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Showing posts with label Advance Indiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advance Indiana. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

We Need More Gadflies Not Less

noun, plural gadflies 
1. any of various flies (such as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock
2. a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism  
  • a political gadfly

IR, Paul Ogden, Charlie White have all been accused of being gadflies. Usually meant to convey the impression that people like us exist only to irritate or annoy others with our blogging and activism. We will not speak for Misters Ogden and White. Speaking for ourselves we choose to hold public officials and others accountable when they act contrary to the values they are supposed to uphold. If by speaking truth to power we irritate some people we say GOOD! If it was not for gadflies like Paul Ogden and the late great Gary Welsh. Dick Lugar would still be decomposing in his Senate seat from a state in which he has not resided since 1977. A more recent example of the need for gadflies is provided in Paul Ogden's most recent post Indianapolis Terminates Ballard-Era Electric/Hybrid Car Contract; Will Blue Indy Be Next? Paul discusses how after several years of him and the late great Gary Welsh banging the drum against former Indianapolis Greg Ballard's Indy-Vision boondoggle. Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett has decided to cancel this ill advised deal. Yes it took many years. But the point is that the contract was eventually cancelled. Not all of our heroes share our enthusiasm for being the monkey in the wrench of our political parties. Jonah Goldberg of National Review and host of the outstanding "The Remnant" podcast voiced his opinion of how he feels having to be the political odd man out:

Although we can understand Jonah's frustration we cannot share it to any significant degree. We tend to share the view of The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol in this matter:

On that note we would also say that if we are going to be the skunk's on the Republican Parties lawn we might as all stink together!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Is Blogging Worth It? Yes it is!

It has been almost two years since IR started to opine on the Central Indiana Blogsphere. We started writing a short time before our good friend Gary Welsh passed away. At first we thought we had to write as often as Gary did in order to be a good blogger. But as we have continued to speak our minds on the things that matter most to us. We have experienced great joy. We have managed to increase our output greatly since we began. But we no longer feel a need to compete against our friends Gary Welsh, Paul Ogden or Jon Easter. Don’t get us wrong we look up to all of these men and strive to have the same good qualities they do. But we must be ourselves above all. We miss Gary Welsh to this day and we feel his loss now as much as we did when he died. But we also feel as much gratitude and brotherly affection for him and his work as we ever did. All of our lives are better off that he lived. IR has gained to our great satisfaction an excellent readership. We only have hundreds not the thousands of daily readers that Advance Indiana had and our readership is still far below that of our friend Paul Ogden’s Ogden on Politics blog. But we have never been happier. Pliny the Elder said: 
“True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read; and in so living as to make the world happier for our living in it.”

Gary Welsh, Paul Ogden, Jon Easter and ourselves have made the world around us happier for having lived in it. So we will keep firing away as we deem necessary at the villains of the world. We must do so on our own terms and no one else’s. We would encourage anyone who wants to blog to do so. But always remember that your blog should help lift you up not wear you down. If it starts to wear you down take a break. The world will not stop nor will the sun stop shining if you take time away from blogging.

For a thoughtful treatise on being yourself click here to read this piece by Joyce Meyer. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Alas Poor Jim Atterholt We Hardly Knew Ye

Jim Atterholt 

John Russell over at IBJ.COM reports that after less than a year back at the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission (IURC). That political hack and Paul Ogden’s old bete noire Jim Atterholt has decided to run like hell resign as Chairman of the IURC. 

Russell writes:

James Atterholt, chairman of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, will leave Jan. 12, Governor Eric Holcomb’s office said Monday.

The powerful agency regulates $14 billion worth of electric, natural gas, telecommunications, steam, water and sewer utilities. It approves utility projects and determines how much utilities can charge customers.

In a statement, Atterholt said his wife, Brenda, was offered a job transfer to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. “We are looking forward to life at a slower pace.”

