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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Mark Driscoll: Modern Day Judas Iscariot

Fake Pastor Mark Driscoll

We had not planned on writing a post today, but the outrageous and blasphemous utterances of so called Pastor Mark Driscoll have compelled us to point out this man’s betrayal of the gospel.

Earlier today on Twitter (we refuse to call it X), Driscoll do proceed to make the following insane statement about Russian dictator Vladimir Putin:

Driscoll is either completely delusional or he is lying when he utters these statements. Given his past conduct as a pastor at Mars Hill we are inclined to think he is just another lowlife that has sold his soul for temporal power. Reading his words reminds us of when our Lord Jesus said this:

Matthew 15:8-9:

8 These people draw near to me with their mouth, 
And honor me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

9 And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

The fact that a supposed man of God like Driscoll could say such things about the communist dictator Putin is reason enough to reject him completely! As Christian’s we can think of nothing more disgusting and heretical that could be uttered from the pulpit than those spoken by Driscoll.

To paraphrase the late, great Barry Goldwater: “I think every good Christian ought to kick Mark Driscoll’s ass!”

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