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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Vulgar, Profane, Corrupt and Stingy Todd Rokita

What are we Hoosier's to make of Todd Rokita? IR has been writing about him for sometime now. But the events of the past week even have us stunned at this man's arrogance, condescension, and unbelievable sense of entitlement. Brian Slodysko over at the Associated Press and Rob Kendall host of the "Rob Kendall Show" on WIBC have done a great job at holding Old Todd's feet to the fire. Their are some individuals to whom the people of Indiana owe the greatest debt of gratitude for helping to show Todd Rokita for the clod and buffoon he is. All we can tell you our readers is these persons have been more than generous at helping to get the truth out about Todd. We are eternally grateful to our sources for reaching out to us and trusting INDY REPUBLICAN with much needed information. Now back to less pleasant topics. The chief of them being Theodore "Todd" Rokita.

On April 9th, 2018 Kaitlin Lange over at INDYSTAR reported that:

 Leaders of Trump's Indiana presidential campaign announced their official endorsement of the U.S. Senate candidate Todd Rokita Monday, just days after a report that the congressman called President Donald Trump "vulgar" in early 2016. Rex Early, the Trump Indiana State Chairman, and Tony Samuel, the vice chairman, said what set Rokita apart from the other candidates was how Rokita supported Trump after he secured the GOP nomination.

Ms. Lange cited an article by the Associated Press in which Rokita gave his reasons for endorsing Senator Marco Rubio instead of Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2016. Rokita is quoted as saying:

"When you see Marco contrasted with Donald Trump — I mean someone who is vulgar, if not profane," Rokita said at the time. "At some point you have to be presidential. People expect that and you see that in Marco Rubio."

Let's stop and examine Rokita's standards regarding what he considers "Vulgar, if not profane". In light of Rokita's endorsement of Marco Rubio for the GOP Presidential Nomination. Rokita must have some rather unusual idea of what constitutes vulgarity. Gary Welsh over at Advance Indiana in February 2016 wrote a post called "Marco Rubio's Days May Be Numbered". Gary reported on rumors that Marco Rubio having attended gay foam parties in South Beach, Flordia. Gary even provided these photos which appear to be of Rubio. One shows Rubio looking like a Chippendales Dancer, the other shows what maybe Rubio at gay foam party. One person commented on Welsh's post: "Evidently, Chris Christie was on the mark when describing Tio Taco Rubio as 'the boy in the bubble'.

Here are the photos in question. Look at them if you dare:

Marco seems to be devoid of vulgarity and profanity in Rokita's eyes. Which is interesting considering sources have told us that Rokita and Rubio share many similarities OUTWARD appearance however is not one of them. 

Rokita in his haste to try and make himself look important jumped on the endorsements of the leaders of Trump's 2016 Indiana Campaign as proof that President Trump was endorsing him in the Senate Primary. As usual Todd jumped the gun. Brian Slodysko reporting for the AP on April 18th, 2018 that: 

Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has demanded that Rep. Todd Rokita take down yard signs it says give the false impression the president endorsed the Indiana Republican’s Senate bid, two people with direct knowledge of the matter told The Associated Press. The rebuke came after two volunteers who led Trump’s bare-bones 2016 campaign in Vice President Mike Pence’s home state endorsed Rokita during an Indianapolis news conference last week.The Rokita signs, which have gone up since that event, proclaim in large white letters “Endorsed by Trump/Pence,” with smaller letters below adding “2016 Indiana Team Leaders.”

All the Rokita campaign said is "We do not comment on yard sign strategy". Here is what some of Rokita's yard signs look like since being bitch slapped by Trump officials:

INDY REPUBLICAN has made clear in the past that most of us here are not Trump supporters. But by what twist of logic can Rokita having been endorsed by some of Trump's campaign staff translate into an endorsement from Trump? What's next is Todd going to receive a pastor's endorsement and then claim God is backing him? Or what if some Kroger or Eli Lilly worker endorses him? Is he then going to claim that he has the backing of Kroger or Eli Lilly?