Holcomb’s announcement called Atterholt’s departure a “retirement,” but it seemed somewhat unexpected. Holcomb had appointed Atterholt in February, and in a statement at the time made the appointment sound long term.

“Jim Atterholt’s history of service and depth of knowledge on utility issues make him the best choice to lead the IURC, particularly over the next four years,” Holcomb said in February.

Gov. Mitch Daniels originally appointed Atterholt as chairman of the commission, and he served from 2010 to 2014. He had a break to serve as chief of staff to Gov. Mike Pence from 2014 through 2016.
Before serving at the IURC, Atterholt served as commissioner for the Indiana Department of Insurance. He previously served two terms as a member of the Indiana General Assembly, from 1998 to 2002.

With Atterholt’s retirement, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Nominating Committee must convene to evaluate candidates and then submit the nominations of three individuals to the governor to fill the vacated position.

It is very observant of John Russell to point out the unusual nature of Atterholt’s departure considering how much fanfare Governor Eric Holcomb had made earlier this year to Atterholt’s appointment to the IURC. IR had blogged about Atterholt and the IURC earlier this year here and here.

Although we applaud Russell for mentioning Atterholt’s previous tenure at the Indiana Department of Insurance (IDOI), IURC and as Chief of Staff to former Governor Mike Pence. We must chastise Russell just as we did earlier this year for failing to mention Atterholt’s past scandals at the IDOI and IURC. Even though Russell reported on one of Atterholt’s IURC scandals years ago.

As we noted back in January:

Interestingly the article (John Russell’s January 2017 article on Atterholt) declines to mention Atterholt's sordid and unethical history at running both the Indiana Department of Insurance and also his time at IURC. Especially considering that John Russell reported on Atterholt's issue at the IURC back in a 2011 article he wrote for the Indianapolis Star! At the time both Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden both reported on Atterholt's unusually close relationship with Duke Energy. Which was the problem his predecessor David Lott Hardy had and was the reason why Hardy was forced out and Atterholt put in Hardy's place! Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden's pieces on Atterholt and the IURC can be found hereand here. As for his conduct as head of the Department of Insurance Atterholt was told repeatedly by then Title Insurance Division Head Paul Ogden about various legal problems being created by a department head at the IDOI who had been put into their position by former Governor Joe Kernan. Atterholt responded by firing Ogden from his position. Longtime readers of Advance Indiana and Ogden on Politics.com will be aware of the story. But for those of you who may not have heard of it we will post links to both Mr. Ogden's accounts of his situation as reported on his blog and also a link to the asinine decision made by the Court of Appeals granting summary judgement to the Department of Insurance. If you like twisted and nonsensical judicial decisions then you will enjoy reading the Court's dismissing of Ogden's lawsuit. 

We are all scratching our heads here as to why Mr. Russell made absolutely no mention of Atterholt's past problems at IURC since he reported on them five and a half years ago! Tell us John why did you fail to mention these facts in your IBJ article last week? It is relevant information and any competent third rate hack would have put it in there article! Why didn't you? If you ever care to explain yourself we are all ears! If any of you feel so inclined you can call John Russell at his office (317) 472-5383 or ask him on twitter if you feel so inclined at www.twitter.com/JohnRussell99.

We are glad that Atterholt is leaving the state. But we are upset that the press is once again letting a lowlife creep like Jim Atterholt off the hook for his sins. If Indianapolis had a halfway competent prosecutor Atterholt would possibly be facing criminal charges for his transgressions at the Department of Insurance and his shenanigans at the IURC. If anyone wants to call up John Russell at 317-472-5383 or contact him at www.twitter.com/JohnRussell99. 

