If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

You do not have to leave your name. We appreciate greatly your support.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Indy Republican presents our readers with Mozart and Neil Diamond for your listening pleasure

We are working on several blog posts right now as well as working at our full time job. So we thought all of you out there could use some good music to unwind with. So we present the following Mozart’s “Eine Kline Nacht Musick:

Neil Diamond’s indelible ditty “Sweet Caroline”:

Enjoy! And we will get back to you as our schedules permit. Thank you all for your continued support! 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Indiana GOP Establishment Pushing Greg Pence to fill Luke Messer's Congress Seat

Greg Pence RINO

Previously we have written about Vice President Mike Pence's older brother Greg Pence's decision to run for the congressional seat now held by Luke Messer. Mister Messer is forgoing another run for his U.S. House seat and is instead running in the Senate GOP Primary to hopefully faceoff against the incumbent U.S. Senator Democrat Joe Donnelly. The party bosses in Indiana as you all know are hell bent on doing everything they can to elect Greg Pence to Congress. Fortunately the voters of the Indiana 6th Congressional District do not have to settle for another milquetoast Pence to represent them in Congress. Running in the GOP 6th CD Primary is Stephen Mackenzie. Mr. Mackenzie has had a good career in business, he has been a missionary, as well as serving in the Air Force Reserve.

Mr. Mackenzie released this statement on his Facebook page earlier today regarding the establishments pushing Greg Pence on Hoosier voters:

Stephen Mackenzie Real Republican

To date, twelve out of nineteen counties within the sixth Congressional District have announced their annual Lincoln Day Dinners’ dates and guest speakers. Two of those, Rush County and Franklin County, have announced Congressional Candidate Greg Pence as their speaker, despite the fact that the Republican Party, from county to state to the federal level, is encouraged to be objective towards all of the candidates running during the Primary season. Unfortunately, in this GOP Primary Congressional race, it has been proven to not be the case.
Here is Stephen MacKenzie's official statement:
“The Party Leaders have made it very clear that Greg Pence, the Vice-President’s older brother, is their chosen candidate in this GOP Primary. Greg might as well be the incumbent candidate for how the Party Elites have behaved behind the scenes. The Establishment has been involved in this Primary race at every level, from county to district to state to the Vice-President himself, attempting to get me to quit. But the last time I checked, the United States of America was a Constitutional Democratic Republic, where we, the people, have the right to choose our own candidates and vote for who we want! Yet the Establishment has done everything in its power to shut me out and destroy my candidacy.
But they didn’t count on me, a candidate with a strong military background, strong Christian values, strong ethics, and the will to fight back and expose them. You see, I know what is important to the people of Indiana and I intend to go to Washington to represent YOU, not the best interests of the Republican elite. And they didn’t count on you, the people, who are informed enough to know that the Establishment fights the true Conservative candidates more in the Primary, than they fight the Democrats in the General!
The two GOP counties who are hosting Greg Pence as their guest speaker for their Lincoln Day Dinner, while ignoring the rest of the candidates in this Congressional race, are merely proof of what has been happening to me privately behind the scenes since I declared my candidacy. I sincerely hope the Indiana voter will not let the Establishment get away with crowning Greg Pence as their next U.S. Representative, but will rise up to tell the Party Elites: “Enough!”

Indy Republican stands with Stephen Mackenzie and says: "Enough"! Enough with the Establishment and their tools telling us who we should and should not vote for. For this reason IR is proud to endorse Steve Mackenzie for Congress! Give them Hell Steve!

UPDATE: An IR reader was kind enough to bring to our attention a tweet from Stephen Mackenzie with a photocopy of his full statement and some additional background information on the eGOP's trying to "persuade" Mackenzie to drop out of the race for congress:

Link to Mackenzie's Facebook announcement: https://www.facebook.com/MacKenzieForCongress/?hc_ref=ARS5a1Hm7t8r4Z2uOM0cZzwDdjJVJJAx5U8XsyvF1HyQ9HgUfLo56PpypLy7MzIT79o&fref=nf

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

More of the Shithole Debate

The band Trump Beatles wanted to add there two cents about the Shit Hole crisis sweeping the nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen The Trump Beatles:

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Former DCS Director hired by Attorney General Curtis Hill

Chris Sims over at Indystar reported yesterday that Mary Beth Bonaventura who resigned as head of the Department of Child Services last month. Will be starting work as Special Counsel for Attorney General Curtis Hill.

