Kendall Show” for Rob’s insightful thoughts on the whole Hill-Holcomb Clash:

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Hypocrisy of Hoosier Politicians About Curtis Hill w/Update

Attorney General Curtis Hill R-Indiana 

For much of the past week the news here in Indiana has revolved to a significant extent on the allegations of sexual harassment leveled against Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill. Hill is accused of inappropriately touching four women at a party at AJ’s Lounge in Indianapolis back on March the 15th of this year. The allegations became public knowledge with the leak of a confidential memo containing information on the alleged incidents of March 15th. You can read the memo by clicking hereTony Cook, Ryan Martin and Kaitlin Lange reported that after state legislative leaders were informed of the alleged groping by Hill in May that:

Details of the accusations are outlined in a confidential June 18 memorandum prepared by the Taft Stettinius & Hollister law firm at the request of legislative leaders. 

The internal legislative investigation into his actions at AJ's Lounge was initiated by Bosma and Long when the groping allegations were first brought to their attention in May, about two months after the party, according to the memo.

The Indianapolis Star says that according to “Jennifer Drobac, a law professor at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. In groping cases, Drobac said, prosecutors typically decide whether the alleged battery was sexual in nature. If not, a criminal charge would be a Class B misdemeanor, which carries a potential sentence of 180 days in a county jail and a fine up to $1,000. A more severe penalty is possible, however, if the battery is sexual. That violation, a Level 6 felony, carries a potential sentence of six months to 2.5 years in state prison or a county jail and a fine up to $10,000.”

Professor Drobac does also say that civil penalties might come into play depending on the circumstances.

State Representative Ed Delaney-D Indianapolis 

“Even his own party says he’s not fit to be in the office,” DeLaney said. “There will have to be an impeachment.” 

But DeLaney said state statute isn’t exactly clear about the impeachment process, and it’s never been done, so he’s carefully examining the statute and looking at states with similar language to determine the appropriate action.

“These things have not been tried out,” DeLaney said. “People generally get the message and depart.”

Bosma has not said whether impeachment is an option he’s considering, and if so, how long he would wait. DeLaney said “a few days seems reasonable.”

But with or without Republican support, DeLaney said he will push for impeachment.

“I prefer to push with some support from the other side of the aisle,” DeLaney said. “The public doesn’t need a months long war over the fate of Curtis Hill.”

One of the things that has piqued IR’s interest about the whole Curtis Hill situation is that nobody from the legislative Republican leadership spoke to Hill about these allegations until 11 days after the June 18th, 2018 Memo. Which has led some (all of us included) to believe that Brian Bosma, David Long and others were hoping to handle this situation quickly and quietly and pray it would just disappear. With the leak of this confidential memo to the Indianapolis Star it doesn’t appear as though Hill’s alleged groping is going to be dealt with quietly or quickly. As of the date this post was written two of the four alleged victims have publicly identified themselves. State Representative Mara Candelaria Reardon D-Munster and Gabrielle McLemore who is the Communications Director for the Indiana State Senate Democrats. You can read each of their letters to the public here and here. Curtis Hill so far has adamantly refused to resign and has asked the Marion County Prosecutors Office to investigate the incidents rather than the State’s Inspector General. Hill’s reasoning for this he says is that since Governor Eric Holcomb has already said he thinks that Hill should resign that having the IG who is an appointee of Holcomb’s to investigate would not lend itself to an impartial investigation. On this we agree with Hill. Even though IR believes the allegations against Hill are credible and that he should resign. That does not mean that we the people should ignore the Glass House inhabitited by many of our elected officials screaming the loudest for Hill’s head.

Readers of Indy Republican , Advance Indiana, and Ogden on Politics may recall that all three of these blogs have written about the severe ethical and legal problems that Eric Holcomb, Ed Delaney, Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson and State House Speaker Bosma have had themselves. Some of them as far as IR knows are not guilty of sexual harassment. Nonetheless there are serious questions about these and other elected officials in Indiana’s conduct that in the interest of justice should be explored. We have previously written about Ed Delaney who is a former attorney at Barnes and Thornburg and the mystery as to why he decided to meet someone he did not know in an abandoned parking lot in 2009, which then resulted in Delaney being injured by Gus Mendenhall. Probably due to less than ethical conduct back in the early 1980’s by Delaney in ruining Mendenhall’s father Burke’s business venture. Connie Lawson who serves as Indiana Secretary of State herself according to some had homesteads in Hendricks, Marion County and Arizona all at the same time. Governor Eric Holcomb who once falsely accused a political opponent of his of engaging in beastilaty. As well as announcing in 2016 he would be dropping his bid for the US Senate and then right after then Governor Mike Pence announced that Holcomb would be appointed Lieutenant Governor to replace outgoing LG Sue Ellsperman in an arrangement that stinks to high heaven. Gary Welsh wrote about this here  hereIR also wrote last year about Holcomb’s administrations being sued by high powered Republican attorney Jim Bopp, over allegations that the State of Indiana was illegally collecting certain trucking fees. Given just how much of an autocrat Holcomb was as state GOP Chairman it’s likely that he would have heard something about Hill’s issues. And given the very public antagonism between the Governor and AG it’s strange that he wouldn’t have tried to use this as leverage over Hill. As for House Speaker Bosma from what we have been hearing going back several years he doesn’t have a squeaky clean life himself. Wish we could say more than that. But unfortunately we cannot. 

