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Showing posts with label Indiana Civil Libertatians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana Civil Libertatians. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Gary Welsh Is Still Helping Hoosiers Even Four Years After His Passing

Gary Welsh, Friend, Patriot, and Agitator

Friday May 1st, 2020 marked the four year anniversary of the passing of a great man, and patriot Gary Welsh. He was the writer of that great blog “Advance Indiana”, which is still worth reading ESPECIALLY today. Gary maybe gone physically from this world, but the torch he lit still burns. Yes he had his flaws, and God knows we often disagreed with him, but he was a great man, and a great American. And Paul Ogden, Charlie White, the IR Gang and many others were honored and still are to have been his friends. We all loved him living and we love him still. We all confess that in many ways Indy Republican and it’s writers are far inferior to Gary Welsh. But we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. And what we do is no less valuable than what our dear friend Gary did. 

We often complain about all the sin and vice that exists in the world. For there is much sin and vice. But we also must remember as it is said in Romans 5:20: “ Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more“. 

Do not let anyone tell you that you do not make a difference. Every act of kindness, everything you do that lifts up yourself and your fellow man makes a positive difference. For all the inspiration you have and continue to give us all, for the years of friendship and your writings we are eternally grateful to you Gary Welsh. We can never bring ourselves to remove our link to your blog. Someday your name will live again. And when the time is right we will all be with you again. Praise be to God! Amen and God Bless You All! And God Bless Gary Welsh!