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Showing posts with label Charlie White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie White. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Where Have All The Real Republicans Gone?

As promised we here at Indy Republican are blogging about issues the Mainstream Media will not discuss. The question of the day is why does there seem to be so few Genuine Republicans left these days? Where to begin. Well for one thing Donald Trump the presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee. Has a long history of supporting liberal democratic positions. Such as his past advocacy of Universal Health Care, his support for Abortion on demand. Just like Mitt Romney who ran in 2012 who started Romneycare in Massachusetts, and who was pro choice when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994. Or former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan and former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard who both supported and pushed for higher and higher taxes, and were extremely hostile to the rights of Gun Owners. Why do We The People keep electing people to office who run as Republicans and then proceed to act no different than Democrats once elected? Especially in Indiana the only Genuine Republicans Left around the Hoosier State seem to be few and far between. As political commentators go we have Paul Ogden, Charlie White, and Gary Welsh. As for past and present elected officeholders we have Indianapolis City County Councilwoman Christine Scales the only member of either party on the council to stand up against crippling taxes enacted by both parties in the Circle City. In the Indiana State Senate we have Mike Delph who is always a gentleman and is one of the only public officals in Indiana who has refused to pile on the Charlie White hate train. Kudos to you Mike! Also we have Indiana State Senator and soon to be US Congressman Jim Banks who has the distinction of pushing for more transparency in the affairs of the Indiana Republican Party! That is about all of the real Republicans left in the Hoosier State we can think of if you out there think of anymore we should include on this list please let the staff at Indy Republican know in the comments section. Have a Blessed Day!

UPDATE: Indy Republican is sorry to report that Gary Welsh died on May 1st, 2016. We here send our sympathies to his family. Some of us had the privilege of knowing Mr. Welsh personally and are saddened by his unfortunate demise. Paul Ogden has information about a life celebration to take place for Mr. Welsh in a post of his click here for the information on the celebration.

Also we would like to add the following tributes to Gary Welsh from Paul Ogden, Jon Easter, Matt Stone, Pat Andrews, and last but not least Ruth Holladay.