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Showing posts with label Eric Stetson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eric Stetson. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter with a message of hope from Pastor Eric Stetson

Happy Easter to all of you out in cyberspace! Today we celebrate the resurrection of the savior of mankind, Jesus Christ!

For this Easter we thought we would share an Easter message from our friend and fellow blogger/activist/minister Eric Stetson on the reality of the Resurrection. Click here to read Reverend Stetson’s uplifting message about the resurrection and why we as believers, as rationalists can believe in the resurrection of Christ.

We believe as did the great 19th century minister John Wesley Hanson that rationalism can be belief in God, an afterlife and the Bible on rational grounds. Eric Stetson’s article argues this point exceptionally well.