If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Beto O’Rourke’s Freaky Campaign Videos

Well it’s 14 days until the midterm election. And there has definitely been no shortage of weirdness this campaign season. Beto O’Rourke might just take the cake for most bizarre political videos of the year. Here’s the incomparable Ben Shapiro and his take on Beto’s videos:

Monday, October 15, 2018

GOP Sends The Money Truck Away From Putin and Mike Pence’s Favorite Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

In what might turn out to be proof of our theory that everything Pence touches dies (or ETPD for short). As well as a ray of hope that the Pro-Sovietization of our Grand Old Party could be starting to wane. RawStory wrote yesterday that Congressman and Communist Tool Dana Rohrabacher would no longer be getting funding from one of the Republican Party’s largest fundraising arms. RawStory writes:
The Republican Party’s top funding group for congressional races will not spend money to support two Orange County Republicans.
The Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for gathering and dispersing multi-million-dollar checks from the GOP’s biggest donors and will spend $12 million on cable television ads in Southern California.
Rohrabacher is famous for his pro-Russian views and has been called “Putin’s favorite congressman.”

The Vice President is scheduled to be at a fundraiser for Rohrabacher tomorrow. This despite the fact that many political observers have expressed concerns about Rohrabacher's overly friendly views towards Russian tyrant and former KGB Agent Vladimir Putin. If being around a bunch of pampered, self-indulgent, whiners who show disrespect to the national anthem is too much for the Vice President. Then how can he justify fundraising for a congressman whose own patriotism has been rightfully questioned?

Well the patriotism of Pence and Rohrabacher is being rightfully questioned not only by us here at IR. But if the most recent polling out of Rohrabacher’s district is to be trusted those who know him best apparently are liking and trusting him less and less.

World Champion ChessMaster, Human Rights Activist, and Anti-Communist Gary Kasparov had this observation to make about Pence and Rohrabacher last year:

Sadly Rohrabacher is not the only person out there trying to transform the historically anti-communist GOP into a vehicle to promote the legacy of Lenin and Stalin. But that is exactly the path that Rohrabacher is working towards by being pals with former KGB Agent Vladimir Putin. The disgusting harpie Ann Coulter and former Alabama GOP Senate Candidate Roy Moore have both expressed admiration for the murdering dictator Putin.

Earlier this year Grant Gambling wrote this magnificent column detailing Ann Coulter’s praising of Putin and her trashing of US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.

Here is Coulter in his or her own words:

Roy Moore last year in an interview with Paul Lewis of the London Guardian offered praise for Vladimir Putin and also tried to gloss over the sins of King David in the Old Testament. Here is a video of that interview. Especially pay attention from 1:18 to 1:50 in the video. In that section Moore in regards to President Ronald Reagan's saying that Russia was the focus of evil in the modern world. Moore goes onto say the same could be said about America. He compares same sex marriage as being an argument against the greatness of the United States. Moore even says that Putin is maybe more closer to Moore's thinking than he realizes. This trying to make the case that the United States and Putin's Russia are morally equally is completely revolting. It goes against the founding principles of our country, is a slap in the face to Reagan who correctly described America as a "Shining City on The Hill", and makes Moore, Coulter and their ilk similar to the pronouncements of the late Osama Bin Laden who called America "The Great Satan".  Here is the interview with Roy Moore:

And speaking of King David. Moore for a man who styles himself as a devout Christian he fails to point out that David repented of his sins. Here is the account taken from the Holy Scriptures detailing the repentance of David (2 Samuel 12:1-13):

Nathan’s Parable and David’s Confession

12 Then the Lord sent Nathan to David. And he came to him, and said to him: “There were two men in one city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds. But the poor man had nothing, except one little ewe lamb which he had bought and nourished; and it grew up together with him and with his children. It ate of his own food and drank from his own cup and lay in his bosom; and it was like a daughter to him. And a traveler came to the rich man, who refused to take from his own flock and from his own herd to prepare one for the wayfaring man who had come to him; but he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him.”

So David’s anger was greatly aroused against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the Lord lives, the man who has done this [a]shall surely die! And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing and because he had no pity.”

Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more! Why have you despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the people of Ammon. 10 Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.’ 11 Thus says the Lord: ‘Behold, I will raise up adversity against you from your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun. 12 For you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, before the sun.’ ”

13 So David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”
And Nathan said to David, “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die. 