A reader sent in their idea of what kind of sign Todd would make up to convince people God was on his side:

Todd cannot even get it right when attacking his opponents. Here is a tweet in which someone responded to Rokita's attack on Mike Braun facing lawsuits over pay issues:

In several past posts on this blog. IR has pointed out how Rokita loves to misuse his office staff to further his political ambitions. We have mentioned how he used his office staff when he was Indiana Secretary of State to do political work for him on government time. And how some complaints were made to the Marion County Prosecutor's Office and the State's Inspector General as far back as 2011. But nothing was ever done. Turns out Rokita appears to still be continuing his habit of using office staff for political work. Rob Kendall posted an interesting find on Twitter earlier today:

Hat tip to Mister Rob Kendall for catching old Todd in the act. None of us here have ever met Nathan Brand Todd Rokita's spokesman. But he seems to be a poor man's version of his boss. Being Todd Rokita is bad enough. But being a pale imitation of Todd that is just pathetic! Oh and thanks again to our "sources". Until next time this is IR saying keep up the pressure on frauds and fakes like Todd Rokita. We will be back in awhile. Until our next post,Goodnight Everyone! That's a wrap! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

RIP Barbara Bush

First Lady Barbara Bush

INDY REPUBLICAN has just heard that former First Lady Barbara Bush has died at the age of 92. She was a fine woman and a wonderful First Lady. She has gone home to be with our Lord. Mrs. Bush may you now be free of pain.

Judge Napolitano Explains Why Attorney-Client Privilege Doesn't Protect Michael Cohen

Last week the FBI raid the law offices of Michael Cohen personal attorney to President Donald Trump. Since the raid of Cohen's offices the President has been claiming that the raid on his lawyers office has destroyed attorney-client privilege.

Other's are not buying President Trump's logic however:

The great Judge Andrew Napolitano explained yesterday what attorney-client privilege actually is. And to the Judge's credit he points out the problems associated with the President and Michael Cohen trying to invoke the privilege in this case:

Monday, April 16, 2018

Rokita's Ethics Problems are Much Worse Than you Think

Congressman Todd Rokita

INDY REPULICAN's least favorite Indiana Congressman just cannot seem to stop getting his hands caught in the cookie jar as Rokita wrongly decrees he is legally allowed to steal the cookies. Just as the "laughbox" is activated for sitcoms, Hoosier voters are repeatedly fed words such "unsubstantiated", "de minimus" and 'we received a private and secret ethics opinion' overtime Rokita is caught blowing money like a drunkin' sailor to promote himself and support his campaigns while allegedly "working" at his so-called "duty station".  Last Friday Brian Slodysko reportedthat when Rokita was Indiana Secretary of State that the Indiana GOP had locked him out of their donor database back in 2009.

Slodysko reports:

Todd Rokita likely violated ethics laws as Indiana's secretary of state by repeatedly accessing a Republican donor database from his government office, prompting party officials to lock him out of the system until he angrily complained, three former GOP officials told The Associated Press. The alleged ethics flap over Rokita's use of the Indiana Republican Party's Salesforce database during work hours occurred in 2009, as he was wrapping up a second term as the state's chief elections official and angling for higher office. Indiana law prohibits state employees from engaging in political activity while on duty or acting in an official capacity. It also prohibits work on anything outside official duties while on the clock, or ordering others to do so, and from using state resources for political purposes. The former officials, who have direct knowledge of the situation, spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk about it publicly. They did not report Rokita's activity to authorities at the time.

(While the above sources had not filed complaints, IR has learned complaints nonetheless had been filed against Rokita as far back as 2011 over the same issue and the Inspector General's Office still refuse to issue a response)

Rokita's campaign spokesman Nathan Brand said Thursday April 12th, 2018 that Rokita used the database to keep his personal rolodex, which Brand said was allowed under state ethics guidance the office received. However, Rokita's campaign could not produce documents outlining the guidance, and the office of current Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson said it could not locate any such records. State party officials were alarmed when they discovered that a computer in Rokita's Statehouse office frequently logged in to the database containing detailed campaign information on activists and donors. They froze his access to the system but restored it after Rokita complained. 

