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Showing posts with label Funny Sh!t. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny Sh!t. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2017

Going Back to the USSR Comrade Pence?

According to WSBT-TV. Apparently some of the people in South Bend decided to give a special welcoming gift to make Vice President Mike Pence feel more at home. When entering South Bend to speak at Norte Dame Vice President Pence was greeted by this lovely display:


WSBT-TV reports:

The sign pictured above is up at the corner of South Bend Avenue and Edison. The sign is in Russian with the hammer and sickle, and at the bottom it says "Welcome Election Conspirators."

IR hasn't heard anything as far as any response from Team Pence about this symbol. IR is curious about how Mike Pence feels being associated in some people's minds with the old Soviet Empire. If anyone out there hears anything else about this let us know. In the meantime let us all pray that the Soviet Union stays dead!