Here is a look at what ideas that Dana Rohrabacher, Ann Coulter, and Mike Pence actually hold in their hearts:

The fact that Donald Trump has himself said that he has not asked God for forgiveness apparently does not phase Moore or Coulter. Compare Roy Moore's interview with the following from President Reagan below. And ask yourselves if Rohrabacher, Trump, Pence, and Moore can by any stretch of the imagination be said to be following in the tradition of Ronald Reagan.

A City on a Hill:

Russia as "The Evil Empire":

Let us all continue the fight for freedom as articulated and fought by Senator Barry Goldwater, President Ronald Reagan, and others. We must continue to work towards reclaiming the proud mantle of being opponents of communism and defenders of freedom.

For further information on the change in the Republican Party's view on Russia read this article here by Steve Chapman of Reason Magazine. Also we think our readers might find Gary Kasparov's book "Winter is Coming" of interest. Thank you and God Bless you All!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dull Lifeless VP Mike Pence Coming to Indiana to Fire Up The GOP

In news that we have filled away under the heading “Things That Induce Vomiting”. Two useless and annoying Vice President’s are coming to Indiana to fire up their respective party bases. The worthless twits Mike Pence and Joe Biden have decided to grace us Hoosiers with there presence. Because Milquetoast Mike and “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden think we Hoosiers are to dumb to make up our own minds with out the benefit of their infinite wisdom. Joe and Mike have come here to a state that Mikey pretends to live in, and Joe Biden pretends to give a damn about. Mike and Joe are each campaigning for Mike Braun and Joe Donnelly for the US Senate respectively. 

That coupled with the fact that as a state legislator Braun a so called fiscal conservative has repeatedly voted for tax hikes, higher user fees, supported Governor Holcomb’s “War on Truckers”. And for decades voted in Democratic primaries. Helps to show how there is no discernible difference between Braun and Donnelly. We at IR personally hope both Braun and Donnelly lose! Seriously If you want us to vote give us candidates!

Friday, October 12, 2018

This Months Upcoming Posts

Just wanted to say that we here at IR appreciate and value all of our readers. We wanted to give you an idea of some upcoming columns this month. We have received some information from some of our sources and we are hoping to follow up on them. And if there is enough meat on the bone to publish it. INDY REPUBLICAN looks into what we all can. But we are not paid for blogging, we don’t have suponea powers, and we all work full time jobs. So we do what we can. Anyway as promised some upcoming stories for this month:

Brian Bosma’s woman troubles

Mitch Daniels attempts to stay relevant 

State Employee Whistleblowing and hopefully much more.

Once again thanks for your continued support and we will be posting more soon.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Indianapolis Star Continues It’s Slide Into Oblivion

In another sign of the inevitable demise of the Indianapolis Star. Yesterday the Star announced that they will no longer be publishing opinion pieces and editorials five days a week and will instead publish them on Thursday and Sunday only. Andrea Neal tweeted about this yesterday:

Gary Welsh, Paul Ogden and IR have for several years now been talking about the Star’s fall from it’s heyday under “Young Gene” Pulliam to it’s decline since being bought by the Gannet Corporation in 1999. Click here and here to read some of our previous columns on the Star’s sad state. One reader once commented on this blog that the Star even failed as trash can liner. Many people whom IR respects and admires have mentioned that the decline at the Star is due to the decrease in resources given to local newspapers in recent years and to the ever increasing use of the Internet as a news source. But the biggest factor for many of us who have canceled our subscriptions to the Star over the past two decades, is the decline in quality reporting being printed by the Star since 1999. There are still several high quality journalists at the Star such as Tony Cook and Fatima Hussein. But when most of the papers space is spent simply regurgitating the talking points of the Indiana political establishment. Why should people pay money to read the Star when they could just listen to politicians speak for free? And when you have useless shills like Tim Swarens as an opinion writer, or guest columnist like Carpetbagging Abdul Hakim-Shabazz writing for your Op-Ed page. It’s only natural that the Star’s readership would plummet.

Tim Swarens on his Facebook page was whining about  how the news business has gotten more complex over the years:

Maybe if Swarens had actually tried to be something other than a hack writer the Star would be in better shape today. We sympathize with Andrea Neal and Ruth Holladay’s sadness at what the Star has become. But unlike them we cannot bring ourselves to mourn the Star’s impending destruction. The Indianapolis Star died long ago. We, Paul Ogden and the late, great Gary Welsh long ago made our piece with that. Our best advice to what talent remains at the Star is: Keep your resumes updated, write high quality work like you never have before, and start applying for other jobs if you have not already. It is no longer possible to dig the Star out of the cosmos sized hole it has dug itself into. The only thing that you can do is keep the Star’s demise from damaging your own careers and let Tim Swarens and his ilk go down with the funeral pyre that is known as The Indianapolis Star.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Remember Be The King of The Road

We all wanted to wish you all a good weekend. Thought you all might want to hear Dean Miller do his rendition of his father Roger Miller’s Classic “King of The Road”. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Become PC? This NeverTrumper Says Hell No!

As many of you have probably figured out by now INDY REPUBLICAN are not fans or supporters of Donald Trump, the alt-right, or the Social Justice Warrior crowd. The reason is that all three of these groups oppose free speech, rule of law, freedom of association, and an aversion to logic and reason. The SJW’s are all up in arms wanting to regulate the content of video games, and institute “safe spaces” where people don’t have to be bothered by those they disagree with. Roy Moore, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the alt-right are just as opposed to free expression and free speech as their annoyingly tasteless counterparts in the SJW crowd. The reason that Trump and the alt-right and the SJW’s attack and hate each other is because they are too much the same. IR is decidedly right-of-center politically, and we consider ourselves the heirs of the authentic conservatism of William F Buckley, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater. We do not follow the faux conservativism of Steve Bannon, Steve Miller and Donald Trump. Needless to say being the scourge of the SJW’s and the bane of the Alt-Right puts us into an interesting spot. Many of our more liberal and/or democratic friends and readers love it when we bash Trump. But turn on us when we support the entire constitution, favor free trade and support free markets. The only way to deal with this is to stand firm on our values and principles and refuse to bow before the altar of stupidity.

We found a cool video online that helps sum up our problems with the Uber PC Left. Although many of it’s criticisms can be leveled at the Alt-Right as well. Here is the video telling you why we will never be politically correct:

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jerry Falwell, Jr Betrays the Gospel to Serve His Golden Calf

Conman Jerry Falwell, Jr

Just as the ancient Hebrews at times stumbled and began to worship heathen idols. So has Jerry Falwell, JR decided to sell out his never existent faith and values to follow his own golden calf: Donald Trump. Like his father before him. He has finished his mad dash to Gomorrah for a seat at the Satanic section of politics. For this he is zealously guarding his thirty pieces of silver.

Showing that his sycophancy is more numerous than all the grains of sand. Junior tweeted out the following blasphemy earlier today:

Let’s just stop and reflect on what Falwell Jr is saying. He is saying that Christians need “street fighters” more than they need “great christian leaders”. Here you have a man who has made his livelihood by saying he is following the great commission given to us by Christ himself where Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 
Note that the Savior did not say to seize temporal power over our fellow man. But that is the exact thrust of Mr. Falwell’s statements and activities for quite sometime now. Another misconception we will attack head on is that being a “street fighter” is necessarily incompatible with being a Christian. Depending on how one is to define being a street fighter. If a street fighter is only fighting in self defense or in defense of others than that doesn’t disqualify them from the fellowship of Christ. If by street fighter one means a common thug, highwayman or gangster. Than that is wholly incompatible with the faith of Christ. We say this in our capacity as Christians, as well as being huge fans of the Street Fighter video game series. 

Space does not permit us here to outline every possible objection to our take on Falwell’s false view of the role of our fellow Christians in the world. So we shall answer the biggest objection we have received thus far to our assertion that Falwell is preaching false doctrine. After which we will site others responses to his early morning ramblings. 

One of the most common objections given as to our belief that Falwell’s message is anathema to Christianity is what about when Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-36 ESV: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. sI have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 rFor I have come tto set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 uAnd a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

Answer: Matthew 10:34–36 describes Jesus telling the disciples that He came not to bring peace to the world, but a sword. Jesus’ sword was never a literal one. In fact, when Peter took up a sword to defend Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus rebuked him and told him to put away his sword, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). Why then, did Jesus say, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” What kind of sword did Jesus come to bring?

Among the names of Jesus Christ is that of Prince of Peace. Such verses as Isaiah 9:6Luke 2:14, and John 14:27 make it clear that Jesus came to bring peace, but that peace is between the man and God. Those who reject God and the only way of salvation through Jesus (John 14:6) will find themselves perpetually at war with God. But those who come to Him in repentance will find themselves at peace with God. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are restored to a relationship of peace with God (Romans 5:1).