Sims writing for the Indianapolis Star said:

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill announced Bonaventura will be joining his staff as special counsel in a new release on Wednesday.

Bonaventura was appointed lead DCS in 2013 by then-Gov. Mike Pence. On Dec. 12, Bonaventura wrote stinging letter of resignation to Gov. Eric Holcomb.

Bonaventura, who has worked in child welfare for 36 years, said could not watch Hoosier children "being systematically placed at risk, without the ability to help them."

The hiring of Bonaventura by AG Hill has led to rumors in political circles that there could be a rift between Hill and Governor Eric Holcomb. Bonventura's very public and angry resignation as head of DCS did not please Holcomb and has caused him much misery. We will be going more in depth regarding Bonventura's resignation and the issues at DCS in future blog posts. We apologize for having taken so long to get to this story. But the staff has had a hectic few months. Marisa Kwiatkowski provided a link to Bonaventura's Resignation Letter here. IR recommends that our readers take a look at the letter. We appreciate your support and patience with us. If you have any information or suggestions for other posts please contact us by email at: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info, or the contact form on the blog webpage.

Trump International Hotel ranked as a “Shithole” on Yelp

Yesterday Paul Ogden of Ogden on Politics fame discussed the recent controversy over President Donald Trump’s reported “Shithole” comments about some other countries. We have since learned that apparently some people out there have decided that “Shithole” is the proper label to apply to some of President Trump’s hotels.

The Hill’s Rebecca Savransky wrote yesterday:

Hundreds of reviewers on Yelp in recent days have given the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., one star and described it as a "shithole."

Between Thursday and Monday, nearly 800 reviews were posted that used the word "shithole" to described the hotel, according to CNN, which cited New Knowledge, a company that tracks the spread of misinformation online.

At the top of hotel's page, Yelp says the business is "being monitored by Yelp's support team for content related to media reports."

The hotel currently has an average rating of 2 stars on Yelp. It had an average rating of 4 stars just five days ago, CNN noted.

Between Thursday and Monday, nearly 800 reviews were posted that used the word "shithole" to described the hotel, according to CNN, which cited New Knowledge, a company that tracks the spread of misinformation online.

At the top of hotel's page, Yelp says the business is "being monitored by Yelp's support team for content related to media reports."

The hotel currently has an average rating of 2 stars on Yelp. It had an average rating of 4 stars just five days ago, CNN noted.

To read the rest of Miss Savransky’s article please click here.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Marco Rubio to honor Late Putin Critic

Sorry to have been slow at writing posts this month. Busy month so far. In some good news for today Senator Marco Rubio working in tandem with the Washington, D.C. City Council has successfully moved to have the plaza housing the Russian Embassy renamed the Boris Nemtsov Plaza. Nemtsov was a fierce critic of Russian President  Mob Boss Vladimir Putin. Nemtsov was murdered almost three years ago near the Kremlin. 

 Kudos to Sarah Rumpf's very informative piece if you would like to read the entire article please click here. We would like to also express our gratitude to both Senator Rubio and the D.C. City Council for calling out the Russian Government for their continued human rights violations.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Senator Orrin Hatch to Retire after 40 years in Office w/Update

Senator Orrin Hatch R-Utah

Earlier today Utah Senator Orrin Hatch confirmed that he will not seek another term in the Senate. His retirement creates an opening for another republican to claim the seat. Back in September we blogged about rumors that former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney was angling for Hatch's seat. 

Governor Romney released this statement about Hatch's retirement:

I join the people of Utah in thanking my friend, Senator Orrin Hatch for his more than forty years of service to our great state and nation. As Chairman of the Senate Finance and Judiciary Committees and as the longest-serving Republican Senator in U.S. history, Senator Hatch has represented the interests of Utah with distinction and honor. Ann and I wish Senator Orrin Hatch and his loving wife Elaine all the best in their future endeavors.


