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Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2019

President Trump To Meet with Whales and Dolphins

This edition of Thursday Funnies is brought to us once again by President Trump. As he is prone to doing the Twitterer-In-Chief forgot to spell check before he tweeted out a message on international diplomacy.

In bragging about his frequent visits with foreign dignitaries. The President said that he has met with the Queen of England and the Prince of Whales recently. Of course he should have said Prince of Wales. That is unless the president did indeed meet with an undersea monarch and just decided to reveal that aquatic life has adopted a feudal system of governance.

To break down for us in his own inimitable way here is Bill Kristol:

This is one instance in which we wish that President Trump had actually made some earth shattering discovery about other intelligent life on this planet. But alas we have to accept that Trump is just blowing off his mouth again.