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Showing posts with label Tariffs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tariffs. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Help Republicans Fighting Tariffs Today

Indy Republican is glad to see there are some Republicans out there fighting back against job killing tariffs. And standing for the principles of free trade and enterprise rather than going down the path of completely turning the GOP into a full blown socialist/communist front group. Which sadly too many Republicans like Mike Pence, Donald Trump and Putin Puppet Congressman Dana Rohrabacher are doing there best take us from being entrepreneurs and free workers to submissive vassals to a Nurse Ratchet State. We will write more in the future about the unfortunate turn from being the party of freedom and individualism to increasingly supporting communist dictators like Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin. But we urge all of our readers to give your support to Republicans Fighting Tariffs. Help to reverse the Republican Parties slide towards economic facisim like that of Indiana’s Bill Oesterle and restore our commitment to capitalism and free market idealism of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Go to https://terribletariffs.com/ to lend your voice to the fight against economic ruin.