Slodysko also reports that mailers from the Secretary of State's Office were sent out to some county republican chairmen about Rokita's "Rethinking Redistricting" which garned a great deal of attention during Rokita's successful run for Congress in 2010. Two legal experts interviewed by Slodysko did not believe that Rokita's use of state resources and employees was legal. David Orentlicher a lawyer and former Democratic state legislator from Indiana said: "Using your government staff (for political business) during their work day, while they are using government resources? This is well across the line and not a hard call." Indianapolis attorney Bill Groth said he believes that Rokita or his employees were "engaging in unlawful political activity, the unlawful use of state property, and ghost employment." "Indiana law strictly requires elected state officials to wall off their public duties from political activities," Groth said.

Since the Secretary of State has NO STATUTORY POWER to draw legislative and congressional district lines, one has to question why Rokita spend thousands of dollars of taxpayer funds on a Rethinking Redistricting websites, promotional materials and a professionally made video shown at political dinners around the state in 2010. The expenditures constituted a bald-faced effort by Rokita to promote himself as he was trying to secure future "public employment" as his term of Secretary of State was winding down. Other politicians could be prosecuted for theft for the same actions.

We are very impressed with Brian Slodysko's article and we encourage everyone to go read the entire article. Slodysko should have asked these officials why they did not report Todd Rokita to the authorities.  Our readers may recall that we blogged in February of last year about former Indiana Schools Superintendent Tony Bennett's issues with misusing his office personnel and resources to try to get reelected to his job in 2012. In that post we also referred our readers to a post Gary Welsh over at Advance Indiana had made back in 2014 that discussed not only Bennett's problems but pointed out how Todd Rokita probably had very similar problems himself

The responses out of Rokita's camp sounds as if they have something to hide. The dearth of any substance in Rokita's attempt to defend themselves is nothing short of embarrassing. Here is what some others are saying about Rokita's response to AP's story:

As soon as this story hit the AP wire IR was immediately contacted by several of our sources stating that various government officials were aware or had been made aware of Mister Rokita's unethical, possibly criminal actions as far back as 2011 but that nothing was done about them. We find it impossible to believe that journalists in Indiana are only just now finding out about this. Here is just some of what we have heard about Rokita and the claim that his misusing his state office is a new revelation:

"The AP was informed that in March/April 2011 reports were made to the IG and to the Marion county prosecutor and no one cared" 

"AP was even given the name of the software platforms (campaign sales force and later backoffice) and the shared file the employees updated (for Todd Rokita) named “Lucy”

"Word around the water cooler was Curry’s chief deputy David Rimstidt back in 2011 was told by several people about Rokita’s indiscretions but did less than nothing."

Interestingly the late great Gary Welsh wrote here and here about Rimstidt on Advance Indiana in 2010. Rimstidt appears to be somewhat shady to many. 

“The Inspector General was asked back around 2011 if Rokita’s activities were not illegal nor unethical, that if they were in fact ethical and legal. You think they would have whipped the fantasy opinion out to show what they had sent to Rokita but they never got issued anything about Old Todd”

"Republican state committee people were up in arms when they found out he (Todd Rokita) was using campaign sales force and Rokita yelled at them when they turned off his account. He started using “backoffice” so the state party couldn’t monitor his use of office staff for this shit"

IR has been told by our sources that “Lucy” was the name of the shared file of the spreadsheet that Rokita would have his staff update names of donors, contact info, talking points for TR and the amounts of donations to other campaigns During his 2010 congressional run.These were spreadsheets he (Todd Rokita) used to keep information on whom to call for money when he was in the car. Our sources told INDY REPUBLICAN they haven’t the first clue where the "Lucy" file was kept. All that is known is that "Lucy" was accidentally found saved on the hard drive in the executive office in 2011. Many of our sources have been trying to find out why the file was called "Lucy" as one informant told us: "Kinda sticks in your head because you want to know “why did they call it Lucy?!”

If you feel a burning sensation in your wallet do not panic and hold on to it tight as it is only a warning that Rokita is near to feed his mammoth hunger for more ill-gotten money. Our sources also claim that Rokita received reimbursements and payments that he was not legally allowed to take:

"Rokita bragged in speeches around Indiana for eight years that he did not take a state car as Secretary of State, insinuating he was saving the taxpayers money.  What Rokita concealed from Hoosiers was that he was constantly receiving reimbursements for mileage from the State for use of his campaign car. Many in the State would argue it would have been better for Rokita to simply have his gas paid for using a state vehicle instead of mileage reimbursements."

"Rokita also received an extra paycheck and annual healthcare deposit by mistake from the State Auditor in January of 2011 as if he were Secretary of State while he was a congressman. Rokita of course refused to pay it back immediately unless he was first paid 11,000 for his “comp time” from when he was COS for Gilroy (even though the books had been closed for years for his time as COS for Gilroy). Executive Broadband employees do not get a check for past comp time after they vacate a particular position. Further, Rokita had previously denied other past executive broadband employees request for a cash reimbursement for comp time. Rumors were swirling about some “deal” he made to pay the money back in 2012 or 2013 before the board of accounts was starting to try to reconcile everything. For any other people, this would be theft."

INDY REPUBLICAN seriously doubts Todd Rokita got an ethics opinion on what he was doing with Salesforce. If he had received such an opinion publicly, Tony Bennett would have used it to defend himself. As our sources tell us “Rokita is only a master of using his staff for ghost employment. As Tony Bennett was slapped with ethics fines over the "red meat" list former Rokita staffer Cam Savage downloaded on public computers, many do not realize that Tony Bennett's action were naive child's play compared to the Rokita's."  All Hoosier taxpayers should challenge Rokita to produce his ethics opinion, whether issued publicly or privately, where the Inspector General made criminal ghost employment and theft of public resources suddenly legal just for him. 

IR would like to thank our sources for sharing with us their knowledge of Congressman Rokita, We genuinely appreciate, and understand the immense risks these brave people are taking by speaking to us, We want them to know that we are very grateful to them and encourage them to keep up the good fight. Here's to good old Todd getting his ass handed to him on a platter! With French-fried potatoes!

P.S. Not sure how accurate this is but Brian Slodysko tweeted yesterday that he found and interesting article on Wikipedia for the word "Rokita". All we can say is that if this Wikipedia entry is accurate it explains a great deal about Todd:

Ironic how ancient folklore even reveals Rokita to be a swamp creature, terrorizing hardworking Hoosier taxpayers all while he claims to be at his "duty station". If President Trump were still the host of the Apprentice, it would be funny to see the look on Rokita's face as Trump told him "You're Fired!"

Sunday, April 15, 2018

President Trump slaps Mike Pence and We Love It!

Hapless Mike Pence

This is a very first for IR We are about to say something positive about President Donald Trump. As we have made abundantly clear the IR gang are not supporters of Donald Trump. But we hate several other republicans far more such as Todd Hoekita Rokita, Mitch Daniels, Eric Holcomb, and especially the weak willed spineless jellyfish masquerading as a man, Mike Pence. But tonight President Trump laid the smack down and showed Mikey who was boss. Earlier tonight Jonathan Swan over at Axios reported that President Trump wanted to prevent Vice President Pence from picking Jon Lerner to be Pence's National Security advisor. As Mr. Swan reported earlier:

the President nearly blocked the Vice President from getting his chosen national security adviser. It's a highly unusual event, as Trump typically gives Pence a long leash on personnel appointments. This is the first time the President has tried to block Pence from filling a senior staff position. The scene also highlights — once again — the extraordinary importance Trump places on personal loyalty. Trump was furious when he learned Pence was bringing on Nikki Haley's deputy Jon Lerner, according to three sources familiar with the events. The President believed Lerner was a card-carrying member of the "Never Trump" movement because Lerner crafted brutal attack ads for Club for Growth's multimillion-dollar anti-Trump blitz during the Republican primaries.

