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Showing posts with label Quack Medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quack Medicine. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Do Not Use Cocaine or Drink Bleach to Fight the Coronavirus!

As much as we all wanted to steer clear of the Coronavirus, we found something out there about it that we felt vital to share with you all. According to CBS News reporter Christina Capatides there are some dangerous quack remedies being peddled to combat the Coronavirus. Miss Capatides had this to say:

A quick glance at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok will provide a slew of these fake cures(for the Coronavirus): garlic, masturbation, bleach, even cocaine.

Prominent QAnon YouTuber Jordan Sather, for example, tweeted to his more than 121,000 followers that a "miracle mineral solution," which effectively involves drinking bleach, can wipe out COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

"Not only is chlorine dioxide (aka 'MMS') an effective cancer cell killer, it can wipe out coronavirus too," he wrote. "Big Pharma wants you ignorant."

Sadly, drinking bleach isn't the only dangerous "cure" that bad actors are peddling online to a population increasingly anxious about the current outbreak. The most recent rumor spreading at a rapid pace is that cocaine will counteract COVID-19.

On Sunday, in an effort to combat such viral disinformation, the French Ministry of Health tweeted a firm rebuttal: "No, cocaine does not protect against COVID-19. Cocaine is an addictive stimulant drug. Using it can seriously harm people's health and create undesirable effects."

If this misinformation was not so sad, it would actually be funny. We strongly encourage our readers to read Capatides entire story and to share it online. We are all very grateful for Christina Capatides report. If we hadn’t come across this we seriously were getting ready to chug down some Clorox and start riding the white pony! Thankfully due to this new story we are not going to engage in stupid and potentially fatal conduct. Please don’t drink bleach and don’t do cocaine it will only hurt you. Have a good and drug free evening everyone.