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Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Checkout the Our Great Nation Blog

We wanted to make you all aware of an outstanding blog, Our Great Nation. The blog is written by an old friend and ally of the Indy Republican Crew. It is with great pleasure we introduce our good friend, the greatest minister/activist ever produced by the Old Dominion State, our friend Reverend Eric Stetson. Eric is a former Democratic Party County Chairman in Virginia. He now refers to himself as an independent, politically. He is also a longtime activist and Christian minister. He previously was a member of the Baha’i faith, and was part of the Assemblies of God denomination. 

Reverend Eric Stetson, Author, Entrepreneur, Minister, Activist 

Reverend Stetson has authored several books including Christian Universalism: God’s Good News for All People, A Lost History of the Baha’i Faith, and of the forthcoming Our Great Nation. He is an outspoken critic of both the Trumpian Alt-Right, and is as equally critical of the woke left. 

Over the years we have all known Eric, he has been a source of great wisdom and insight. We would like to think that we have a part to play in his being a critic of the woke left. But in the spirit of intellectual honesty, we must confess he most probably developed his antipathy to wokeism due to his own brain power.

So please checkout his blog Our Great Nation.