According to a source familiar with the deliberations, Lerner, who currently serves as UN Secretary Nikki Haley's deputy, sought to avoid drama: "Jon does not want to be a distraction. He’s done incredible work with Nikki Haley and it’s important to our country that this work continues."
The official word, from Pence's press secretary Alyssa Farah: “Tonight Jon informed the Vice President that he was withdrawing from coming on board as national security advisor. Vice President Pence holds Jon Lerner in the highest regard and expressed his deep gratitude for Jon’s willingness to consider joining our team.”

What we find so interesting is if Pence really wanted to hire Lerner onto his staff that decision is his to make, not the President's. The reason why Lerner withdrew from joining Pence's staff is because Lerner knows that Pence has no spine. And if given the choice between working for Mike Pence or Ambassador Nikki Haley he would naturally pick Halley. Since she has more balls than Pence. Now some of our fellow anti-Trump Republicans would feel the need to criticize Trump for interfering in Pence's hiring decisions. But we are actually ecstatic that Trump slapped Pence down to show him just how puny Pence really is. So to President Trump we say "Well done Mister President"! It's about time somebody verbally beat down Pence.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Hoosier Lawmakers will now have a Sexual Harassment Policy

Sorry to just be writing on this now have been busy with work and personal life. Back on March 22, 2018 Tony Cook penned a column about state lawmakers and some changes in regards to sexual harassment as it applies to the legislators.

Mr. Cook reports:

The overhaul (to the legislative branches sexual harassment laws and policies) comes amid a wave of sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men in Hollywood, sports, media and politics. Allegations against lawmakers in other states have forced some to resign, lose leadership posts or face disciplinary action. 

But until now, lawmakers themselves have not been governed by any specific policy. 

House Enrolled Act 1309 will require lawmakers to establish a sexual harassment policy for themselves by Nov. 20, including how allegations will be investigated. It also requires all 150 lawmakers to complete one hour of sexual harassment training each year.

As you all know Indiana Legislators are no stranger to inappropriate behavior. Who can forget how “Stud Jud” McMillin the for State House Majority Leader was forced to resign because he got hammered and sent out a sex video on his cell phone? Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana fame wrote extensively about old Jud. Rumors were even circulating that the video might be in the running for an adult film award. Or former State Representative Eric Turner who flagrantly used his position to enrich his family’s nursing home businessOr the ownership stake Turner had in a building in Marion, Indiana which was leased by ACS to be a welfare call center? Or the rumors we at IR hear all the time about some Hoosier Lawmakers who preach the sanctity of marriage and yet cheat on their spouses? Eric Turner was Speaker Pro Tempore of the State House. Number Two to House Speaker Brian Bosma. Fellow lawmakers knew of Turner’s problems for years but did nothing until shamed into doing so. Word is Turner may have been using information he had on other lawmakers to get out of trouble. 

INDY REPUBLICAN is hoping that these law changes will crackdown on sexual harassment in the state legislature, but we won’t hold our breath waiting. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tim Swarens Hypocritical Attack on Todd Hoekita w/Update

Tim Swarens Opinion Editor of The Indianapolis Star

Earlier in today’s Indianapolis Star. Tim Swarens an editorial writer for the establishment paper of record penned an article “Todd Rokita wants to be your Jerk in the Senate”. We have written about Swarens being a bitch for the Hoosier political establishment before. As his column today shows he is still in the establishment’s pocket after all these years.

It is no secret that the IR team has no problem hurling criticism at Todd Hoekita as a reader of ours loves to call him. Truth compels us to point out that not everyone who goes after Theodora Todd Rokita is any better than him. Swarens article is proof positive of that.

Todd Rokita attempts Jedi Mind trick “You will vote for me!”

Todd Rokita, in his bid for a U.S. Senate seat, has worked carefully to craft an unusual, perhaps effective image of himself: I'm a jerk.

Why would any candidate want to encourage such a perception? Well, Rokita's other message to Republican primary voters is that Washington squashes nice guys faster than Donald Trump on a Twitter rampage. And it will take someone who doesn't care about good manners or good taste to be an effective fighter for Hoosiers in the D.C. swamp.

