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Showing posts with label Church of Scientology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of Scientology. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Scientologist Actor Danny Masterson Charged with 3 Rapes

Danny Masterson, Actor/Scientologist AKA Accused Rapist

In a long overdue move the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has charged Scientologist actor Danny Masterson,  with three counts of rape. To those of us who have long been watching the Cult of $cientology, we are thrilled to see Masterson finally charged in this case. Mike Rinder the former International Spokesman for the Church of Scientology, now one of the fiercest critics of the cult had this to say on his blog:

I can tell you, the victims (of Danny Masterson) are extremely happy. As are Leah (Remini) and I. They will finally have an opportunity to have their day in court. 

The details of the rape accusations against Masterson are too long and detailed to go into here. Instead we will link to Tony Ortega’s blog “Underground Bunker” for a more in depth look at all the strange twists and turns in this case. Also here is a link to Masterson’s booking documents. It’s said that the authorities have documented evidence that some in the Cult of Scientology knew about the alleged rapes. This is going to get very interesting indeed. 

Here’s some reactions to Danny Masterson’s arrest from the web: