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Showing posts with label Charles Herbster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Herbster. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Bacon Reigns Supreme! Anti-Insurrectionist GOP Congressman Don Bacon smashes Trumpist Challenger

Congressman Don Bacon R-NE AKA Bodacious Dude

Good evening friends. We are happy to report that tonight this the second round of primaries of 2022, that former President Donald Trump’s powers are starting to weaken. Republican Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska was targeted by Trump for defeat, has massacred his Trumpist challenger Steve Kuehl.

With 52.7% of the primary vote in Bacon is leading Kuehl 81-18. This margin of victory is so YUGE that even Vladimir Putin is envious! Granted it is but one race, and we are a long way away from slaughtered the orange man baby’s political machine, but to so thoroughly bitch slap a Trumpist is music to our ears! Also although we cannot tell yet, but it appears that Trump’s favorite Nebraskan and fellow pervert Charles Herbster is on track to lose Bigly in his Gubernatorial primary. We have finally found the secret sauce for Never Trump, we will name all of our candidates after popular foods! We could have Senator Hamburger and Governor Pizza!

Here’s a little information from the Republican Accountability Project giving the lowdown about Bacon:

For further information on Bacon click here.

With 42% of the primary vote in Charles Herbster is coming 3rd in a four way primary. And this is after Trump campaigned for him in Nebraska! Herbster is accused of sexual misconduct by several women. We try not to judge a book by it’s cover, but if this picture of Herbster doesn’t say “major psycho”, we don’t know what does: