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Showing posts with label Sarah Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Lee. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

Is the Church of Scientology merging with the Nation of Islam?

If Louis Farrakhan’s racist Anti-Semitic Cult is combining forces with another group of bigots the Church of Scientology we should be concerned. Redstate Columnist Sarah Lee has a piece out today “Unholy Union” which explores the connection between the NOI (Nation of Islam) and the Church of Scientology. Miss Lee makes references to actress/comedian Leah Remini’s expose of the Church of Scientology in Remini’s A&E TV Series “Scientology and the Aftermath” as well as Remini’s bestselling book “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology”. We recommend everyone read Lee’s column and take a look at Remini’s TV Series and Book. We have long been friends of the beautiful, funny and talented Leah Remini and we admire her toughness. 

Also see our previous article about Minnesota Congressman and Democratic National Committee Vice-Chairman Keith Ellison’s ties to NOI by clicking here.