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Showing posts with label Charles Navarra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Navarra. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Indy Republican Gives Awards for Helping to Fight The Good Fight

To give credit where credit is due. The writers of Indy Republican have decided to show our appreciation to the following people who have helped to pickup the torch that the late great Gary Welsh lit in 2005.

So to the following individuals IR is proud to induct you into a august order of men and women who have exemplified the qualities that were shown by Gary Welsh. This order is called The Welsh Saints! After all your names have been listed you will all see the Welsh Saints Coat of Arms which we pray that you will all enjoy!

So here are the new members of the Welsh Saints: Charlie White, Charles Navarra, Eric Morris, Christine Scales, Paul Ogden, Jon Easter and Matt Stone.

Gentleman and Lady, our most sincere thanks for all you do. Now behold your Welsh Saints Coat of Arms! Display it with pride:

Welcome to the Club!