Hatch's decision to retire is considered by many to be a blow to President Donald Trump. Who is rumored to have been pressuring Hatch to not retire. Word is that Trump is afraid that if Hatch did as he has decide to retire this year. That Mitt Romney would win the GOP nomination and be elected to fill the seat. Romney is still very well liked by Utah voters possibly due to his Mormon faith. So well liked that his son Josh Romney may run this year for Utah Governor. Utah being such a strong republican state would most likely elect whatever candidate the GOP nominates to any statewide office. Another rumor is circulating that Evan McMullin the former chief policy director for the U.S. House Repulicans, CIA Agent, 2016 Independent Presidential Candidate, and founder of StandUpRepublic.com. Is also considering running in the GOP Senate Primary this year in Utah. McMullin won 21% of the vote in Utah in 2016 for President. So he obviously has some support in Utah. McMullin like Romney is also very open and active with his Mormon faith. If McMullin does enter and win the GOP Senate Primary. President Trump will no doubt have an even bigger headache with Evan McMullin in the Senate than he would if Mitt Romney gets elected. McMullin is so Anti-Trump he makes Romney look like Steve Bannon.

Evan McMullin

The filing deadline for the ballot in Utah is March 15th. Candidates then can choose to compete in their political parties state convention to see if they can garner enough support to make it to the primary ballot on June 26th, gather enough signatures to be placed on their parties primary ballot, or they can choose to both gather signatures and compete in their party convention to be placed on the ballot. So we will all just have to wait until March 15th to see who all is competing for the GOP Senate Nomination. If anyone out there has any information about Utah's upcoming senate race. We would love to hear from you.

UPDATE: CNN’s Chris Cillizza has an interesting analysis of President Trump’s inability to convince Orrin Hatch to stay in the Senate. Click here for Cillizza’s piece. Something else just occurred to us. If Mitt Romney does run for the Senate that could put his niece current RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel in an awkward position. We chronicled last month about her decision to reverse course and back now defeated Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore. Governor Romney to his credit did oppose Moore’s candidacy. IR would love to know how McDaniel is going to deal with her Uncles probable Senate run. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Breitbart News Washes it’s hands of Neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen with Update

Steve Bannon has apparently found a candidate too repulsive for even him and his Breitbart minions to support. This afternoon word came out that Bannon and Breitbart have dumped the racist clown Paul Nehlen. Earlier this month we reported on how Nehlen told conservative New York Post writer Jon Podhoretz to eat a bullet. We of course suggested to Nehlen that he jump off a tall bridge for being such a moron. Back to today’s story on the now finished bromance between Nehlen and Bannon.

Brett Samuels of The Hill reports:

Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon and his conservative outlet, Breitbart News, have cut ties with a far-right activist challenging Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in 2018 after the candidate posted several controversial tweets

“Nehlen is dead to us,” Arthur Schwartz, a Bannon adviser, told CNN on Wednesday regarding Wisconsin congressional candidate Paul Nehlen (R).

“We don’t support him,” Breitbart editor Joel Pollak tweeted late Tuesday. “He’s disqualified himself.”

Samuels mentions one of the tasteless tweets in question that probably got Nehlen booted from Breitbart:

Nehlen on Saturday tweeted an illustration showing three Christian crosses with signs reading "No it's not," "It's okay to be white" and "No it's not." The cross in the middle of the image was meant to represent Jesus Christ.

What is a mystery to us is why it took so long for Bannon and Company to figure out that Nehlen is a complete psycho. It’s not like he has been shy about his insanity. INDY REPUBLICAN is glad to hear that Bannon and Breitbart have dumped Nehlen. We however remain skeptical this will be the last embarrassing candidate that Bannon backs and then has to throw under the bus.

IR is not the only conservative to have reservations about Nehlen and Bannon. Here is a twitter exchange by a friend of the blog pointing out how problematic Nehlen, Roy Moore and Bannon are:

UPDATE: Ben Shapiro over at DailyWire.com has an excellent take here on the whole Bannon/Nehlen fiasco. Shapiro used to work at Breitbart News under Steve Bannon so his insights into Bannon and Breitbart are worth a read.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Alas Poor Jim Atterholt We Hardly Knew Ye

Jim Atterholt 

John Russell over at IBJ.COM reports that after less than a year back at the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC). That political hack and Paul Ogden’s old bete noire Jim Atterholt has decided to run like hell resign as Chairman of the IURC. 