Earlier this evening Hill issued a statement saying he would address the media tomorrow at 10 AM in his office. What Hill has planned is anyone’s guess. He has so far stated that he will not resign. So far his only defender of any prominence that we can find is Revered Charles Harrison leader of the Ten Points Coalition in Indianapolis. In a statement released to the media on WRTV-6’s website Harrison said this about Hill: 

“First let me say I am against any kind of sexual harassment, and I believe that this kind of conduct has no place in our society. I have known Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr for several years now. I have often been with Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr in a lot of different settings, and I have never witnessed in my presence any kind of sexual misconduct toward women. Attorney General Hill has always been respectful and has conducted himself in appropriate ways around women. I can only speak to what I have witnessed, and in my presence Attorney General Hill's conduct has always been honorable.”

As a man of the cloth. We sincerely hope that Harrison’s statement is a genuine reflection of his thoughts on Curtis Hill. But a few have noted that Harrison’s defense of Hill might be influenced by the fact that as Attorney General Hill has helped setup $500,000 to help with the expansion of Reverend Harrison’s Ten Points Coalition

We will be watching to see what Hill has to say at his conference tomorrow. Friend of the blog Paul Ogden wrote about Hill on Friday  And Rob Kendall discussed the Hill drama on his radio show this afternoon:

Till next time goodnight and God Bless you all. 

UPDATE: An alert readers has just made us aware that Curtis Hill is putting out ads in his defense. Checkout this tweet by Tony Cook for the details:

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Must Read Blog about DCS and Indiana Family Court’s

Sorry we haven’t yet posted on much especially the ongoing scandal of Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill. But we will get to it soon. In the meantime we have discovered a great blog covering Family Court, DCS, and Curtis Hill. Dan Brewington’s great blog Dan’s Adventures in Taking on the Family Courts is an invaluable resource we have just discovered and we wanted to share it with you all click here to read Dan’s blog. Enjoy and have a great Saturday everyone!

Especially read Dan’s post on Curtis Hill here.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Rhode Island Income Tax Disclosure Bill Could Cause Trouble for Trump and Pence in 2020

The Associated Press is reporting that if a bill that is under consideration in the Rhode Island Legislature becomes law President Trump might be denied ballot access if he runs for re-election in 2020.

The AP reports:

AP/WPRI - The Rhode Island Senate has passed a bill that would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to file five years' worth of tax returns in order to appear on the state's ballots.

The Senate voted 33-3 to pass the measure. A House version has been held in a committee.

Senate spokesman Greg Pare says if the bill becomes law, President Donald Trump wouldn't appear on a future ballot unless he filed his returns.

Democratic Sen. Gayle Goldin, who sponsored the bill, did not explicitly mention Trump in vouching for the policy on the Senate floor. She did say that "this president" was the first since Richard Nixon to not voluntarily release his tax returns.

Goldin says the tax returns contain essential information about conflicts of interest that is not otherwise available to the public.

INDY REPUBLICAN did not think this would happen but we actually for once agree with a Rhode Island Democrat! This shocks us so much we can hardly finish our beer. But State Senator Gayle Goldin is absolutely right in insisting that presidential and vice presidential candidates disclose their tax returns. 

If laws like this wind up passing in more states they could cause issues for Vice President Pence. As we have pointed out on this blog previously here and here  Pence stated on his 2011 tax return that he and his wife Karen lived in Arlington, VA even though state law in Indiana requires him to have lived in Indiana for the five years preceding the 2012 election. So Pence should have been deemed ineligible to run for Governor in 2012, just like Evan Bayh should have been disqualified from running for Governor in 1988. 

Other issues that Pence may or should at least face if he runs for VP again or for President involves his having cast an absentee ballot in this years primary from the Governors Mansion even though he is no longer Governor. Take a look at what old Mikey tweeted as he was leaving Indiana to become Trumps Biatch Vice President:

Needless to say Pence’s casting a ballot from the Governors Mansion elicited some interesting commentary. Here are some of our favorites:

Also our mailbag had some interesting things to say about Mike Pence’s squatting at the Governors Mansion:

“WTF? He is no longer Governor? Does he intend to reside with Holcomb? Is he filing his taxes, getting his mail over there too. Can Daniels still vote form the mansion too? Haha. The VP of the US can’t get an outhouse somewhere to vote from? Did Bush try to vote from the Texas governors mansion?”

“So does Mike Pence “return” to the govs mansion whenever he wants when he comes to Indiana...it’s a real good idea that you actually have ACCESS to the residence you are voting from.”

“He also said while he filed taxes from his DC residence address as he filed as a “resident” of fishers to enroll his daughter at HSE when he “lived” at the unreported free house that he can continue to vote in Columbus where he didn’t “live” bc of his intent and the fishers house was for the “convenience of his family” what a bunch of crap!”

Other opinions of Pence from our readers include the following:

How long would Pence survive in a Star Trek episode?

“About as long as it takes for ensign Johnson to be turned into a styrofoam cube after beaming down to the surface and making a half ass attempt at protecting the captain.”

Are critics off base to say that Mike Pence’s gene pool needs a filter?

“Yes. It needs enhancement..not filtering ..they’re missing chromosomes! He’s missing the dna which gives someone balls & a backbone...but also the chromosome that allows one to read, write and snap out of a blissful state of sleep”

For further information about Pence’s use of the Governors Mansion to vote in this years primary click here and here.

So you all next time. Have fun fellow Troublemakers!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Goodbye Charles Krauthamer

Doctor Charles Krauthamer (1950-2016)

IR has just learned that one of our favorite writers and pundits Charles Krauthamer has passed away. We all send our deepest sympathies to his family and friends during this trying time. Rest In Peace Doctor Krauthamer.