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Showing posts with label Justin Amash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justin Amash. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Resurgent’s Erick Erickson’s Political Schizophrenia

As Never Trump conservative republicans INDY REPUBLICAN was somewhat comforted by the stand made by Erick Erickson against the RINO Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign. And like our brother-in-arms fellow gadfly Republican Paul Ogden. We share Paul’s distaste at the transformation of Erickson’s former well regarded website Redstate from being a truly conservative website to being another Trumpist rag. Just like the transformation of the late Andrew Brietbart’s site Brietbart News into a propaganda mill of the new Trumpservative GOP establishment. 

Before we delve any further into our critique of Erickson. In the interest of fairness Erickson did hire and has retained several former Redstate writers who were forced out last year during that sites purging of Trump skeptics like the incomparable Susan Wright. That being said it has been a source of great frustration for all of us that earlier this year, in an act of ultimate political cowardice and sycophancy Erickson did a complete turn around and endorsed the Trump ticket for 2020.

Erickson said that the Trump-Pence ticket had “earned his vote” and that despite Trumps many flaws of which Erickson has continued to write about that Trump is better for religion than the anti-religious secular democrats. Erickson being a seminary student should no better. Although all of us at IR are devoted Christians and we cannot stand the Democratic Party’s hostility towards people of faith. The mad dash towards joining in with the Fellowship of the Pharisees, that so many of our brothers and sisters have done and who defend everything Trump does, have done more damage to the body of Christ than most anti religious bigots ever could. Martin Luther who started the Protestant Reformation said he would rather hear the honest shouts of an angry atheist than insincere flattery from his followers. Or as Christ himself said in Matthew 15:8: “"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”

Reports that Erickson decided to if half heartedly give Trump his endorsement suggest that he did so after being lobbied to do so by President Trump. Apparently dear Erick would rather have praise from temporal rulers rather than the God that he claims to serve and worship.

Some have suggested that we are being to hard on Erick. That he has legitimately changed his mind on Trump. Well if it were not for today’s shenanigans that Erickson pulled by saying he endorses Congressman Justin Amash R-MI and Donald Trump for re-election in 2020, there might have been some argument if albeit a weak one that Erickson had changed his mind on Trump. Here is his statement on Twitter:

An endorsement of both campaigns and the donating of money to them is not reconcilable with reality. Congressman Amash has been on Trump’s enemy’s list for several years now. And even more so since Amash an attorney read the Mueller report and concluded after reading it that President Trump should be impeached. Whether knowingly or not by saying that “We need people like Amash in the House of Representatives who are willing to stand up for smaller government and principle.” Than either Erickson is saying that Amash’s argument for the impeachment of Trump is a principled one. In which case Erickson approves of it and makes his support of Trump suspect. Or he doesn’t support impeaching Trump in which case it is impossible for Erickson to honestly back Amash for re-election. After all as any candid observer must admit Amash’s stand is only harming Trump. Especially in Amash’s crucial must win home state of Michigan. So if he wants Trump re-elected in 2020 wouldn’t the wise move be to attack Amash? Or is Erick just trying to cover his ever widening ass in case Trump tanks Bigly next year?

Fortunately not everyone at Erickson’s The Resurgent is a useless hack like him. Susan Wright formerly of Redstate, now a writer for The Resurgent and on her blog Susan Wright On the Right has continually backed Amash and opposed Trump. You can read some of her articles and other fine conservatives and libertarians articles on Amash here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

As for Susan Wright and the other Pro-Amash voices at The Resurgent Bravo! A word of warning though. Since Erick Erickson has already sold out his principles there is no guarantee that he won’t stab Wright and other anti trump writers and activists in the back as well if his master Donald Trump tells him to. Especially in light of this tweet sent out by Donald Trump, Jr (no doubt on his fathers orders) to Amash this morning bragging about how Amash is now down by 16 points in the most recent primary poll. The ever clever Congressman Amash has this to say to Donnie, Jr: