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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Become PC? This NeverTrumper Says Hell No!

As many of you have probably figured out by now INDY REPUBLICAN are not fans or supporters of Donald Trump, the alt-right, or the Social Justice Warrior crowd. The reason is that all three of these groups oppose free speech, rule of law, freedom of association, and an aversion to logic and reason. The SJW’s are all up in arms wanting to regulate the content of video games, and institute “safe spaces” where people don’t have to be bothered by those they disagree with. Roy Moore, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the alt-right are just as opposed to free expression and free speech as their annoyingly tasteless counterparts in the SJW crowd. The reason that Trump and the alt-right and the SJW’s attack and hate each other is because they are too much the same. IR is decidedly right-of-center politically, and we consider ourselves the heirs of the authentic conservatism of William F Buckley, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater. We do not follow the faux conservativism of Steve Bannon, Steve Miller and Donald Trump. Needless to say being the scourge of the SJW’s and the bane of the Alt-Right puts us into an interesting spot. Many of our more liberal and/or democratic friends and readers love it when we bash Trump. But turn on us when we support the entire constitution, favor free trade and support free markets. The only way to deal with this is to stand firm on our values and principles and refuse to bow before the altar of stupidity.

We found a cool video online that helps sum up our problems with the Uber PC Left. Although many of it’s criticisms can be leveled at the Alt-Right as well. Here is the video telling you why we will never be politically correct:

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