As for Jim Atterholt. Jimmy if you are reading this Go to Hell!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Governor Eric "Bagman" Holcomb Once Again Jets Around The World

It seems in a shocking turn of events that the CIA's Paper of Record the Indianapolis Star put out another decent story. This time from another one of our favorite reporters. IR has frequently cited the work of Kaitlain Lange on this blog. If the Star hires just a few more reporters like Ms. Lange, Fatima Hussein, and Tony Cook. We all here may have to slighty revise our long standing negative view of "Pravda Indianapolis". INDY REPUBLICAN does not think that will happen anytime soon. But we all believe in the redemptive power of prayer. So we will not give up just yet.

Now let's get down to business. Kaitlain Lange's October 27th, 2017 piece "Gov. Eric Holcomb travels to India on third international trip as Governor", will be the subject of this post. Most people who have read Gary Welsh's "Advance Indiana" blog. Will most likely be aware that the old master loved to call out Governor's Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence for their frequent "trade mission" trips. It was Gary's contention as well as IR's that these trips, unless proven otherwise, are a waste of taxpayer money and are simply an excuse for politicians and lobbyists to conduct underhanded and possibly illegal activities away from the eyes of the public.

The reason that the IR gang has not written about "trade missions" before. Is that although we share Mr. Welsh's negative view of these trips. We feel that we the people are better off when these politicians and parasites leave town. Yes they do waste taxpayer money by having the trips abroad. But they can and do waste more money and inflict more pain when they are in Indiana. So we have done our best not to encourage Holcomb and others like him from actually staying in town.

But honesty and our commitment to carrying the torch Gary Welsh light for all of us. We felt compelled to write about this. Notwithstanding our own feelings on the subject.

Ms. Lange writes:

Gov. Eric Holcomb is traveling to India on Friday for his third international trade mission in his first nine months as governor

Holcomb and Secretary of Commerce Jim Schellinger will focus on expanding business opportunities for both countries as they meet with governor officials, business leaders and representatives of foreign chambers in Delhi, Bangalore, Mysore and Pune.

Holcomb previously traveled to Hungary and France in June and Japan in September for economic development.

"With recent, large job commitments from India-based companies, we are building even greater momentum to send more Hoosier-made goods to India and recruit more Indian businesses to grow here in Indiana," Holcomb said. "I'll remain focused on taking our state to the world and bringing the world back to our Hoosier communities."

Holcomb has made workforce development a priority since he became governor, creating a new position as the chief talent recruitment officer.

There are currently nine India-based companies in Indiana.

In March, Infosys became the latest Indian company to announce plans to add an Indiana site with the creation of a tech and innovation hub. The company will invest $8.7 million and employ up to 2,000 Hoosiers. Holcomb will meet with the executives of Infosys as well as Indian company Cummins while in India.

Since 2006, Indiana exports to India have increased 117 percent, totaling more than $266 million in 2016, while India imports to Indiana totaled $349 million.

India also has strong ties to the state's colleges: Purdue University, for example, had the largest enrollment of Indian undergraduate students in the U.S., with 881 students in the fall of 2016.

The international trade trips are funded by the Indiana Economic Development Foundation, which receives private donations.

INDY REPUBLICAN is skeptical to say the least that this trade mission is being funded by private donations. According to the government watchdog site ProPublica the Indiana Economic Development Foundation's address is listed as One North Capital Avenue in Indianapolis. The Indiana Economic Development Corporation created by former Governor Mitch Daniels is also located at One North Capital Avenue. The IEDC was created to replace the former Indiana Department of Commerce and has been frequently criticized for fabricating the number of jobs they have brought into Indiana among other things. To be fair the article only states that the IEDC Foundation receives private donations. It does not say it ONLY receives private donations. Nor does the article state that any private funding is being used for Governor Holcomb's little jaunt to India. Here is hoping that "Bagman" Holcomb does not do anything to asinine while in India. And remember no matter how disgusting it is that old Eric and the gang are traveling the world on trips of dubious value. We still want them to stay the hell out of this state.

For further information about the problems that have been plaguing the IEDC since it's creation back in 2005 click here and here to read Gary Welsh and Paul Ogden's articles on the matter.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

InfoWars Head Alex Jones claims Hollywood Elites Grabbed him by the Pu$$y!

