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Showing posts with label Vengeance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vengeance. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022

IR’s Movie Review of “Vengeance”

Movie Poster for Vengeance 

In what we hope to have become a new semi regular feature of this blog, we are posting IR’s very first movie review. On a whim we all decided to go see the just released crime comedy thriller, Vengeance. The movie marks the directorial debut of B.J. Novack who is probably best know for his role as Ryan Howard on the tv series “The Office”. Novack is also the star of Vengeance. Novack gives an impressive performance as an ambitious journalist and podcaster, who goes to a small town in Texas to investigate the death of a woman with whom he had a brief affair.

During his adventure in Texas, Novack’s character meets up with an interesting and at times quirky assortment of characters that make up small town Texas. The film does a good job at portraying Novack’s east coast journalist, and the inhabitants of the small Texas town as real people and doesn’t resort to very much stereotyping of the players. We loved how the film avoids excessive stereotypes. 

Four stars for the well written and acted Vengeance.