Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Open Letter to the Traitor Peter Meijer

Former Congressman and Sell Out Peter Meijer of Michigan 

To: The Honorable Peter Meijer, Former Congressman from Michigan 

From: The people you stabbed in the back and will make you regret it.

Dear Congressman Meijer,

All of us here would first like to thank you for having the guts to cast a vote for the articles of impeachment against former President Trump. We are also grateful to you for saying you stand by that vote. However your recent actions have made it impossible for any of us to never support you again and to work towards your defeat in any and all future runs for an office of any kind whether it be state, local or federal.

Yesterday you gave in interview after having announced your run for the U.S. Senate in Michigan where you stated your horror at what happened on January 6th, 2021 as well as your defense of your vote to for Donald Trump’s impeachment. So far so good, you then proceeded to flush your reason, integrity and your balls down the drain by comparing President Biden’s conduct as President as being on par with Trump’s. Specifically you make note of the Afghanistan withdrawal last year. We have also criticized President Biden in that regard. It shouldn’t need to be pointed out that an error in judgment as President is not morally equivalent to causing a riot in our nation’s capital. It can also be pointed out that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was negotiated by Trump. Yes Biden could have decided not to go along with it, but it was Trump’s deal so you should blame him as well.

Congressman, May I call you Pete? Well, Pete we all know that you are aware of just how unsuited for office Donald Trump is. We also know that your ego is inflated to the point that you think that the nation needs you in office so badly that you will turn yourself into a submissive vasal to your Lord and Master Trump. We have news for you Petey, as Barry Goldwater said: “The sky will not fall on a congressman or the country if he is not re-elected.” But like too many in the Republican Party you have shredded your principles for power. And so far you have gained neither. You did state in your interview yesterday that your supporting Trump if he is the Republican nominee for President will make Never Trumper’s very unhappy. You at least showed a grasp of something obvious. You have failed to realize that you have awoken a sleeping giant Pete. 

Honestly you have almost no chance of winning the Republican nomination for Senate. That much should have been obvious to you when as reported by Politico earlier that the Trumpist establishment would rather slit there wrist than vote for you:

“Peter Meijer isn’t viable in a primary election, and there’s worry that if Meijer were nominated, the base would not be enthused in the general election,” NRSC Executive Director Jason Thielman said.

Pete you are a very wealthy man, and you could easily finance your own senate race. So why don’t you just be true to what you did when you stood up to Trump? Run in the primary as a real man, not some sissy girl little biatch trying to kiss up to Trump? Michiganders prize independence and courage in their elected officials. There’s Arthur Vandenburg, George Romney, Bill Milliken, Robert Griffin, John Engler, Fred Upton, Rick Snyder and many others. Yes you might lose but the odds aren’t exactly in your favor as it is. If you are going to lose at least have some pride man! You are a sad reflection of how far we Republicans have fallen! We have gone from being Reagan’s Macho Men, and George Bush’s cowboys to sycophantic enablers and ass kissers to a man whose physical ambition is to as close as possible resemble Chester Chetah! 

We could go on but we have made our points. We will let Heath Mayo and your former colleague and friend Adam Kinzinger explain to you just what an asshole you really are:

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I came across your article denouncing Peter Meijer. While there are
    some points I agree with, I disagree with you calling him a traitor. Meijer
    might be making mistakes, but he's not a traitor. Nonetheless, I understand
    your disillusionment. My question is, is there anything that can be done to
    make you support Peter Meijer, and what can be done to change your mind? I
    hope you see this and respond, and I appreciate your time.

    Sasank | Mk8mlyb@gmail.com


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