Alex Jones

By now it is fair to assume that most of our readers are aware of the sexual harassment scandal surrounding Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein. Click here for more background on Weinstein's fall from grace. Alex Jones everyone's favorite nut-job of InfoWars infamy has come forward claiming that he has been sexually harassed by Hollywood insiders.

Susan Wright over at Redstate.com has the story:

InfoWars host Alex Jones jumped the Weinstein bandwagon Friday:
“I’ve had Hollywood producers grab me by the genitals, twice, and I’ve had them pat me on the butt many other times, and that’s why, one reason, I don’t go out there,” Mr. Jones said near the start of Friday’s edition of his popular internet and radio program.
“I was just thinking about it — I had suppressed it, I had repressed it — one other Hollywood producer, three of them, grabbed my genitals,” Mr. Jones said several minutes later.

The Weinstein thing has been going on for over a week. Jones has been talking about it, without making a single reference to his own experiences, but suddenly, he’s got a vivid memory and exact detail.
“Going after the women is only secondary and only to humiliate them. It’s really about men dominating other men, and it’s not even for the gay sex. It’s an act of domination,” Mr. Jones said during Friday’s broadcast.
“I guess it’s just something they do – they really will grab you and really not kind of hurt you, but squeeze you. I guess just to see what you’re going to do,” Mr. Jones said. “It was like a weird handshake ritual of dominance to see what I’d do.”

So knowing all of this, what did you do? Who was responsible? Name names and put those scumbags on the ropes.
Jones didn’t name names.

IR has to share Susan Wright's skepticism of Alex Jones claim of having been molested by Hollywood moguls. His refusal to name the people he alleges to have harmed him diminishes his already non-existent credibility. The cowardly behavior exhibited by Alex Jones stands in stark contrast to the late great Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana fame. Indy Republican admits that yes Gary was an fan of InfoWars and believed in our opinions far more than he should have in conspiracy theories. Gary was only trying to get at the truth and help insure justice was done. Also Gary openly called out powerful people that he knew or thought he knew engaged in molesting others. The staff here recalls with great admiration. Gary Welsh's articles exposing Indiana Democratic fundraiser Joe "The Popper King" Miller for his role in contributing to the death of many members of his own gay community by his manufacturing of poppers. As well as calling out Miller on the fact that he had been charged in the late 1970's with molesting two teenage boys in Johnson County, Indiana.

It is one of the greatest sins of our time that a man like Gary Welsh who did fight against sexual violence against men and women felt compelled to end his life. While a, and we use the term loosely here a "man" like the vile creep Alex Jones is out there peddling his garbage. Alex Jones days are numbered though. More and more. His insanity is being called out by great men and women at publications like Redstate, National Review, Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, Brian Dunning's Skeptoid.com, and the Weekly Standard.

We will leave you with a video that we believe portrays what really runs through Alex Jones's brain:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Does Mike Pence's face show dark secrets eating away at him?

Young Mike Pence 

Hello everyone! We were just checking our archives and noticed we haven't written about Vice President Mike Pence since July. So we felt it was time to go knock old Mikey down a few pegs. As frequent readers of this blog are aware we have pointed out how the supernaturally dark circles under Governor Eric Holcomb's eyes denote the darkness in his cold, black heart.

Well a reader of this blog found something on Twitter about Mike Pence's change in appearance over the years. Speculation is the change in his facial features might be due to some dark secrets he is carrying around in his nonexistent brain. Here is the tweet and some responses. We will post them and you can all decide what if anything the pictures show:

What dark secrets are slowly sucking Pence's eyes back into his skull?

They're trying to fill that void in his head which, in a normal person, would be home to a fully functioning brain.

I noticed that today, too. Maybe he just sucks from the inside out?

Hypocrisy will do that to a person.

Link to above tweet: https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/907749483773026304