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Showing posts with label Fake Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fake Christian. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Unending Hypocrisy of Mike Pence

We have written many posts attacking Mike Pence. So we thought we would put out another one. Last night in his continuing display of worship of his golden calf. Mike Pence  went out to try to convince all of us how awesome Trump is, and why we would all be fools not to re elect him. It’s so pathetic to see Pence continuing to kiss Trump’s feet. The only upside is that it does actually expose Pence as the fraud he has always been. We would actually love for both Trump and Biden to lose, but at this rate we would almost settle for seeing Pence no longer in office. Here’s a really great ad exposing Pence for the hypocrite he is: