If you have any news tips, gossip or rumors you would like to share or any ideas for future post. Please send an email to: 6vwts@notsharingmy.info or contact us on Twitter: @IndyRepublicanX

You do not have to leave your name. We appreciate greatly your support.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Former Scientology Top Executive Mike Rinder’s Memoir “A Billion Years” Slated for September Release

Mike Rinder, Cult Whistleblower, Author, Activist and Destroyer of Cults

Earlier this week we were extraordinarily pleased to find out that former Church of Scientology spokesman, podcaster and writer Mike Rinder’s book “A Billion Years” will be coming out in September. It will be available for Kindle, in Hardcover and in audiobook format, narrated by Mike himself. As survivors of dealing with the cultic world that is Hoosier politics we find a lot of creepy similarities to Scientology and the culture of the political elites in both parties here in Indiana. By that we are not saying that our experiences are anywhere as horrific as Mike’s, but the suppression of independent thought, the bureaucracy from hell mentality, and a belief that the group leaders are above the law, is much the same in both Scientology and the political class here in Indiana. 

For anyone wishing to understand the dynamics of high control groups please checkout Mike Rinder’s blog here, also checkout his and Leah Remini’s podcast “Scientology Fair Game Podcast”. Looking forward to the book Mike! And thanks again to you and Leah for picking one of our questions to answer on the podcast! Your reactions to it were priceless!

Checkout Indiana Capital Chronicle

Happy Friday my children! We just wanted to let you all know about a great new news website that has emerged recently. It’s called Indiana Capital Chronicle, edited by the great Niki Kelly. Indiana Capital Chronicle was founded earlier this year. The purpose of the Chronicle as stated on their website is:

“The Indiana Capital Chronicle is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to giving Hoosiers a comprehensive look inside state government, policy and elections. More importantly, we will show how actions at the state level impact your everyday lives.

Over the years the number of journalists covering state news has dwindled and The Capital Chronicle will bring more eyes to the process. In addition to daily coverage, we will keep digging for more in-depth scrutiny on important topics.

Our staff of four – an editor and three reporters – has decades of experience covering the Indiana Statehouse and we are not afraid to take decision-makers to task. While the state capitol is in Indianapolis, we will also include perspective from outside central Indiana.“

We applaud Niki Kelly and her colleagues at the Chronicle and we believe that the late great Gary Welsh is pleased with this effort. We hope that it will continue to shine a light on the goings on of government at the state and local levels. The Indiana Capital Chronicle can be reached by clicking here, or by going to their website at: https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/

Have a great friday and talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Happy Birthday to Indiana Jones and Captain Picard

Before we get back to our semi regular scheduled programming, we all thought we would say a Happy Birthday to two of the IR Gang’s favorite actors. Today Harrison Ford most famous as Han Solo and Indiana Jones turns 80 today, and his fellow science fiction icon Sir Patrick Stewart turns 82, Sir Patrick is most famous as Captain Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek The Next Generation, he also appeared in Dune, Jeffrey and as a guest host of Saturday Night Live.

Happy Birthday Gentlemen! Live long and prosper and May the Force Be With You both!

Monday, June 6, 2022

A Tale of Two Congressman: Trump Doormat Mo Brooks VS Patriot Tom Rice

Congressman Mo Brooks AL-R

In Alabama there is an upcoming runoff primary to determine who will be the upcoming republican senate nominee. One of the two contenders vying for the seat is Congressman Mo Brooks. Earlier this year as reported by Paul Ogden and others, after originally endorsing Brooks for the primary former President Trump decided to rescind his endorsement due to Brooks falling stand in the polls. Since then Brooks has resurged enough to finish second in the primary and move to a runoff. 

Brooks has now engaged in what can only be described as a pathetic attempt to win back Trump’s endorsement. The attempt to pander to Trump is so childish and stupid we find it analogous to a dumped high school student who cannot get over his girlfriend dumping him and proceeds to make an ass out of himself, in front of the whole school. Brooks plea for reconciliation with Trump was released yesterday and we are posting it below for you all to read over and laugh at:

We especially are laughing over Brooks attempt to spin Trump’s pulling of his endorsement in order to give the campaign a chance to straighten up! All we can say is that Brooks should just accept that Trump broke up with him, and move on.