Still, it is inevitable that there will be conflict between good and evil, the Christ and the antichrist, the light and the darkness, the children of God (believers) and the children of the devil (those who refuse Christ). Conflict must arise between the two groups, and this can and does happen within a family in which some are believers and others are not. We should seek to be at peace with all men but should never forget that Jesus warned we will be hated for His sake. Because those who reject Him hate Him, they will hate His followers as well (John 15:18).

We recommend clicking the above link to read the full analysis. Our point is that Jesus was speaking of the inevitable conflicts that arise for those of us who strive to follow Christ and those who seek to tear us down. He was not saying to go out and go medieval on others. Of course someone will always say: “Well what if this happens, what if that happens.” Okay you know what? Yes you could probably always find an exception to almost anything. What an earth shattering revelation!

As promised we will close this by showing you some feedback that others have given to Falwell. After this post we wouldn’t be surprised if we are inundated with messages telling us that our souls are damned for disagreeing with Falwell. That’s very sweet but we would rather be truthful and throw ourselves on God’s unlimited and unconditional love than lie to ourselves and others.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

ISP Finally Puts Pixie Grismore on their Cold Case Site

Pixie Grismore

Last year we wrote an article in defense of "Armchair Sleuths" after they had received criticism from Indiana State Police Captain David Bursten. In that article we also pointed out that the late great Gary Welsh over at Advance Indiana had went after then Sgt. Bursten trying without success to get the unsolved murder of former state employee and Birch Bayh campaign worker Mary Beth "Pixie" Grismore listed on the Indiana State Police (ISP) Cold Case section of their website. Gary Welsh had made the following references to his inquiries he had made with now Captain Bursten:

Welsh did hear from Captain then Sergeant Bursten of the ISP. Welsh wrote in 2011:

UPDATE: Sgt. Dave Bursten, public information officer for the Indiana State Police, has confirmed the Grismore case is still an open investigation. He said the closing of the Terre Haute post and revamping of the agency's website is why her case is not listed as a cold case file. Bursten said anyone with information or tips regarding the case should telephone the agency's hotline at 1-800-453-4756.

Two months later in July 2011. Gary Welsh posting about the still unsolved disappearance of Indiana University student Lauren Spierers. Welsh mentioned that the ISP still had not put Pixie Grismores case on their cold case website.

Welsh had this to say in his July 2011 post:

The Indiana State Police don't even have her case listed on their website as a cold case file, a fact a police spokesman told me was simply due to an oversight during a revamping of the department's website. Nearly two months after I raised the question, the omission has still not been corrected. Her case is listed on the state of Ohio's cold case list, even though all investigatory leads led them right back to Indiana. No, the Indiana State Police have no intention of trying to discover who actually murdered Mary Beth Grismore. Let's hope Indiana police are truly interested in solving the disappearance case of Lauren Spierers.

Here is Gary's last known mention of Bursten:

We had last checked the ISP's Cold Case Investigations page earlier this year and had not seen the Grismore murder listed on their site. We had started to fear that as Gary Welsh had told all of us several years ago that her case would never be put on the ISP Cold Case Page. Inspite of the Ohio Attorney General's Office listing the case on their site. We are happy to report that one of our readers contacted us earlier today to tell us that after nearly a decade the ISP has finally posted the case on their website click here to see the page. And although the page is not as detailed as we all would prefer it doesn't even have a photo of Pixie Grismore. Even though photo's of her are easily found on the Internet. We are extremely gratified to see that her case is seeing some light. To many of our readers who took the time to constantly hammer away at the ISP we thank you. Also we would like to thank Captain David Bursten for finally making sure the Cold Case Page was updated! Eight years is way too long! But better late than never.
In fact let's all contact the Good Captain and express our gratitude for his dedicated public service. You can reach him on Twitter @dbursten. 

Here is his contact information at the ISP if you would like to call, email, or go thank him personally:

Indiana State Police / Public Info Office
IGCN 100 N Senate Ave
Marion County, Indianapolis, IN 46204
We here at IR give our sincere thanks to our legionaries out their in the trench's. And a special thanks to Captain Bursten. Without whom the ISP would not be what it is now!

Good Night and God Bless You All!