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Saturday, May 14, 2016

WISH-TV'S News Directors Exit Continues the Decline of the Indianapolis Media

In an article on the Indianapolis Business Journals website yesterday. It's revealed that Elbert Tucker is leaving after less than a year into his time as the News Director for WISH-TV in Indianapolis. The article goes onto to say that Tucker is leaving to return to Tennessee to be closer to his family. It seems like the local news media in Indiana is only interested in having old line hack reporters like Jim "Shill" Shella on their payroll. And the Langley-Controlled Indianapolis Star has certainly declined considerably since they were sold to the Gannet Corporation in 1999. Instead of the Hard Nosed Reporting of Dick Cady we are now treated to Matt Tully and the garbage that his Circle Jerk Club would tell him as Gary Welsh used to say. Indy Republican is certain that the late great Gary Welsh is laughing from his grave at the continued decline of what remains of the mainstream media in Indiana. Click here for the link about Tuckers departure.

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