What other Indiana Republican today would criticize Mitch Daniels, even indirectly, for correcting a structural deficit in the state budget by reducing a property tax subsidy way back in 2005? Who else would release a campaign commercial that essentially says it was a mistake to build Lucas Oil Stadium and expand the Indiana Convention Center? Who besides Rokita would criticize the sitting Republican governor and state legislative leaders for increasing the gas tax to improve Indiana's neglected streets and highways?

What Swarens should be asking is why aren’t most Hoosier Republicans criticizing Mitch Daniels for using taxpayers money to pay for Lucas Oil Stadium? As for Holcomb’s raising gas taxes, and hiking user fees to maintain our roads. Why should this be necessary given that “Major Moves” which Mitch Daniels pushed for and signed into law in 2006 was supposed to provide for Indiana’s road needs for decades?

Todd Rokita deserves no credit for his criticism indirect or otherwise of Daniels and Holcomb. As some the following from the Indy Republican mailbag will make clear:

TR (Todd Rokita) actually has never been their Daniels and Holcomb’s) bitch he criticizes them to "raise" himself to their level of perceived "stature" not bc he cares about the issues”

“Rokita is a little bitch, a thief, etc, but he has never been in the Daniels/Holcomb orbit...Daniels and Holcomb are evil strategists. Todd is like the insecure irrational Prince in Shrek 3 whose mommy has groomed his fragile ego”

Matt Stone from Indy Student Blog pointed out why Democrats should welcome Rokita being the GOP Senate Nominee:

UPDATE: Todd Rokita was asked by CBS4’s Dan Spehler about his statement in early 2016 in which he called Donald Trump “vulgar, if not profane”. Here is Rokita’s laughable attempt to walk back his 2016 statements on Trump:

Monday, April 2, 2018

Is the Church of Scientology merging with the Nation of Islam?

If Louis Farrakhan’s racist Anti-Semitic Cult is combining forces with another group of bigots the Church of Scientology we should be concerned. Redstate Columnist Sarah Lee has a piece out today “Unholy Union” which explores the connection between the NOI (Nation of Islam) and the Church of Scientology. Miss Lee makes references to actress/comedian Leah Remini’s expose of the Church of Scientology in Remini’s A&E TV Series “Scientology and the Aftermath” as well as Remini’s bestselling book “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology”. We recommend everyone read Lee’s column and take a look at Remini’s TV Series and Book. We have long been friends of the beautiful, funny and talented Leah Remini and we admire her toughness. 

Also see our previous article about Minnesota Congressman and Democratic National Committee Vice-Chairman Keith Ellison’s ties to NOI by clicking here.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Conservatives should Oppose the Death Penalty

Recently we all were pursuing online and came across an intriguing article called “Republicans Should Seek to End the Death Penalty Not Expand It” by Sarah Quinlan over at Redstate. The article is well worth reading in it’s own right. IR being conservative Republicans and believing christians one area in which we are at variance with many of our fellow conservatives is in our opposition to capital punishment. We oppose this on many grounds rooted in our Christian faith as well as being a natural outgrowth of our desire to limit the power of the state to the functions it MUST absolutely have in order to defend the lives, liberty and property of its citizenry. 

Those of us who are opposed to abortion must if we are to be intellectually and morally consistent must at the very minimum be as equally concerned about the death penalty. It is an irreconcilable quandary to us to favor limiting government power but to also allow the state which we at best view as a restrained monster the power of life and death over its citizens. We are not opposed to killing in self defense or defense of others. Or in defense of the United States in time of war. Those are very different circumstances than executing a person convicted of a crime. As Christians and conservatives we are all to familiar with the reality of sin or of fallen human nature. We are all to painfully aware that sin and Vice have one of there greatest breeding grounds in government. For that reason alone we should abolish the death Penalty if only to possibly be victims of it ourselves. After all anyone may potentially be wrongfully convicted of a capital offense. This maybe just us speaking here but we don’t feel like being sent to death row.

For more information visit Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty by clicking this link: https://conservativesconcerned.org/