In contrast to the ridiculous and sycophantic ass kissing of Trump done by Mo Brooks, their is the approach being taken by South Carolina Republican Congressman Tom Rice.

Congressman Tom Rice SC-R

Congressman Rice is one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump after his attempts to overturn his election loss in 2020. David Cohen writing in an article for Politico reports on Congressman Rice and his upcoming primary:

Voting to impeach former President Donald Trump was the “conservative” thing to do, Rep. Tom Rice said Sunday, even though it might cost him dearly in South Carolina’s 2022 Republican primary.

“Defending the Constitution is a bedrock of the Republican platform, defend the Constitution, and that’s what I did. That was the conservative vote,” Rice (R-S.C.) said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” adding: “There’s no question in my mind.”

Rice said he was appalled to see Trump not lift a finger in response to the attacks on the Capitol and its police officers, as well as the threats to Vice President Mike Pence.

“It was clear to me what I had to. I was livid. I am livid today about it. I took an oath to protect the Constitution,” said Rice, who was one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump. “I did it then, and I would do it again tomorrow.”

Congressman Rice unlike his Alabama colleague Mo Brooks has a spine, class and strength of character to make the right choice and stand by it. Rice might lose his primary but he has kept his self respect. Brooks on the other hand we have to ask this: “If it profit a man nothing to trade his soul for the whole world, then how little does it profit you to sell it for a Senate seat?”

We will let you know when and if we get a reply back from Mo Brooks or his campaign. In the meantime if you would like to help out a genuine patriot, throw some support to Tom Rice and his campaign. You can donate on his website https://www.tomrice.com/

Thank You and God Bless you all! Be well my friends!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

President Biden Strengthening Freedom & Safety By Requiring Federal Law Enforcement Officers to Wear Body Cameras

President Joe Biden 

Although we wrote in a vote for president in 2020, and we have criticized President Biden on occasion, he has done something’s well. Examples include passing infrastructure, standing up to Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin, and helping to rebuild and expand NATO. Today Biden adds another positive accomplishment to his list. 

All federal law enforcement will soon have to wear body cameras under an executive order President Biden is set to sign on Wednesday, which has won the support of the group representing those personnel. 

The order will also require the creation of a database of officer misconduct to which every federal law enforcement agency will contribute and that agencies must then use as part of their screening process for vetting personnel. State and local entities will also be able to use and contribute to the database, which will also include federal officers’ commendations and awards. The Justice Department will maintain the database and make aggregate data available to the public. 

We think that having a database to log federal law enforcement misconduct, and to strengthen screening of officers is a good idea and is long overdue. We are in desperate need of tamping down on police misconduct. We do favor strengthening background checks for gun purchases, as well as laws barring violent offenders from being able to legally purchase firearms. Hopefully those issues will be addressed soon. Take care of yourselves, and do what you can to defuse rather than escalate tension.

Devil Trump Went Down to Georgia and Lost Bigly

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp & Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger-Real Republicans 

As we predicted here on this blog back in February, Brian Kemp easily turned back Donald Trump’s sacrificial lamb, David Perdue in yesterday’s Georgia Republican Gubernatorial Primary. Kemp won renomination with a commanding 73% of the vote to Perdue’s 21%. We were all pleased but not to surprised that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, was able to win his primary outright and defeat Trumpist Congressman Jody Hice, and also avoiding a runoff election.

Raffensperger is best known for a now infamous phone call in which former President Trump tried to get him to find “11,780 votes”, so that Trump could win Georgia a state he narrowly lost to President Joe Biden. Raffensperger not only refused to knuckle under to Trump, after Trump accused him falsely of helping Biden steal the state, Raffensperger released a recording of the phone call showing how Trump tried to intimidate him into violating his oath of office. We are beyond pleased that both Governor Kemp, Secretary Raffensperger, won last night in their respective primaries.
We also recommend Raffensperger’s book: “Integrity Counts”, alongside Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan’s “GOP 2.0”.