Russell writes:

James Atterholt, chairman of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, will leave Jan. 12, Governor Eric Holcomb’s office said Monday.

The powerful agency regulates $14 billion worth of electric, natural gas, telecommunications, steam, water and sewer utilities. It approves utility projects and determines how much utilities can charge customers.

In a statement, Atterholt said his wife, Brenda, was offered a job transfer to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. “We are looking forward to life at a slower pace.”

Holcomb’s announcement called Atterholt’s departure a “retirement,” but it seemed somewhat unexpected. Holcomb had appointed Atterholt in February, and in a statement at the time made the appointment sound long term.

“Jim Atterholt’s history of service and depth of knowledge on utility issues make him the best choice to lead the IURC, particularly over the next four years,” Holcomb said in February.

Gov. Mitch Daniels originally appointed Atterholt as chairman of the commission, and he served from 2010 to 2014. He had a break to serve as chief of staff to Gov. Mike Pence from 2014 through 2016.
Before serving at the IURC, Atterholt served as commissioner for the Indiana Department of Insurance. He previously served two terms as a member of the Indiana General Assembly, from 1998 to 2002.

With Atterholt’s retirement, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Nominating Committee must convene to evaluate candidates and then submit the nominations of three individuals to the governor to fill the vacated position.

It is very observant of John Russell to point out the unusual nature of Atterholt’s departure considering how much fanfare Governor Eric Holcomb had made earlier this year to Atterholt’s appointment to the IURC. IR had blogged about Atterholt and the IURC earlier this year here and here.

Although we applaud Russell for mentioning Atterholt’s previous tenure at the Indiana Department of Insurance (IDOI), IURC and as Chief of Staff to former Governor Mike Pence. We must chastise Russell just as we did earlier this year for failing to mention Atterholt’s past scandals at the IDOI and IURC. Even though Russell reported on one of Atterholt’s IURC scandals years ago.

As we noted back in January:

Interestingly the article (John Russell’s January 2017 article on Atterholt) declines to mention Atterholt's sordid and unethical history at running both the Indiana Department of Insurance and also his time at IURC. Especially considering that John Russell reported on Atterholt's issue at the IURC back in a 2011 article he wrote for the Indianapolis Star! At the time both Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden both reported on Atterholt's unusually close relationship with Duke Energy. Which was the problem his predecessor David Lott Hardy had and was the reason why Hardy was forced out and Atterholt put in Hardy's place! Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden's pieces on Atterholt and the IURC can be found hereand here. As for his conduct as head of the Department of Insurance Atterholt was told repeatedly by then Title Insurance Division Head Paul Ogden about various legal problems being created by a department head at the IDOI who had been put into their position by former Governor Joe Kernan. Atterholt responded by firing Ogden from his position. Longtime readers of Advance Indiana and Ogden on Politics.com will be aware of the story. But for those of you who may not have heard of it we will post links to both Mr. Ogden's accounts of his situation as reported on his blog and also a link to the asinine decision made by the Court of Appeals granting summary judgement to the Department of Insurance. If you like twisted and nonsensical judicial decisions then you will enjoy reading the Court's dismissing of Ogden's lawsuit. 

We are all scratching our heads here as to why Mr. Russell made absolutely no mention of Atterholt's past problems at IURC since he reported on them five and a half years ago! Tell us John why did you fail to mention these facts in your IBJ article last week? It is relevant information and any competent third rate hack would have put it in there article! Why didn't you? If you ever care to explain yourself we are all ears! If any of you feel so inclined you can call John Russell at his office (317) 472-5383 or ask him on twitter if you feel so inclined at www.twitter.com/JohnRussell99.

We are glad that Atterholt is leaving the state. But we are upset that the press is once again letting a lowlife creep like Jim Atterholt off the hook for his sins. If Indianapolis had a halfway competent prosecutor Atterholt would possibly be facing criminal charges for his transgressions at the Department of Insurance and his shenanigans at the IURC. If anyone wants to call up John Russell at 317-472-5383 or contact him at www.twitter.com/JohnRussell99. 

As for Jim Atterholt. Jimmy if you are reading this Go to Hell!