Trump also recruited attorney John Gordon in an effort to oust Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr.  Despite Trump's endorsement of Gordon, Carr won with 73.7% of the vote.

As to the two Georgia open congressional seats, the 6th and the 10th, Trump endorsed attorney Jake Evans and former Democratic state representative Vernon Jones respectively.  Evans lost 43.2% to 23.2% and Jones was edged out 25.6% to 21.6%.  Both did qualify for next month's runoff primary.

We are disappointed that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and Herschel Walker both won there primaries, but overall chalk last night up as a win for democracy and a YUGE defeat for Donald Trump! 

We still have a long way to go both fighting the influence of Donald Trump. And we have an even longer way to go in the battle against Trumpism, but we have achieved some long overdue wins, and now Trump rather than looking like a kingmaker is looking more like Superman not being able to fly!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Bacon Reigns Supreme! Anti-Insurrectionist GOP Congressman Don Bacon smashes Trumpist Challenger

Congressman Don Bacon R-NE AKA Bodacious Dude

Good evening friends. We are happy to report that tonight this the second round of primaries of 2022, that former President Donald Trump’s powers are starting to weaken. Republican Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska was targeted by Trump for defeat, has massacred his Trumpist challenger Steve Kuehl.

With 52.7% of the primary vote in Bacon is leading Kuehl 81-18. This margin of victory is so YUGE that even Vladimir Putin is envious! Granted it is but one race, and we are a long way away from slaughtered the orange man baby’s political machine, but to so thoroughly bitch slap a Trumpist is music to our ears! Also although we cannot tell yet, but it appears that Trump’s favorite Nebraskan and fellow pervert Charles Herbster is on track to lose Bigly in his Gubernatorial primary. We have finally found the secret sauce for Never Trump, we will name all of our candidates after popular foods! We could have Senator Hamburger and Governor Pizza!

Here’s a little information from the Republican Accountability Project giving the lowdown about Bacon:

For further information on Bacon click here.

With 42% of the primary vote in Charles Herbster is coming 3rd in a four way primary. And this is after Trump campaigned for him in Nebraska! Herbster is accused of sexual misconduct by several women. We try not to judge a book by it’s cover, but if this picture of Herbster doesn’t say “major psycho”, we don’t know what does:

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Our Apologies to our Readers: Trump Message Urging Midterm Boycott might be a Fake

UPDATE: We have received word that the midterm boycott message attributed to former President Donald Trump might be a fake. We apologize to all of our readers for this oversight. In fairness though this message does sound a lot like Trump, but we should have avoided making this mistake. When we make mistakes at this blog, we are big enough to admit it, and it looks like we might have messed this one up. Again our sincerest apologies.

With the 2022 Midterm Elections a little over 6 months away, former President Donald Trump continues his endless opining on whom he thinks should be elected this year. Trump of course just like an STD that won’t go away. Trump must keep being an nonstop wrecking ball of idiocy.

In a message that is posted above, Trump is encouraging all his supporters to boycott the midterms if his candidates lose their primaries. Okay let’s try and follow the logic where for a moment:

Trump apparently is going to be mad if his preferred candidates lose in the primaries, so he would rather throw a temper tantrum and see the Democrats win just to spite people for beating his chosen ones. Makes no sense from a political standpoint, which of course underscores the point we have been making for the past six years that Trump only cares about Trump, and has no ideological beliefs or core values other than whatever he thinks will benefit him for the moment.

The midterms are looking dicey for the Democrats, but with Trump’s assistance they might just stave off disaster.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter with a message of hope from Pastor Eric Stetson

Happy Easter to all of you out in cyberspace! Today we celebrate the resurrection of the savior of mankind, Jesus Christ!

For this Easter we thought we would share an Easter message from our friend and fellow blogger/activist/minister Eric Stetson on the reality of the Resurrection. Click here to read Reverend Stetson’s uplifting message about the resurrection and why we as believers, as rationalists can believe in the resurrection of Christ.

We believe as did the great 19th century minister John Wesley Hanson that rationalism can be belief in God, an afterlife and the Bible on rational grounds. Eric Stetson’s article argues this point exceptionally well.